![[New Year New You 2014] Week 1 Task for first prize draw | Ketosis [New Year New You 2014] Week 1 Task for first prize draw | Ketosis](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Week1big.jpg)
[New Year New You 2014] Week 1 Task for first prize draw | Ketosis
New Year New You Week 1 Task
Your first step to dropping a jean size:
A little bit about what you can expect from the Tasks over these Challenges:
Over the duration of the challenge there will be a weekly task that we run designed to help you keep the focus, keep motivated and above all as at the end of the day results matter – we will keep you moving forwards.
The theory behind this weeks Task | maximise you chance of getting into ketosis
In the first week of the diet there is an all important ‘hump’ that you need to get over that is known as ketosis. Ketosis is where your body uses up all of it’s glycogen stores and switches its primary fuel source from food to your bodies own reserves.
Extensive research into ketegonic diets has provided vast amounts of evidence to suggest that this is the fastest way to lose wight. There are other upsides to the state of ketosis too, in that you will not be hungry, you will have bundles of energy and your mood will shoot through the roof.
At this point the big question would be why is this something that should be referred to as a hump? The reason being is that as your body burns through its glycogen stores at the start of the diet your energy levels will drop, you may be a little hungry and you may have a headache. Two simple tips for this are paracetamol and lots of water. There is a third all important factor which is going to be the topic of today’s task and that is mindset.
You have to have one or more factors in your mind that are going to be so empowering that they will overpower anything that gets in your way at the start. In my interview yesterday Sarah mentioned it was her daughter that kept her focused – she wanted to be a good role model and have the energy to play with her daughter. You too need to have that one thing that will mean failure is never going to be an option!
The Task:
Today’s task based on the principals above and is to quite simply list the reasons why you want this more than anything else in the world right now. Write the reasons on the blog wall below. My advice is then to place reminders everywhere you go on a day to day basis to condition these thoughts into your mind. Last year some of our customers went as far as writing personalised wallpapers for their mobile phones so it was in every element of their waking life.
The Reward:
1) The most important reward here is that by making it through a solid week on our plan you will give yourself the chance to get into ketosis and therein increase your overall results of success exponentially.
2) By taking part in this task and just leaving a comment below you will increase your level of accountability as I keep and eye on the blog and I will aim to walk with you on your journey.
3) If the above was not enough of a reason to do this then this might help spur you on – each week I will take the names of the people who take part in the daily content on the blogs and I will give away the prize you see below which will consist of a weeks worth of out TFR Products, one of our BMI tape measures, a 3 pac of breath strips, one of our Drop a Jean Size Journals and three water flavourings.
This Prize has a value of up to £99.52
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Comment below:[/box]
If you enjoyed the content of this blog please ensure that you check out our Mission: Drop a Jean Size Journal which is a complete guide to setting the right mindset in 21 days. The journal is designed to set you up for the first 21 days of the diet as this is the time it takes to condition your mind to make a routine a habit. Click on the image below to add this to you basket on on website.
Thanks for reading.
Kind regards
Great blog guys, thank you. My most important reasons to lose weight this year and get to a healthy BMI are: To get pregnant at the end of the year, way too fat for it at the moment! To be healthy, not out of breath when walking up the stairs, to look good in fashionable clothes, my best friend’s wedding on 1st of Sept so want to look good, to go on holiday in Oct and look good in bikini, to amaze my friends with my determination, at the moment they are mostly unhappy that I have stopped drinking alcohol but I will show them what I can achieve this year and if they don’t like it, stuff them!! xxxx 🙂
Hi Monica, it rocks to see you here again. Those were some really powerful reasons – these are the kind of reasons that are clearly important to you and that is key. Good luck you are going to smash this! I cant wait to see it all come true for you 🙂
PS life rocks without a hang over!
Hi There this is my first time doing a task but the most important reason that I am doing this is number one im already overweight and I want a baby the doctor has advised that if I get pregnant that I would be very high risk, second reason as iv been unsuccessfull getting pregnant I want to have a slimmer weight and BMI so I wont get refused IVF , so hopefully in 2014 I will have my dream baby as well as a being a confident mum xx
Hi Grant & Ellie
Fab video!!! Good luck Ellie x
My reasons for wanting this so much are to fulfill my personal challenge goal of 9.5 stone
To reach and maintain a healthy BMI
To feel good in myself body & mind
To be able to keep up with my kids
Live a long and healthy life
& the big one to get the £1000 from my dad
Keep up the great work guys
You are going to smash it Kate – you have blitzed every target you have put down so far! I can’t wait to see what this year has to hold for you 🙂 Thanks for the support as always and good luck.
My motivation/inspiration is to continue to fit into and look good in the wardrobe of lovely clothes that I treated myself to before Christmas. I reached my first goal before Christmas and now I am working towards my ultimate goal.
Having done something that is so set in stone is definitely going to motivate you and what is even better is when you get to goal and fit into the clothes it will be like a present to yourself as you will not actually part with any money at the time it happens! Awesome 🙂
Good luck Linda.
I’m going on holidays in August and I will have 6-7 stone down by then so I can feel great about myself by the pool!!!!!
