October Challenge Week 1 – Keep the Focus and Drop a Jean Size
Rock that Accountability !!! Keep the Focus and Drop a Jean Size
Today’s Challenge is all about you! I want to keep you accountable for one week because I want to see you make it through.
That is why I am going to share something with you that I have learnt from studying the athletes and icons that I have admired and sought to aspire to throughout my life. This holds the key to success not only in this diet but in everything you want to achieve.
I have noticed two key elements in these people, the first a willingness to rise above their own expectations either by ignoring them or using them as a challenge. The second point and the one we will be zeroing in on is the ability to focus in the face of a challenge. To give an example Richard Branson earned and lost his fortune many times before actually finding a way to hold onto it. I have also read numerous stories of fitness athletes battling through injury to be the top of their class – all of these people seem to finish on the same conclusion – they new what they wanted and they were going to find a way to get it through sheer determination or what I call focus.
If you believe you need something you are going to find a way to get it!
I used these two examples as it shows how it all blends in – it does not matter if your are trying to get fitter or expand your business, being completely focused on one goal allows you to manoeuvre yourself round anything standing in your way.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Therefore in today’s challenge, I want to hear from you about what you do to keep your focus. To start the ball rolling when I train on my rowing machine I will actually count through my strides in my mind to keep the focus on only one thing! I do the same on the diet in that I draw up a plan of my daily tasks in the morning to make sure that I achieve two things in a day a) keep busy and b) stay calm by being organised.
This is a great exercise and for those of you who have been with us for a little while this gives you a great opportunity to share your own key to success with others. [/box]
I would love to hear from you so please comment below and I will be drawing a prize on Friday so make sure you are in it to win it!!!
Thanks for reading and watching
Want to lose 14lb 😉 xx
The key to me staying focused and to me having success on this plan is actually slightly schizophrenic. 😉 I talk to myself, and literally talk myself down from blipping. I become my own friend and whilst I am not kind to myself, I am a damn good friend and thus I talk to myself as if I were my friend. I have always struggled with my weight and have poor body image so visualising myself slim is very difficult for me as when I was slim, I could not see it. Therefore it was no loss to me when I gained weight, until I realised the effect it was having on me. In essence I have to fake it until I make it, and keep telling myself that this is my time and my chance to finally remove this hang up of mine whereby I don’t feel worthy of being proud of my body. And I’m enjoying being that bit kinder to myself along the way. People can do things for us throughout our lives but realistically we are our own carers. I’ve stepped up to the role at last and my god does it keep me busy. 🙂
Every morning the often when everyone else is asleep , I come on to the Secret Slimmers page , to see how well everyone is doing .
I fill 5 bottles of water ready for the day ahead . When I know they are empty I know I will have managed my 4L for the day.
When I Go for a walk up the hill that’s near me, I keep remembering why I am doing this and when I get to the top , I sit for a while and just watch the birds and listen to music . I also remember that when I started I could not get to the top without stopping a number of times, showing what can be achieved if you keep on trying hard.
I am focused on reaching my goal & try to support other Secret Slimmers along the way .
If I am struggling to stay focused I try on my original work trousers , and then I can see how much I have achieved in the last 18 weeks 🙂
The New You team are a wonderful support , together with the Secret Slimmers . 🙂 🙂
I write and I write and I write – I made a lovely weight loss journal and I use it to include motivational words, hints and tips from SSers (yes, you do all help me!!), I stick both fat and skinny pics of myself in, I put in a photo of me holding 14 packets of Kerrygold Butter in the fridge aisle in Tesco’s when I lost my first stone and I stuck in the size 14 label off my new top and set a date for when I’d buy the Size 12, basically as you can see from the examples, I record What’s important to me so iam accountable to myself – and all the more proud of myself for my achievements! My Weight Loss Journal is my constantly updated Vision Board! Works for me! Hope that helps or inspires someone <3 <3 <3
