Set For Success Sunday – Are you Lovin’ Your Body yet? | VLCD plan
Set For Success Sunday
Are you Lovin’ Your Body yet?
The close of this week brought with it the 3rd of our 10 love your body commandments which means we are almost a third of the way through this epic series. Loving Your Body is more than just a motto for the month.
It is the reason why we are all here and working together. It is important to feel comfortable in your own skin! Given that Melissa has got the Love Your Body commandments covered I am merely going to inspire you to act further on what you now already know!
Today’s VLCD inspiration:
[quote style=”boxed”]“Strength is the product of struggle, you must do what others don’t to achieve what others won’t ” -Henry Rollins [/quote]
For me this quote highlights the one key difference between success and failure especially with the likes of a Very Low Calorie Diet ( VLCD ) . If you take action on something with a proven outcome, then you are going to get the proven result. If you want to drop weight, – our diet works. If you want to get fit, – then exercise works. All that changes is your level of commitment, experience and expertise. Experience and expertise come with commitment!
Yesterday is no longer in your realms of capability to change, tomorrow is effectively a reference to something you don’t possess, so my question is when is the best time to make a change? Every time you take action you alter your achievements, – lets start altering your achievements then….
Download your Weekly planner and get your head space sorted to kill this week!
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]DOWNLOAD YOUR PLANNER HERE[/box]
If you read a quote or even came across a short story this week that empowered you we would love to hear it!
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Share your inspiration below![/box]
Thanks for reading and I wish you every success in smashing your goals this week!
Kind regards