This is super Dee. Having a deadline for a dream intensifies the need to act which in turn improves the chance for success. Good luck I am sure you will have a beech bod in no time 🙂
Hi all, my first ever task, how exciting?! I have lots of reasons for wanting to lose weight; 2 young kids I want to be fit and healthy for, a gorgeous hubby who loves me unconditionally who I’d like to look slimmer and sexier for, fashionable clothes I’d love to wear, high heels I want to wear for longer than 5 minutes before taking them off because they hurt my feet so much, sexy lingerie instead of boulder holders and Bridge Jones knickers! But the biggest reason for me is that I don’t love myself any more, I can kid myself that I’m ‘fine’ as I am and that I look good because I do make an effort … but really, deep deep down, I want to be slim more than anything so that I can fall in love with myself again and live my life like it should be lived … not on the sidelines but right slap bang in the middle! xxx
These are some awesome reasons Yvonne and from all the family here at The New You Plan welcome on board it is great to have you here 🙂
I am sure you will look back on this comment in a month or two and have a smile on your face for the lady you once knew.
If smack bang in the middle is where you want to be then we are going to everything we can to make sure you get there! I would really try to act on some of these now like pick out your goal clothes and put a picture of them somewhere prominent.
Good luck Yvonne 🙂
Thanks for the great advice Grant, I took it on board and have set myself a ‘mini goal’ for the 24th January. I’ve got a posh ‘do’ with my husband’s work so I’ve picked out an outfit that is too small at the moment but with some hard work I could fit it by then. It’s hanging up in the bedroom and gives me a fab boost of motivation every morning to stay on track 🙂
Hi guys,
Before Christmas I was thrilled to reach my first goal – and dropped a jean size, so here we go into January and I would like to drop another size. I know the weight loss has slowed to an average of about 2 lbs a week, but that’s OK – every pound lost is another pound towards the next size of jeans.
I have been very ‘ down ‘ about my continuing weight gain and just couldn’t shift it, which was playing havoc on my back – the heavier I got the worse the pain. Then I saw NEW YOU on facebook and thought ” this seems like it would suit me ” My partner is a veggie so I don’t have to worry about cooking for him because he does his own 🙂
I can honestly say this is the best way I have ever lost weight and also feel confident that you will always be here for me long after I have reached my goal. Because let’s face it – life is life and to live we have to eat and we all have our temptations and weaknesses, mine is deserts 🙁 So now I know I can always jump onto the wagon again and successfully loose the extra pounds I may put on.
My mood has indeed lifted and my back is definitely less painfull – LIFE IS GOOD.
Thanks guys 🙂
Woohoo Gloria, welcome back – you are going to get to your goal this year I am sure of it. Like you said it is not always about the lbs but it is also about the inches especially when you get to that slow point before it kicks off again.
You will find a way to enjoy your treats and live a healthy life style we will make sure we help you with these elements.
For now good luck with your weight loss and keep at it 🙂
I have joined and waiting impatiently for my products to arrive, my goal,is to lose about 3-4 stone, so I feel fitter, happier within myself, look in a mirror without feeling fat, get into the jeans that I bought 3 years ago and are to tight around the tummy!!
My son is very active and at this moment don’t feel I can keep up with him, so being happier and slimmer all round will help me become fitter.
I am so excited for you Judith – I know that if you stick at this those 3-4 stone will vanish for good! You will notice the changes you want and then some. To prepare for your pack arriving you can start eating healthy now just take a look at the healthy eating guide here:
Good luck Judith 🙂
Ahhh guys great video!!!!
2014 is mini me!!! 🙂
I have had my children and now I want to feel that confidance in myself again! 🙂
Want my size 10 power clothes!
Walk into any shop and know everything i see will fit (may not look great but I can try it and fit it)
I want to be trendy where the clothes I see everyone else wear that I couldn’t, skinny jeans and tall boots (calves are HUGE)
Most of all I want to be healthy thin and fit! I want my children to see my lifestyle and live my lives style
I don’t want them to face my issues in life!
Thanks Kelly it always rocks to hear our video was well received 🙂 You are most certainly clear about why you want this and for that reason I am sure that nothing is going to stand in your way. Your kids will love the changes they see in you 🙂
my reasons for this journey is to get to a healthy weight and bmi and to start to like myself again i dont like what i see when i look in the mirror so i would like to walk past a mirror and go wow is that me lol i also want to make my kids proud of me x
Great to see you back after the break Pauline 🙂 You have all the right reasons behind you. I know you are going to smash this! Good luck for 2014!
Reasons why I want this more than anything else:
I want to wake up in the morning with more energy and feel lighter as I start the day. I want to feel joyful as I stand in front of my wardrobe with choice to wear what best reflects my mood rather than what fits. I want to be able to keep up with my teenage children and my husband. Most of all I want to lose the weight and find what works for me to stay balanced and not have to repeat this cycle again and again.
You have a winning formula Patricia. I am sure that this will be the year that you get the change you are looking for and your reasons for wanting it are powerful. Good luck you are going to smash this 🙂
My main reasons for losing weight are my kids and partner. I want to be able to join in with everything they want me to and be able to run around after the 2 smallest ones with ease. I’ve even said to my partner that I will go to ‘Go Ape’ with him if I get to my goal!! Other reasons for losing weight are bringing back my confidence, feeling good about myself, wearing the clothes I want to wear and hopefully my back pain easing off. I also have 2 weddings to attend this summer and can’t wait to go dress shopping for smaller sizes 🙂 So good to see the tasks back…they really do help me!! X
Thanks Clare and it is great to have you back 🙂 I am sure you are going to be picking out a summer sizzler dress when the time comes and your hubby will not be able to keep up when you got to Go Ape – I am sure that will be a thrill! Good luck Clare.