1. I do 1 hour minimum each day at the gym with 1 rest day.
2. If I get the urge to eat I walk the dog.
3. Keep on top of the water.
4. I record everything
5. I tend to wait until about 1pm for my first shake.
6. I always have a savory meal at the same time my family eats.
7. I only have a bar or snack when and only when I’m stressing about food.
8. I think of what length of time it will take to reach my target.
9. I remind myself how good I feel on the plan
For me to keep totally focused I plan,plan,plan ! “Fail to plan…..you plan to fail”
I am treating this Newyou like its a jewel and guarding it with my heart and soul,
So nobody can take it away from me (by temptation, or my loss do willpower)
I deserve these 12 weeks, and that’s why I am making this my priority, using weight tracker apps on my Fone and reminders of words of wisdom that send me alerts, and also logging on to secret slimmers for inspiration I cannot fail 🙂
I love this plan! Xxxx
Ooooops it’s tess 🙂
Aaa argh!! 😉 predictive txt
I keep my focus every day by writing it all down in my diary, which is really just a notebook. There are no dates on the pages because I don’t want to feel guilty if I don’t fill in a day. It’s just for me to talk to myself and give myself a kick in the ass when I need it and it also allows me to have a safe place to vent about any problems that are going on in my life. So instead of going out and buying a pack of malteesers and a bottle of wine, I have gotten into the habit of having a cup of coffee and pouring my heart out on the pages. It works so well for me. The thing is, there is no time in anyone’s life where they are free of problems , that’s just life. So I found a way to get the frustration out of me without hurting myself ( by getting fat) or taking it out on anyone else. I also put myself and this diet first. This is key. I say no to people who need something from me that will jeopardise my weight loss plans. I have my list of priorities , my kids needs, my husband, my parents ( I do their driving). When I have reached a place where I feel I can deal with more stress or cope with family functions, then I will go . But my day everyday is about getting my weight down, looking after my family’s basic needs, being on secret slimmers, having lots of time for myself and of course work. I get rid of clothes that are too big because I know I will not need them again. This is a mission, a one way ticket. I never give myself a pat on the back either because I’m not there yet. Previously on other diets I thought at around 12 stone ” oh I look pretty good now” and subconsciously , I ve stopped putting everything into the diet. I’ve learned a lot from past dieting, but the great thing about this diet is the consistent weight loss every week. I look at clothes online that I might like also to keep me focused. So yes, staying focused is my priority . The facebook page is great for keeping me focused too with challenges and advise and other people on the same journey. Sorry this is so long winded but basically, keeping myself happy first and foremost, being that little bit selfish with my time gives me more space and time to focus on this weight loss which is what I want more than anything. Thank you 🙂
I made a A4 calendar of the 1st 12 weeks. Each morning I cross a day away with writing 100% in that day. I get up in the morning pack my blender and 3 products for the day, so I have no reason to come of plan. I fill my water container as well. I then look in the mirror each morning and this is one bit thing that keeps me focused. The last thing and most important to me is my 2 sons. They lost their grandfather my father a while ago and this hit them so badly as he was like a dad to them. They worry all the time now about my health and weight. So this to me keeps me focused to achieve my goal which I have wanted to do for such a long time just didn’t care about myself. My sons are my world and I want to be here to see them married and have children themselves xx
I keep an inspiration book/diary for all the little sayings u post that resonate wih me, for my aspirations, inspirations, goals, successes and every little thing I d that is good for me. I call them credits. This is my ‘bible’ and feel good factor
Well please don’t think this is weird and I also hope the girls don’t mind !!!!!!!!!!!! I have printed out a lot of your before & after photos & your in my food cupboard on my Fridge, in my hot press, in my bedroom, bathroom etc, etc,. In fact you all live with me. Its a pity you don’t do my housework lol . This is what keeps me focused apart from talking to myself I sometimes talk to you ( no not going mad…I think)I will have arguments with myself…(not with the girls)I find it hard to visualise myself slim and its only by looking at these photos that I KNOW I CAN & WILL DO THIS. So thank you girls for keeping me focused and coming to live with me. Who’s turn is it to do the ironing tonight 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxx
I’ve put wedding stuff everywhere to keep reminding me why I’m doing it. And a fat photo on the fridge.
