Set for Success Sunday with Marc*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Day 34 Set for Success Sunday with Marc!
Day 34 -Set for Success Sunday
5 Weeks of the Challenge so far… EVERYONE is doing FANTASTIC… You guys are SMASHING IT!!! The results so far have been AMAZING and we have all really enjoyed reading all your comments! You guys are full of MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION! We are BUZZING with all your achievements!!!!
I hope you have signed up to the challenge, if not? You still can, so if you are sitting on the fence, jump in. It has been amazing so far!!!! All you need to do is enter your name and Weight loss Goal into the registration thread just scroll down to the end of the comments! Tune into our Blogs and Videos Daily and Remember to complete the Daily Tasks to be in with a chance of Winning a GREAT PRIZE up for grabs this Tuesday. There may only be around two weeks left… you can join any time … its NEVER too late…. Click here to Join the Challenge!!
Sunday is the perfect day of the week to reflect on what has passed and to plan what we want to achieve in the next week. Remember no matter HOW BIG your goal is, all goals are simply broken down into smaller steps. All you need to do every week is take a small step towards your goal. Then celebrate your small achievement in an empowering way, and then repeat the process the next week. Then all of those small achievements will RESULT INTO ONE BIG VICTORY! WOOHOO!!!
So whatever you want your weight loss to be it is simply a matter of following very ordinary things a day at a time. You can apply this to ANY GOAL, and all goals are easier to achieve when you are fit, healthy and confident. So let’s make sure you achieve your weight loss goals this summer! Week 5 of the Challenge is over so well done in getting this far!
What can you learn from the last week? Remember that if you make mistakes, have blips, or things go wrong, try to look at the bright side, count your blessings and see if there is a lesson that can be learned that will help you to have a better week in the week ahead.
Today is the day that I want you to get clear on the goal you want to achieve for this week…. a number of smaller goals will eventually result into one MAJOR goal.
SOOOO your task is ……..
Click here to download -SET FOR SUCCESS SUNDAY – word document
Click here to download- SET FOR SUCCESS SUNDAY pdf document for print
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Once you have completed the SET FOR SUCCESS planner then please share your top five goals and your treat for the week in the comments below! [/box]
Remember that all the best comments will automatically go into the draw on Tuesday for a chance to win a GREAT PRIZE!!!!
Hi everyone,
Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday. Mine has been great, done my walk this morning, revised, had 2 litres of water already, porridge and a shake, revised and now just completed the task.
My top 5 goals for next week are:
1. Stick to the plan 100%
2. Sit my exam on Tuesday
3. Exercise with kettle bell 3 times this week
4. Walk every day
5. Spend some quality time with my boyfriend
My big treat for the week is to have a long, bubble bath on Sunday, do my hair and make-up after and enjoy a relaxing day.
Have a great day everyone. Love. xxx 🙂
LOVE THIS 🙂 you had a well planned Sunday! Hope you enjoyed your treat xxx
1.Finish my draft proposal for my MA in Education.
2.Try to be creative when using the products, such as freezing the shakes in ice cube trays to suck on when I am feeling peckish.
3.Start exercising on the Wii Fit.
4 STICK to the diet 100%
5.Take the dogs out for daily walks.
Treat – A long hot soak in a bubble bath with my new book to read
Love this Lynn ….. hope they are all going well 🙂
My top five goals this week
1) Drink 5 litres of water EVERY DAY
2) stay focused, 100% no blips this week
3) loose 8lbs
4) do a Zumba class
5) learn to drive the lawn mower and cut the grass!!!
My treat this week to buy some new leggings, now my legs are taking shape!
Loving the leggings idea … Hope you get a lovely pair 🙂 Great goals and Good Luck xx
Top 5 goals this week:
1. Gym 4 times nd swim 3 nd joining into one class
2. Stick to 100%
3. Take my during picture again
4. Weigh in nd be positive,each lb counts
5. Count down my days till challenge is over 🙂
Extra shake on Friday for movie night & go out sat wearing my new top and don’t drink 🙂 bring it onnn
WOOHOOO i love these 🙂 xx
Hi guys hope the sun is keeping you all motivated, and u are all having a lovely weekend, mine has gone a bit pear shaped, well to be honest it’s starting to resemble a more pineapple shape at this stage lol BUT tomoro I’m back on it like a car bonnet and intend to be more banana looking shape by the weekend lol….
My top 5 goals for this week are
1. To stay focused and realise why I’m doing this plan.
2. To remind myself that I’m doing this for me and me alone.
3. To drink 3 litres of water and not the bare min of 2..(well its a start in the right direction)
4. To instill in my brain that once u blip it’s not a licence to eat/drink what u haven’t for the last few months…And that food and drink will still be there in abundance once I reach my goal lol
5. And lastly to realise that the New You Plan is brill but does not do miracles to get me an ironing board tummy (5 kiddies later) and to accept that my kangaroo pooch is always going to be part of me lol.. Well unless I win the lotto and do lipo lol.. (Well if u can dream it and all that lol)
So my treat this week will be nothing only a well done Karen..(once I make the 7 days)
And I do think I will, iv come too far to turn back now..
Good luck to everyone starting tomoro, good luck to everyone on the success so far on the challenge, and thank u all for the continued support without it now I would surely heading for the water melon shape lol…. Xxx
AWWWWH This is Great Karen. 🙂 xxxx
1- Add extra tummy exercises to my daily routine
2- Get up earlier in the morning to walk the dog
3- NOT weigh myself everyday!
4- Drink a litre of water after work
5- Give 100% to my exercise
Shipping next Saturday so I think my treat will be clothing related!
These are Good Goals….. thinking i might take some of your tips 🙂 xxx
1. Walk 3 miles every day
2. Swim with my daughter
3. Go through my wardrobe and chuck out my large clothes that don’t fit now
4 Pass my exams (get my results tomorrow!)
5. Sort out stuff I have stored as most is probably rubbish LOL
My treat for having a good week is:-
Pick Up my new car on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your exam went well 🙂 xxxx
1. Absolutely NO blips (TOTM so this will be a real challenge this week)
2. Hit the gym before/after work daily
3. Increase water intake
4. Finish planting my garden so that I have plenty of nice fresh organic home grown veggies to chow down on when I switch to the maintenance plan in a few months.
5. Remember to do my calming yoga and stretching dvd before bed every night so I wake up refreshed and relaxed. Work is manic at the moment. Staying calm is key to sticking to the plan without mindless nibbling between meetings.
My reward will be a nice long relaxing swim saturday followed by shopping for a new dress for my holidays (hopefully in a smaller size) and a long bubble bath sunday evening.
Good Luck…. you can SOOOOOO DO IT!!!! xx
Hi guys, hope your having a great day
Felling very positive this week woo whooo!!!
My top 5 goals for the week are as follows:
1: Stick to the plan 100% with a positive attitude
2: Increase my water intake by an extra liter
3: Now that i have more energy increase my exercise routine
4: Keep focusing on how good i will feel once i reach my final target
5: Be happy in myself knowing i WILL get there and be the person ive always wanted to be SOON 😀
My treat will be sorting out my summer clothes and picking one as my goal to fit into for Bulgaria at the end of july!! 🙂
POSITIVITY really helps 🙂 I sorted my summer clothes yesterday… hoping i can buy smaller ones soon hehe xxxx