Thank you for the great motivating blog. My main reason to lose weight is I need to have a hip replacement urgently. I can only just about walk around the house and am in constant pain. Outside the house I can just about walk to the car then have to use my mobility scooter. I AM ONLY 55 and I feel about 75 !! I have Osteo Arthritis and need to lose about 4-5 stone realistically so that I can have my operation. To get to my goal weight I need to lose 7 stone that will get me to a healthy BMI of 24. My BMI is 41.6 at the moment. I have just started the NY plan and aim to lose at least a stone this month. I WILL DO IT !!!
Hi Val thank you for reading it 🙂 That is a really important reason and it sadly is something that will be there all the time – take what it gives you to keep motivated and you are right – YOU WILL DO IT 🙂
Good luck with your journey Val and thanks for the support on the blog.
My reasons for doing this are as follows:
1) To gain confidence.
2) Due to my love of clothes. I want to look good in beautiful clothes.
3) I have been associated with the term ‘chubby ‘ all my life so I want to lose that once and for all.
4) To be a healthy weight for my height.
5) To feel good about myself.
Clear concise reasons Sandra – I know that if you give yourself the chance here all these points will come to pass and we are here to make sure that happens. Good luck Sandra 🙂
It is about being healthier – not about fitting into new/different clothes – as I lost a lot of weight years ago and was still wore plus size clothes! For me it is all about my health, with the plus (forgive the pun) being hopefully able to wear a size 12/14. I am giving myself 6 months to lose 6 stone and i will do it. I have set my taget weight on my calnedar at work so I can see it every day.
Stupidly though I am slightly afraid – I have never been thin…….I still have problems seeing me thinner/smaller….just take each day I suppose.
You have set yourself an achievable and measurable goal and put a time on it which are the most important factors for success. Trust me you will love your New You 🙂
Great blog!!
For me the reasons behind this diet go far deeper than just losing weight. It’s about changing a habit – I was brought up thinking food was a comfort. If I cried I was fed, if i was good I was rewarded with sweets, if I was upset I was comforted by sweets!! As an adult I need to break the mindset, I went from a size 10 to an 18 while pregnant. That was 12 years ago!! I need to loose the pounds for my health – out of breath on the steps up to the office is not a good look! For my self confidence, I hate being the fat person people feel sorry for. For the chance to wear the office clothes that I dream of, tailored..maybe a tucked in shirt haha (crazy talk right?!) and for my son. I want to be here for him as long as possible!!
Task 1 complete. Week 1 in progress. On my way to losing 5 stone!
Thank you so much Coral I really appreciate the support.It is never to late to make the change and there is no such thing as crazy talk when it comes to ambition. You have the mindset and we will give you the tools and the rest will become history. I cant wait for the day you post 5 stone lost on my blog!
Hi Guys.
So I’ve lost over 3 stone with New You and have maintained that loss for ages now but it’s time to get back in the mindset and to a healthy weight as i’m still technically in the Obese Category.
I really want another child and with my son i had Gestational Diabetes so i want to do as much as i personally can to possibly prevent this occurring in my next pregnancy. I would like to loose another 2 stone and by Mid Feb. XXX
Great reasons and so worthy! You have done great to maintain and good luck on getting back into the mindset you will SMASH IT!!! 🙂 XXX
I WANT to lose weight for my son’s wedding this summer.
I NEED to lose weight for my health, to be more mobile and to prevent future health problems.
I WILL lose weight because I am committed and I do not want to fail again
LOVE LOVE LOVE your reasons Deborah…. I bet you will looking STUNNING for your son’s wedding 🙂 Good Luck… we all know you can do it xox
I think the main reason I want to lose weight is to fit back into all my clothes sitting in my wardrobe and feel good and healthy heading out rather than scuttling around the place in tracksuit bottoms or floppy dressses and nearly dreading going out sometimes. I was in all those clothes – with some even a bit on the big side after a month on New You around Sept 2012 – but then we had a really life changing year at end 2012 with our little boy getting really sick and then spending 2013 going thru all the aftermath. He is back with a vengence 🙂 and so are we!! So if my blubber is a manifestation of all the worries and stresses I just want to ditch it – my family and head are back to where they were so want my matching body back too.
BRING ON ALL THE CLOTHES!!!!! You are back with a vengence and I am happy to hear he is better! I know you can do this and we are beside you every step 🙂 xox
I’m ready to win the bundle!! And I’m ready to be a new person!! Bring it on!!
Good Luck Melanie 🙂 Good luck on the bundle 😉 xox
The main reason for me to lose weight is for my 13 year old son , on fathers day 2012 his dad died very suddenly , he used to do everything with him and i feel quite useless because i cant do the same with him as his dad did , i need to lose alot of weight , over 8 stone before i can do this , also i dont want to leave him without another parent , i am also doing this to be healthier , and would really love to be able to go to a shop and just pick up something that i know would fit me , and something that doesnt have to stretch 🙂 , and so i can actually be in proper family photos where im not hiding myself because i feel ashamed of how i look , i would also like to be able to walk without huffing and puffing ,, so lots of reasons for me 🙂 x
Just based on what you said here Diane I know you are going to get to this target and we as a team/family are here to make sure that this happens. You have the right driving force here to push you through this and we will make sure you get the rest. Good luck Diane and here is to the New You!