Fantastic challenge today Grant!
Personally, the only way I can stay focused is by creating BOTH the image of myself succeeding (so with the diet actually seeing myself in the size 10 dress, looking HOT) as well as linking and feeling the emotions that I would when I have succeeded (so experiencing the happiness and self worth I would feel when I have reached the goal) TOGETHER.
Then, when I am having a weak moment, or if something unexpected floors me, I will pull that image and that feeling into my mind and savour it… no temporary joy could ever match this, and so it keeps me right on track 😉
I also find that mantras help enormously… as long as I believe them, and they are empowering!
My personal favourites right now are “I DON’T eat that” (in comparison to I CAN’T have that) as it places the power right back in my hands and removes the sense of victimhood / being hard done by / being denied something ;-)
My calendar is a great motivational tool too – I look at the weeks ahead and the upcoming events (like a friend’s birthday, or a work event I need to give a public speech at) and work out how much thinner I am going to be by then 😀 It makes everything more exciting, and breaking things down into smaller goals with smaller timescales makes it all seem much easier to achieve – woop!
Thanks for the challenge today Grant – until I started typing I didn’t fully realise how many things I use to keep me focused and on track! 😀 xxxxx
firstly, I come on the SS page on facebook and read the wonderful comments from all the inspirational slimmers who are on this fantastic journey too 🙂
I keep a journal of my success to date , I also write any inspirational quotes I find on the inside cover and re-read these all the time.
I try to exercise daily, even if it is only a 30min walk I do – I find it really helps to clear my head, gives me time to think about why Im doing this.
Thanks NewYou, you are changing me for the better! Not just my body, but my whole attitude to life 🙂
Good luck everyone, keep going 🙂
I made a calendar for the twelve weeks that I will be on the plan and I tick off a day every night before I go to bed, I also made a chart starting with my weight at the start of the plan and ending with my goal weight and I tick off each pound after every weigh in, I find this one really helps keep me focused. I stuck it to the front of the fridge to remind me of how far I’ve come every time I get tempted 🙂
I start my day….every morning by coming onto FB and checking how my New You Familia are doing. I find it contiually inspiring and love to here the success comments and to help in my own small way those who need a wee kick up the butt …..or a cuddle…lol…I plan my day and if going out make sure I have a bar and a bottle of water to drink in the car. Like OonaghI line my water intake in the fridge door and when they’re all gone…I know I have had my water for the day….my teas broth etc; are extra…all helps. I EAT BREATH and SLEEP NY….sure I am boring the pants off everyone but so excited about FINALLY being in CONTROL of my weight….another stone and I will be the lightest that my husband Jim has ever known me…..really really want him to have the slim gorgeous wife he deserves….He is my second boyfriend and husband lol….led a sheltered life me….I always tell him that the first husband of 19yrs….” Had the best years of my THIGHS” LOL, thankfully he loves me for me and SLIMMER me will be the cherry on the cake. Also I focus on that TFR isn’t for life….it’s for a set time, whatever it takes to reach our different goals…..I do now KNOW not to turn to food to fill any emotional void….and I also know once at my goal that it isn’t over I have to maintain what I’ve achieved. I love the SS’ers think I have made some friends for life….love Julie-Ann and the New You team…your all amazing individuals….as I’ve said before YES this is a business and work for you….but boy you all go the extra mile, and truely care about motivating ahd helping us all. Think I’ve gone off track a bit in my ramblings ….and YES Maeve I talk to myself too…but do it through the hairy weans (my wee doggies)LOL….and was pmsl laughing at Barbara….he he am I on the fridge on the cupboard door….and Oonagh….sweet sweet Oonagh….YOUR an inspirations as is Katie, Joy,Lorna, Annie, Shell, Rachel and so so many of you WONDERFULL SLIMSPERATIONAL WOMEN….oops and you guys…you guys rock….how well you’ve done….miss a few who have reached their goals and left us….some right characters…Sarah for one….but it is a journey and we all will leave at some point :(…ME….I always be lurking around for as long as your all here…..:D 😀 :D. LOVE YA’S
I stay focused for the day by planning my ny products for the next day when I am making kids tea.I also get 2 litres of water ready and in the fridge ready for the next day. so I plan the day ahead so I know I have the right products and enough water.
on the day I get myself a coffee and glass of water and look at the ss Facebook page , this motivates me for the day. I then busy myself getting the kids ready have a shake and head to work motivated and 100%
I keep a log of my ny products daily and wear a pedometer every day and try to push myself to do a litttle extra.
I find if I need help with motivation visiting the ss and reading their posts help and keep me busy
My main focusses are my degree and my diet, for both I:
* I remind myself why I am doing them.
* I think about what life would be if I don’t achieve my goals
* I look at how proud my family are of me for going for my goals
* In thinking about my diet, I remember back to when I was so heavy I struggled to breathe on a daily basis.
* I dream of my future as a grandmother.
* I keep an excel spreadsheet of my weight loss on a weekly basis and make daily visits to secret slimmers to hopefully support others and get support myself.
* I keep up to date with college work, ask questions when I am unsure.
* I remember that I also have a family/friends and a life outside of these goals>
* I am kind to myself and to others.
* I accept that I am human and that I am on a journey both in my personal and academic life, that there will be things that test me and that it is ok to get things wrong as long as I don’t give up.
* I am proud of myself as I climb the mountain to my fantastic future!
I stay focused by keeping regular check on ss fb page also I’m only on week two and found the seven day videos really helped me focus and right now I’m using last weeks weight loss to keep me focused I’m going to a concert in 6 weeks and hope to be going with a brand new outfit hopefully from the high street and not fat shops
I keep my focus, simply by logging in to secret slimmers!! The trials n tribulations, the ups n downs, the roller coast ride which we all experience and so that I know when I am feeling different emotions, I know that I am not alone!! And it’s a great feeling!! I have tried every diet under the sun but gave up after 2/3 weeks!! I’ve been on this diet for 10 weeks n counting and am still enjoying it!! And I know it down to the secret slimmers community xx Losing 2 stones 6lbs in total in that period has changed my life!! Size 10’s are slowly filling my wardrobe, my dreams really are coming true xx
I make sure that I do not let myself get hungry so I try to eat at the same time every day. Brekkie at 9.30, lunch at 1, a shake at 4 and dinner at 7, this way I am not tempted to blip and my tummy doesn’t give out to me. I have divided up the meals into lunch bags and just grab one every morning and go. I also have printed out pictures of my ideal wedding dress, as I am getting married next august, and I have stuck them up around my kitchen to remind me to stay away from the freezer and keep me focused on the main reason I am doing this, I want to look good in my wedding pictures. I have my wii set up and try and use the wii fit or zumba game for half an hour each evening, I love to dance so this isn’t too difficult to get me to do it.. I also carry wafers or bars if I am going to a friends house to snack on if they are munching on rubbish food. I also read the fb page often during the day to remind me I am not alone and that I can do this and have the support from all the other ss people if I need it…
I think the main thing which has kept me focused on this plan is keeping a photo diary of my changing body. From being morbidly obese to obese to overweight and soon to be healthy. The change has been dramatic with a 5 1/2 stone weight loss. Looking back at my starting photo, I always wonder how I ever let myself go to the extent that I had… I looked awful – face swollen, fat arms, fat legs, fat tummy, fat all over really … But now I look at each photo showing the change that has taken place – like a metamorphosis where I have changed from a horrible fat grub into a beautiful butterfly who very soon will be able to spread her wings and fly, and I feel absolutely terrific and so so proud of the journey I have come and the changes I have made. Every aspect of my life has improved since joining the NEW YOU Plan.