What a great way to start the new year. My reasons for losing weight are to be healthy for my three young kids, to feel sexy again like I did before having kids and not to be winded going up the stairs or have sore legs at the end of the day! I have lower back pain that comes back when I am fat so I need to loose the weight for sure!
Hi guys, great video, enjoying my journey so far with fab results. I am going to join these tasks as t is such a great way to stay focused. My motivation and main reason for doing this is my 5 yr. old son, he is my world and a couple of years ago it seemed unlikely I would have another Christmas with him following illness. It made me realize time is precious and I wanted a healthy and fun filled life with him. already enjoying life so much more for having reached my first goal. Thank you to all the team you guys are great.xx
Hi Faye, thanks for the compliment 🙂 I am thrilled you have already hit a goal and I hope that you are completely recovered from being so ill. You too have the right forces as work for you and I know this can be the year of change for you 🙂 I really do look forward to seeing you here.
My reasons for getting to my goal weight haven’t changed since last year, but the difference this year, the clock is now ticking!!! I want to be at goal by the end of May when my daughter celebrates making her first Holy Communion, and I have booked a family portrait for the occasion something I have never had done before! So it’s huge determination to keep me going. I lost 6 stone in 2013 and have be maintaining since November but now it’s time to get the final 4 stone off…. For good
My inspirations are all the success stories from the ladies and gents from 2013, some of which I have become FB friends with, and they have been a huge support to my journey so far, my goal, is to be one of those success stories, and have other look up to me
My reward for reaching goal is a holiday to Orlando which is now booked and paid for for June 24th…… So now it’s up to me!
Welcome back Caitrin you have set yourself the right challenge here as you have defined all the elements for your success and I am sure you are going to look absolutely amazing in the portrait 🙂 Good luck and thanks for the support.
Delighted to be back Grant and doing grand so far 😉
My motivations and reasons for achieving ketosis and staying there until I reach goal is:
*to achieve the best physical and mental health possible for me
*to show my children that it is possible to set goals and achieve them
*to wear a beautiful dress at my daughters confirmation in March and when I graduate later this year
and ultimately to give me a fantastic boost that I have achieved one of the most important goals I have ever set myself!!!
Welcome to the New Year Shell – some of your reasons have stayed the same and there are some new ones there. Most of all you know you can do it with all the success you had last year. It is the home stretch for you now and I am thrilled that I have been here to watch your journey take shape. Thanks as always for the support Shell – good luck 🙂
My inspiration for reaching my goal weight is mainly health related. I have osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia & seizures. Being overweight exacerbates all of these. Being very inactive I need this type of weight loss plan to initially get rid of my excess weight & then to maintain a healthy weight in the future. As an added bonus I like the look of slim far more than the look of fat.
I know that you are going to do this Mandy and you will get all the added bonus you can hope for! Good luck and thanks for the support.
Great blog guys!!!My reasons for going back to New you is to be healthy and to have the respect of others. Even though we should all treat others as individuals, no matter what size, colour or creed they are; By being overweight it seems to give people licence to say what they think to you even though it can be hurtful and I don’t want to experience this anymore.New you is the best weight loss regime that I have done and the people on secret slimmers are so inspirational!!
Thank you Caroline and I am thrilled to hear that you are so in the zone for this. We may not be able to change the world and we certainly don’t want to change you but we are going to do our very best to help you make all the changes you want! Good Luck Caroline.
My reason to be a new me:
I’m young,19, 5″1, should be on holidays with bikinis being a normal thing. Iv never fitted into clothes I wanted. I did NY last summer & I did so well (4stone) & I started becoming that person. Unfortunately, not minding myself while in college. I’m back to lose it & feel light & happy. Determined isn’t the word to describe me. It’s strength. I don’t only want to feel happy in my self, I want to get my BMi down & wear normal clothes.
“Anything is possible” iv done it before and I will do it again
Ul see me again, with my after photos 🙂
Woohoo Orla that is awesome – what a great vibe and it will serve you well 🙂 We will do all we can to make sure you exceed your expectations and I think 2014 may just be your year. Good luck.
Hi guys
Fab vid!!!
My reasons for this journey in life is that I want a healthy bmi, I want all this horrible fat off me and to wear all my lovely clothes that I cant fit into. Also its my 40th in August (oooo scarey) and if im going to be on a pedestal i want to look good and be confident at being the centre of attention as right now I just ‘blend in’ lol, so I want the weight off and be in management way before August as I dont want to treat this journey as a ‘fad’ diet and to be piling it back on after the event. Im also wanting a holiday aswell and I never have pics taken of me in a bikini, so id love to have pics at my goal weight in a nice bikkini and show them off to everyone, and say Yes thats me, you jell hahahaha
Its my 2nd day and im itching at wanting stuff, but I just keep drinking the good ole water to pass the cravings, seems to be working anyhoo
Wish me luck, ill need it
Keep up with the videos, they are inspirational xx
Hi Tammi thank you for the compliment Ellie and I are getting the hang of it now I think 🙂 We will make sure you give yourself the best birthday present ever this year. There will be many people jealous by the time you are done. Good luck Tammi just a few more days and you will be in the sweet spot. Thanks for the support.