The before and after pictures are an absolutely fantastic aspect of the plan, documenting every slimmer’s journey – the highs and lows. Each picture tells a story. Each picture shows a sad side and a happy side. The happy side being the completion.
Most definitely looking at my photos – and the other slimmers has kept me motivated on my end goal. Never once have I felt more determined than now to succeed and with the continued support of the group and posts such as these, I know I can, I will 😉
Well I’m only on day 10, but today I put on a blouse I had ‘grown out of’ and it fits!!! That’s all I need to stay focused.
I look at some of the patients that I treat and think how on earth can I empower you to be healthy when im the picture of an unhealthy lifestyle. So out went the cigarettes and now the food binges. Four 100% weeks in and 1 stone lighter I feel great. Already I look better, my clothes are looser and I just feel good. Another 16lb will have me at target and this keeps me focused
what keeps me focused?? My 10yr old son gives me a hug every morning and he can get his arms around me a little more each day. he can almost lift me but he’s not quite there yet 🙂 my Mother died of obesity related illness aged 51. I hear her telling me to cop on when I’m feeling low and if I am feeling low and need focus I look at the amazing photos on ss and reread the blogs and success stories. they always help me. I haven’t given myself a time frame to reach my goal as I feel if I don’t reach it in that time I’ll feel like I’ve failed and give up. which I will not do. when I was obese my health was starting to suffer so that is what I think of. do I want the aches and pains back again and the answer is…Hell no.. oh and even if I don’t feel like it I make myself smile at everyone everyday..try it’s contagious lol 🙂
I am only on week 2 but what motivates me is me! I know I am in the right head space to be able to do it this time! I have struggled for years and got into really bad habits but my hubby has been I’ll since July and I wanted to loose the weight as I need to be around for him and my children. I fill my water the night before, have 3packs during the day and a bar with my cuppa at night. The fb and ss are great motivatiors, something which I haven’t come across before on any other diet-so it’s win win win.
I bought a size smaller dress when I had lost the 1st stone… I take that out and look at it whenever I feel tempted to abandon the diet. I have another stone to lose before I’m back to my pre retirement weight and don that dress.!! I have my eye on 2 more dresses and a coat so I JUST CAN’T slip up…….!
I also read all the inspirational comment on SS a couple of times a day.
I too get my 3 liters of water ready in the morning and keep track of my (watery)black coffee intake….300 mls per mug!. I aim for between 5 & 6 litres of fluid per day.
I have been on the new you plan since January. What keeps me focused is the results… Know that I will definitely lose the weight if I am 100%. Looking at my old pictures and seeing the transformation and the lovely compliments I get from people. This keeps me 1000% focused.
To stay on focus i tell myself everyday that i am succeeding on my journey..i try to planmy day & keep busyby leaving sime house work for evening times which us always the hardesr & the best motivation is reading all the posts especially at night before i go to sleep..
I think of people who won’t have seen me in a long time meeting them at xmas and they won’t recognise me I often think of meeting some old friends and how embarrassed I would be if they saw me now I think about noting tastes as good as slim feels I love when you do lose weight and everyone says well.done
What keeps me focused is the gym these days i just love doing it every morning mon-fri and weekend off and to keep on top of my water intake. Today i went shopping with my friends and i kept up with them before i would of been out of puff or sat in the car but today i was flying and i keep on remember this feeling 100% all the way Good Luck Everyone x
Go Lesley!!! Sounds like you are on a MISSION!! Totally buzzing for you hun!! Keep up the good work! xxx
I have a vision board on my phone of what i would like to look like in a bikini on a beach and how i would like to feel. I read it every morning and find it really helps to keep me focused on my goal! Embarrassing i also have one of the man id like to meetmeet lol may aswell aim high!! 😉 xx
LOVE keeps me focused. I have hated myself and my body for so long now that every morning without fail I wake up and say one thing I love about myself…. Throughout the day if I feel weak I repeat the thing I love…!!!! Be it a physically thing or something in my life! Once i have mastered self love wit the help of New You… I’m going to spread my positive affirmations on to others… There is a quote that I truly believe “people will not always remember what you said or what you did…but they will always remember how you made them feel” it’s important to make people feel good and inturn it will make you feel good and that’s what new you does xxxxxx <3<3<3