I want this so much I want to feel great with and without clothes on I want to play with my children and for them to be proud of me as to me losing weight isn’t just one thing it brings confidence hope happiness energy and drive its a big accomplishment which gives drive and motivation to do anything you set your mind to…
Thanks for the support here Charlene and you are so right in that weight loss does have a knock on effect and that is why the start of the plan is so important to us. We want to get you to that point of perpetual motion where you are your own best motivator. So stay tuned and good luck!
Hi everyone, delighted to be back on plan for the new year. All going well I will be at goal by my birthday mid-April. Am hovering under 11 1/2 now and would ideally love to be 8 1/2. So 3 stone in 3 1/2 months?
I went from 9 stone to 12 1/2 over about 5 or 6 years and list myself along the way, like I became invisible. I want to get back into my stylish clothes and make a good impression when meeting new people and clients. I work in a male dominated industry which is hard enough sometimes without being the only fat person on the room, while they talk about the latest marathon they ran! I’m tired of being the fat one in the family and everyone watching what I eat and drink and making comments. Have also been single for too long but don’t want to meet anyone while overweight. Basically I want my life back! 🙂
I know this plan is going to do it for me, over a stone off already and only did smallest step back at Xmas so here we go now aiming for 10.7 by end January!!
Hi Siobhan 🙂 You have set yourself a solid goal and you should be able to get there. You are going to get your life back and all the reasons for starting are the motivators you will use to power you when you need that little extra steam. Good luck Siobhan.
Thanks Grant, a stone by end January to be sure, and I’ll keep the motivators in mind. Thanks again!
My main reason for wanting to lose the weight is to simply ….. Have a life… Get a life & live a happy healthy life.
I want to stop hiding away
I want a healthy BMI
I want to meet a man :). Not just any man … A nice , caring , etc etc Man
Gosh I hope I’m not looking for to much !!!!
Thank you New You xxxx
Welcome back Barbra – you nailed it before we went on break last year and I am sure you are going to do it again this year. Good luck I am sure your dreams are going to come true.
PS there is no such thing as too much when it comes for ambition 🙂
Having read through some of the comments I’m a little embarrassed to leave my comment here but here it goes. My main reasons for wanting to loose weight is beacause of a number of things that are linked together; I am a suffer of depression and anxiety. I had a breakdown 2 years ago leaving me unable to leave the house appart from to take and pick up my daughter from school. I found it hard to look after myself properly during this time. After 2 years and being back at work my mental health is improving but I’m finding it hard to get the energy and positiveness to exercise, drink less and become happier in my skin, being a much better example to my precious daughter so that she doesn’t suffer with the same illness or feeling negative about herself! So a long story but this is why I’m trying to find something that will work and help me in 2014. 🙂
Good Luck with your new you journey Sue! The future is bright hun xxx 🙂
These are great reasons to start Sue and I know that everyone who has left a comment here would agree. This is about you and what you want and why. You seem to have it covered so lets make sure you get it!
I would really recommend following Ellie on her blog at the moment as she is going to be going through the same experience as you at the moment.
Check out her blog here:
Thank you for the support and good luck with your journey 🙂
I started in Jan 2013 and have had two main reasons for loosing weight.
1st: being the mother of three young girls I want to be a good role model for them. To show them that I can be healthy and active.
2nd: I have two sisters, size 6 & 8. Every time we have a photo together I am always “the big one”. This is going to change thanks to new you.
I set a goal for myself for 2014 to do kettlebells 3 -4 times a week and I have been doing it since the week before Christmas. Not only have I been doing it, my 16 years old twins have been keeping me company and we support each other through the DVDs. We’re all happy and active.
These are such great reasons Tonia and it is great to see that this is all coming together in this way for you 🙂 Good luck I am sure you are going to smash 2014!
Great Blog Ellie and Grant, lovely to have you back! Happy New Year to you both and good luck Ellie with your journey.
My reasons for wanting to lose weight and get to my goal is:
1) To start living life again, for too long I have let my weight rule my life and stop me doing what I want- Well, NO MORE!!
2) To show my daughter that mummy is healthy and happy and able to set a good lifetime example to her- that means alot 🙂
3) To feel confident enough in my own skin and in what I wear so I feel able to perhaps find someone new in my life should the right person come up!!! Never had the confidence to have a proper relationship.
Okay, enough said. xx
thank you so much Aimee and it is great to see you continuing on towards your goals this year. That is three great reasons to want this and I am sure your are going to blitz your goals and I will be having a success interview with you soon enough!
My main reasons for wanting to loose weight are for my health, for my self esteem and too be able to walk into a clothes shop and buy what i like instead of what will fit and hide the fat! My children deserve a fit healthy mother and I want to set them a good example.
Since starting this diet I know my ideal weight is achievable and my self esteem has shot through the roof. This leads to more goal setting, that drive I had in my twenties to achieve what i want is back, and there isn’t a feeling better than that 🙂
Woohoo Jo I can tell just how much enthusiasm and verve you have here. I cant wait to see what you can do with this year!
My main reason for wanting to get to my goal weight this year is health related….. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder after I had a big op 🙁 I developed blood clots in my leg, and again the following year….. I now have to take Warfarin for the rest of my life :(……. I’m 51 now and have 3 lovely teenage kiss and a great husband, and I want to be alive to see them into their futures :)…… Sooooo, I have 6-7 stone to lose ….. I’m 3 stone down now , and very motivated to lose the rest this year 🙂 health, happiness and the thought of a new slimmer , fitter trendier me are my motivation !
Great to see you are back at it again this year Jasmin and despite the trouble you have had you want this for all the right reasons and I am sure together we are going to see the change you want and your kids will be amazed! Good luck
I didn’t hit target before xmas so badly want to get there simply to show that I did it! I actually achieved what I never imagined I could do before! I want to see the scales move and enjoy the feeling of having lost bang on 7stone… and then I might have to move the goal posts to 8 stone… but we’ll see 😉
Happy New year Lorna, well done for last year – you did an amazing job and I know that whatever targets you set yourself you will achieve. Good luck!
Hi guys, my reasons for losing weight are to celebrate… this time last year I was 8 weeks pregnant and my husband was diagnosed with bowel cancer and needed surgery followed by Chemo. With 2 other young children (3 & 1),I turned to food & comfort ate. Now a year later he has had his op, finished his Chemo and we are now starting to wean our dd3.
I want to celebrate that my family is still complete, we are going to go on a family holiday abroad and I want to lose all the weight I’ve put on so I can look good for both me but more importantly my hubby and also to keep up with 3 children under 5!
Hi Kate 🙂 that is a real roller coaster and it is great to see that you are ready to kick this up a gear. You have the right motivators and we will give you the right tools so lets get this done!
I feel so much happier when i look slim. When i feel healty and happy, i can deal with eveything..my perfect balance..it works.
Super Esra, lets make sure that the balance remains!
My main reason for losing weight is that I’ve finally realised I’M WORTH IT! After years of feeling like I was nothing and not good enough for anything or anyone, I found myself at my heaviest weight ever recorded (26 stone 3lbs) unable to move without some part of my body hurting me and ready to end it all. Thankfully my sister was contemplating losing weight and she introduced me to the Facebook page. From there I joined up on 10th of June and haven’t looked back. To date I have lost 3 stone 2lbs and its amazing how wonderful I feel inside and out. I can walk faster, climb stairs without too much breathlessness and inwardly I feel beautiful for being so determined to live life for me and enjoy it. This plan has been a life saver and I can’t wait for when I reach my goal of 10 by the end of this year. Its a long journey and I’ve had a few bumps in the road but I will get there as I AM WORTH IT!
Awesome Gemma, you rock and I am sure that 2014 is going to hold some dramatic changes for you and I can’t wait to see them 🙂 You have done such an amazing job so far already! Good luck, you are right – you are worth it.
Hey, This is a great blog guys.
I’m losing weight too
1. Get back into my pre pregnancy size 10 / 12 clothes (I’m an 18 now)
2. To get back my old energy levels
3. So I can run around after my little ones again
4. Because I loved being a healthy weight, and feel miserable at my current weight
5. Because the heavier I get, the more I ache…. I want to reverse that.
6. Because my kids have noticed that I only wear black. They don’t like it!!
7. Because we have the most amazing trip booked to the Middle East in late May. I want to wear my fave summer clothes!!
8. because when I go out with my Hubby, I want to see the girl he married, not the frump I have become.
These are so compelling and I know they are going to power you through this! Good luck 🙂
Thanks for the video Grant & Ellie. I have lots of reasons to lose weight and zero reasons not to. I want to be healthy, look good, buy nice clothes (been wearing the same rages for years, refusing to buy new “big” clothes). I want to wear a nice swimsuit on hols, maybe even a bikini. Get fitters. Get sexy. Stop my knees from creaking when I walk up the stairs! b x
You are most welcome Barbara and it is awesome to hear that you are so motivated! Good luck and thank you for the support 🙂
Great video guys. It really is a good form of support to know you are all there for us 24/7.
I NEED to loose this weight I’m carrying so that I can feel confident, sexy and happy. I want to look at pictures of myself without deleting or cringing at them. I want to be super skinny for my three friends weddings this year and most importantly to start loving myself again.
Thank you Tracey we had fun recording it 🙂 You have the right reasons here and the best thing is weddings give you a deadline! Good luck Tracey you are going to smash this!
My main reason for starting The New You Plan is for me! I need to lose atleast 3 Stone. Since I had my first child in 2003 my weight has steadily climbed, I lose a bit then put on a bit! I had my second child in 2006, where I was 105Kg. I think I am at 92kg presently but I am yet to get on a scale. Which I will do tomorrow. I have a family wedding in Lanzarote come July, so I want to be down close to my wedding weight or less which was round about 80Kg. I would like to wear my wedding band again which doesn’t fit at the moment. The lowest I have ever been was 76kg, my last year of high school. I was very active in SA though, so I must try to build my exercise. I am a full-Time 3rd level student at present and I look after my two children, my husband is away for 5 months at a time which makes me a single mom for almost 10 months of the year. I will do it on The New You plan because I want to, wish me lucky. I will sign up for the secret slimmer’s when I’ve weighed myself and just before I start my week. Thanks
I need to loose for health reasons.
I want to loose weight to regain confidence .
3 1/2 stone to loose 1st day tomorrow Bring it on!,,,,,,.