That’s my quote for the next week Trish. I need to absorb that! Good luck lovely xx
Awwww it is a good quote… Learning to self love here is important haha.. I think I’m turning into a hippie…!!!! Love Life Love New You xx <3
First thing i do in the morning is mark of my wall calender . It was daunting writng out 12 weeks but hey im on my 5th week already . I have stuck my little notes from Ellie on my mirror I read them as I apply my makeup it keeps me motivated . Down to the kitchen I go were I have left my 4 products and 4 litres out the nite before . In work I have a routine 1 litre is drunk before I have my porridge and another before lunch and so on . Also going to the loo I always think what Julieanne said about having fat dissolving liquid so that encourages me to drink more . Last but not least my new ss friends are fantastic as well as the new you folk you all are never far away when the damsel is in distress. Thas what keeps me 100% .xx
Love it!!! I’ve got some great ideas, calendar… I’m starting that tomorrow!!! :/)
To keep me focused I go to a fitness class every day and stare into the floor to ceiling mirrors visualising myself as a smaller size.i concentrate and see myself as a future thinner and healthier me 🙂
O and of course always filling my water bottles the night before so I can bring on the next day 🙂
To keep me focused this time around I hav had
my before picture enlarged and I hav them put
up on my bedroom wall. I see me at nearly
16 st in my undies every day and I know that is where I’m
never going back to.
I have photos of me looking fat, i know i dont want to be that person, she was unhappy, and iam not going back. I have a fat photo stuck on the back of my mobile phone, so i have a contasant reminder when iam out and about.
Grant, thanks so much for you videos they really are keeping me in track! The role call in particular because I want to keep hearing you say my name in your lovely accent! 🙂
There are a few things that keep me motivated
1. If I get tempted by something I say (in my head) that will show up on the scales…
2. I don’t allow myself to get bored – I have stopped watching TV in the evening
3. I put my shakes in a to-go mug in the morning, this way I can sip away until about 10/10.30 and I don’t feel hungry until later!
I wish everyone the best! We are all in the same boat! 😀 WooHoo for NewYou
I see my little man running around and that’s all I need to stay focused because I sure as hell want to see him grow up to be a handsome young man
My family are what keeps me focused 🙂 I want to be able to run around and play with my 2 youngest the way I did with my eldest. I also want to take them swimming and not feel self conscious in a swimming costume!! I want to be able to look nice on date nights with the other half and not have to try on lots of different outfits and hate every single one because it’s now too short or too tight!!
I see the New You plan as a small chunk of my life where I will do something for myself which will benefit those I love and it’s not forever…I will be able to eat when I am done. I plan my day so I have a product every 4 hours starting at 10 am, I constantly have a bottle of water by my side to sip on, if I have a craving I write it down instead of giving in because I know it will pass, I look at pictures from 2 years ago where I was happy with my weight, I’ve started making Christmas decorations for friends in the evenings to keep me from nibbling…all of these things help me stay focused 🙂
When I feel like falling I remind my self of the “feel good” factor I get when I jump on those scales and the pounds are going down. I keep away from the kitchen table when my family are eating their evening meal as this is the time of day I find hardest to cope with. If I feel like a binge I go and clean my teeth and this helps. When I’m tempted to look in the biscuit tin , I talk to myself and say……” You don’t need it. Food is only a momentary pleasure.” I keep trying on my clothes and love the feeling of satisfaction when I can get the zip of those jeans up without a struggle. The idea of a planner is good and I will try that to keep me focused. I am not good at writing down or keeping a diary but this will be my challenge for the next 12 weeks.
Hi ,
In my mind I have said for some time that I want to make changes.
This has become a tiny voice in my head, same idea as when I quit smoking.
Difference is it not the smoking monster , its a food monster that tempts me to slip from time to time.
Like a battle of wits really.
Now I look at food in a different way, especially the not so great types.
I will be honest I have had a few slips but the tiny voice is fast becoming a loud voice and it is drowning out the voice of the food monster..
Please dont find that I refer to the food voice as a monster…Its what works for me and I am this week kicking it..
The voice is continuousely there to keep me going on the right road..
Hope this makes sense..
The thing keeping me most focussed is the desire to look in the mirror and be happy with the way that the person starring back at me looks.
I’ve had a few blip days over the past 8 weeks but always ensure that I get back on plan the following day.
My confidence and self esteem is growing daily which definitely helps me to keep on teack. I also keep a journal where I write down what I’ve eaten, how I’m feeling etc snd tick off dsys on a chart where I’ve been 100%.
I’m determined to only see ticks against those days from now on 😀
What keeps me focused is that I don’t want to wake up anymore as that fat miserable in denial person I was before stating the new you diet, I can visualise what being slinky (not the one that goes down the stairs LOL) will be like.
My goal is my works Xmas party where I look forward to treating myself to a smaller than a size 16 dress, the big reveal will be like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. The new you products and support are great they keep me going on this journey it may be fast weight loss but I have conversations with myself (in my head) to remind myself its a marathon and not a sprint.
My daily routine has change dramatically and for the better I feel like I’ve got more energy and I seem to be more organised with myself when it comes to food, I’ve really settle into this FAB diet.
Ultimately NOTHING tastes as good as being skinny feels and only YOU are in control of your own destiny!
Keeping focus to me is key, with so much temptation and people saying they don’t agree with what I’m doing each day can be tough!
I started Monday – 4 days in now and feeling good! I designed a weight tacked spreadsheet that I update everyday with my weight, and comments in how I feel, how much water, what I chose to eat that day! And how I slept! 🙂
Basically a little private blog of my hour aye or things I want to do better!!
I started last week and it’s seeing the pounds disappear on the scales is what’s keeping me motivated. After years of ‘treating’ myself I have treated myself into size 16/18 clothes and I hate the way it feels. I want to feel good again and not sign every time I have to open my wardrobe to find something to cover me up. My birthday is in a few weeks and I want to feel good & look great for me.
Focus is essential for me – the reason I gained weight in the first place is because I lost focus. For a long time I lost focus on me, what’s important to me, my health, my values and my beliefs. During that time it’s like my body got bigger and bigger in a desperate hope that someone would eventually ‘see’ my lostness (not a word, I know!).
And then, I found my focus and through that I’ve found me again… Focus for me is:
Knowing what I want to achieve and why and reminding myself of those goals frequently. I regularly make weight loss charts (and laminate them lol!) that show both where I have come from and show where I want to get to.
I write in my journal – by focusing on my feelings, not only does it mean I’m listening to myself and caring about myself but it also ensures that I’ll never lose sight of who I am again. By keeping sight of me, I don’t need to bury myself in.comfort eating.
Working towards treats – I think up things I really want (Non food related) and then give myself a goal – when I get there I can have that treat, whether it be a new book, a lovely New notebook or some perfume it all helps to.keep me focussed.
I weigh every day – for many this doesn’t work and actually lots of people recommend against this. But I’ve found that if I.don’t weight every day I trick myself into believing that everything is A-ok and I lose focus. What works for me may not work for others and likewise I’ve learned that what works for them May not work for me. So I guess you could say that ultimately what keeps me focussed is to trust myself, know myself and give myself all the tools and compassion I need to achieve my goal.
When I’m feeling vulnerable or unable.to do that all by myself then I boost my focus by looking at secret Slimmers and either asking for help and support or motivating myself by looking at all the truly amazing people who are doing so wellbeing the plan and then I know that I can do it too.
I love this plan 🙂
I find keeping focus quite hard at times so i try to remember how healthy and confident i felt when i was several stone lighter !,i spend alot of time reading all the successful and encouraging shares on facebook and if all else fails i have found being part of this months challenge is really making me determined to succeed along with everyone else !!.