Powerful reasons Joanne and a really achievable target. Good luck and feel free to call on us any time! You will find your confidence coming back in a matter of weeks – I got a boost after just one week 🙂
Hi – ok here is the truth. I think I’ve always stood in my own shadow for protection . And yes everyone has ups and downs but I guess this year I’ve buried a lot of the downs thankfully. So now it is about me, not my family issues, friends or me being hurt as a result of others failures or mistakes. 2014. I have to step away from the shadow that hides me. And yes this shadow was always comforted by E numbers and fatty greasy comfort food, sugar laden snacks. So much I want to lose 3
Stone , be healthy for my 5 yr old and not as risk of so many awful diseases associated with obesity. I know comfort eating because of others got me here- I now need to grab the reins. So guys,
My motivation is for once “me” – to stand tall, be confident and mostly happy and there for my child and happy in me. That toe would be like winning the lottery. X
I cant wait to see what happens now that you have stepped out from the shadows, I know you can do this and we can help you fix the outcome of this lottery! Good Luck Gráinne and thank you for supporting my post.
Why do I want to be on the New You plan?
2013 was a horrible year for me having been left
heartbroken when my husband walked out.
It devestated me and as usual I turned to food for
comfort and piled on the pounds – I was already overweight
so this has left me feeling even worse.
I want 2014 to be better than last and I want to feel good
about myself – to take control of something in my life where
I can be in control and to not stress about the things I can’t do anything about!
I want to be healthy and fit for me and for my little 4 year old boy
especially now I’m a single mum – I need to be there for him.
I’ll be the big 40 in a couple of years and in the past I’ve always said by the
time I’m 25, the 30, then 35 I’ll be thin and happy with the way I look and have
Never achieved it. This time I want to reach that goal and be a healthy bmi and maintaining it
Well before the 40 milestone.
Those are my reasons for taking part.
Whatever your reasons everyone – I hope every one of you succeeds!
One thing that really smashed home here Kerry is what you said about, I will do it when I am 25, when I am 30 – this is exactly what I do.
The way I think about it now is a special day will not arrive where everything changes effortlessly. Change has to start with a fight I pick today and a commitment that starts from now. Good luck Kerry not that you will need it if you keep driving yourself forward like this.
Hey I’m mel, and I’m on day 3 of new you! One reason why I want to loose weight is mainly because I hate how I look, I hate when I sit down I hate when I try on clothes. I feel like everything I wear is ill fitting and unflattering.. The main reason tho is all about my confidence, long were the days when I was 19 and able to talk to anyone and everyone, now I feel awkward talking to most people as I think they’re judging me! I’m also single and again that’s a lot to do with my confidence. I feel if I was to loose weight I would regain confidence and feel I can wear a dress with short sleeves again lol! I know my reasons are a tad selfish but for the past 3 years I have been trying every diet and it gives me a knock back every time I don’t succeed. I hope everyone is smashing it and good look to all the sexy slimmers 🙂 xxx
Hello Mel and well done on smashing the first few days 🙂 We are going to do all we can here to make sure you get to be that person you want to be. Good luck and feel free to call on us any time if you need some advice or extra support. TFR is definitely the key to getting the results in the best amount of time so keep at it and in just a short while the results themselves will become all the motivation you need!
Hi Ellie and Grant great blog and a fantastic task. I am on day 3 now and it has taken me a while to get back into it (couldn’t get past day 1 for a while) but I persevered and finally made it to day 3. I have numerous reason to lose weight (and i’ve got a lot to lose) but my top reason would be for my children; I have two boys 13 and 10 and they mean the world to me. I’ve noticed that my eldest son has become lazy and eats a lot more than he should and what scares me is that I can see so many bad habits that he has picked up which I know comes from watching me. So I know that I need to get healthy and lose the weight in hopes of inspiring him to get healthy and so that he can see that if mum can do it then he can do it to. I also want to pursue my dream career and I know that it will be so hard for me to do it at the weight that I am. And lastly my children and I have not been on holiday for 3 years and the main reason is that the last time we went away I had to ask for a seat belt extension I was so mortified and ashamed (even thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes) that after that holiday I couldn’t bring myself to go back on a plane again, and every year I would say “i’m gonna lose some weight so I can go on holiday” and it doesn’t happen. I know this isn’t fair on my boys so next week I will be booking a holiday for us so I have no excuses not to shift this weight. So these are some of my reasons (sorry for the long post).
Hi Devinia 🙂 thank you so much for taking part. Well done on getting this far and it is great to see you on track! You certainly have powerful motivators for wanting this change. You will get your holiday soon enough – I know it. Good luck and again thank you for the support.
Hi I’m on day 4 today and I am doing this for me – with my 4 children in mind, I don’t want them to be embarrassed by me picked them up at the school gate and I would love to be a healthy BMI for my eldest daughters confirmation in May I have 16 weeks to do this and I WILL. I am determined to do this.
I wold also like to visit my hubbies sister in law and brother in the states in the summer and not be ashamed to go on different activities with the kids and not feel that the in-laws wonder what the hell my hubbie sees in me x
2014 is going to be my year being on the 1st 12 weeks
I really love how positive you are here Sarah and I can tell from just how personal those reasons are that you WILL achieve this and I can’t wait for the day you post that comment on my blog! Good luck Sarah and make 2014 your year.
Having previously lost weight and maintained for over a year I have regained nearly 4 stone through ‘comfort eating’ over the past 6 months…. Unfortunately the only thing comfort eating brings is weight gain, shame and pain and absolutely no comfort! I want to get the weight back off so I can see myself without feeling disgusted and a failure (again!). I want to regain the physical comfort of not carrying so much excess weight, I want to stop the emotional and physical pain that the excess weight causes. I want to be able to run up the stairs again and to walk for miles with my friend like we did in 2012. I know I can do it, it’s all in the mind set and I’m ready to regain control of my life. Today is day 1 of taking back control….
Thank you so much for posting this on my wall Sandra – you have definitely thought out your reasons for wanting this. Being able to feel comfortable is so important and having a nostalgic force such as wanting to be able to do the walks with your friend again is a terrific way to stay driven as it is a powerful memory.
I wish you the very best of luck and when you head off walking again it would be great to see some pics from your escapades 🙂
I have decided to join the January Challenge to lose the few pounds I gained over Christmas & reach beyond my original goal and lose a few more pounds , then my total weight loss will be 7 stone.
I wish to maintain in 2014 and enjoy the New Me !! xxx
Woohoo Oonagh – well done, you have smashed this and we have all loved watching you transform. Good luck for 2014 !
Great blog guys!! My main focus for loosing weight is so that i can eventually be happy & confident with my body!! Iv had 3kids all close together and never fully got all my baby weight off b4 falling pregnant again!! My little girl was born very early ( pre eclampsia) and she has been ill on and off over the past 2.5years…STRESS has been my main issue!! Now shes deemed fit&healthy and is discharged from neonatal consultant i can focus on ME! I wana feel like a yummy mummy and iv 3 weddings, an evening do, hen dos and my 2wk holiday to look forward to!! I wana look good feel good and be confident again 😉
Thank you Linzi for the compliment and for supporting the blog. Great to hear that your daughter is well and I know that will only add to your determination here. Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on.
Forgot to say great video again Grant & Ellie x
Bless thank you Oonagh 🙂
Great video. My reason for doing this now is because I finally found an end (kind of) to a very painful disease which i suffered from for almost two decades. All the drugs meant that I couldnt lose weight…. But now, THIS IS IT! Im free from it and I finally get my life back. This is my time to get my body back. Every lb I lose, I feel more and more like my old teenage self 😉 thanks for keeping us motivated xo
To be a healthy weight for the first time since I left the womb x slight exaggeration but only just x
Good luck Avril – I know that you can get there 🙂
My reason for losing weight is because I want to and I believe I can… With your help!! It’s day five and all is well! Thank you!!
Fantastic Jan – being on day five means that some of the hardest days are now behind you 🙂 You are right to in that you can and we will most certainly do all we can to make your dream a reality.
I’m not very eloquent with words but my 2 main reasons to be here are
1. For myself – to be happy and healthy
2. For my kids xxxxx
Thanks New You 🙂
Super reasons Angela, put in the only way it needed to be 🙂 You are going to start seeing change quickly on this diet so don’t blink! Good luck.
Hi, this is my first time around doing this diet plan, and love the support and help that we get along the way here 🙂
My reasons for loosing weight:
My partner is away in navy at the moment, and i want to surprise him when he comes back by getting fit 🙂 we are getting married this summer, so i really want him to be feel proud (he is great support, and says that he is proud of me no matter what :))
Also we are hoping to become parents, and i want to be healthy and fit mom when the time comes.
Thank you 😉
Awesome Liene and together I know we can make this happen for you! There is enough time between now and the summer to see huge changes 🙂 Good luck
I just want to be complelety happy in myself, and that means having a healthy and sexy body that I am proud of. Still trying to get past the hump and into ketosis, but I am ready to do this! Xx
Its my 40th this year, determined to be slim for it.:-)
I had no idea about the New you Plan until I stumbled across it 2 weeks ago. So when I started on January 6th I could not even conceive such a huge weight loss as I have had this week. So I put myself on the leader board for 14 lbs for the month… I have LOST 11 lbs in my first week. Incredible! And it wasn’t really all that difficult to stick to the diet. The 3-4 litres of water a day are definitely the key for me.
I now feel for the first time in years that I can do it this time. Down the years I have been a serial dieter… This is different.
The most important thing is reasons why I want to lose weight:
I want to become healthy
I want to see my grandchildren grow up
I want to feel truly happy inside
I want to have confidence in myself & my appearance so that I can walk in anywhere with my head held high & not slink into a room hoping no one sees me before I can hide in a chair in the corner! (Really)
And finally, I want to do this for me
Thank you
For me it’s my second time around doing the plan, first time I lost my way after a month which was silly really as I lost 2 stone!
This time I am so determined (I started again last Monday) by checking in daily with Facebook group and reading blogs I hope to stay motivated and on track! I’ve a long journey ahead of me (about 8 stone to loose) but will take one day at a time 🙂
I am also doing things for just me, I’ve started belly dancing which I love 🙂 who knows what I can achieve once the weight is off!! X
I want to have a healthy BMI.
I want to be able to buy a dress for my son’s wedding.
I want to stop feeling bloated.
I want to feel healthy.
I want to look better in my clothes.
Hi, I’m determined to lose 6 stone this year, my main reason is because I had my second baby during the summer and due to major weight gain between pregnancies I developed type one gestational diabetes (MAJOR WAKE UP CALL)… I am now more prone to develop diabetes when I’m older unless I act now. So after experiencing for them months the hell of injecting insulin 5 times a day and testing my blood 7 times a day until my fingers were raw, I am positive I don’t want to experience that ever again, 🙂
Plus its my 30th at the end of the year and I’m planning a fancy dress party for it, so a super sexy slim costume would be amazing, 🙂 xxx