New Year New You Thought for Thursday Week 2 | VLCD Mindset
New Year New You 2014
Thought for Thursday Week 2 | VLCD Mindset
Today’s quote:
‘The more we do, the more we can do. ‘ – these are words by William Hazlitt and it feels to me that they were made to describe a Very Low Calorie Diet VLCD program such as The New You Plan down to the letter.
The reason being that when I lost my weight on this diet, the more days I completed and the more steps I took towards my goal, the easier it got.
The reasons for the topic:
I was fairly fortunate when I did the diet in that it took me just over three days to feel the effects of Ketosis. I am going to cover the logic that got me from day 1 right the way through to my goal a few weeks later before I left to go on holiday. I saw my diet in the following stages:
1) Getting into ketosis – making it through the first day was tough but I did it by setting my goals a small as – ensuring I had each of the four products I needed per day and hitting my daily water allowance of 3l. I am sure I have OCD as I plotted the hours of the day against my water intake to keep my mind busy and plot my success.
This continued into day two and three of my VLCD journey. Using my products and water as mini goals had a two fold effect – it kept me busy and it gave me a morale boost through a small sense of achievement that I waited for at the end of each day when I could say I had done it!
2) The second stage was hitting my weekly goals. The processes I adopted in stage 1 really helped set me up for this stage as my water intake and products had become second nature at this point. My first weeks weigh in brought a massive boost with me losing just over a stone on the scales. This set the tone for the second stage of my journey as the focus switched from daily goals to weekly ones. My goals and success were growing.
In the first stage it was the will to get the result of being 100% at the end of the day that got me through the initial stages of our VLCD program. The success that this brought meant I was less willing to give up on what had already been achieved. The same logic followed for the second stage in that every pound I dropped was one I was determined to keep off!
3) The Third stage was my refeed and at this point my goals had been achieved and I was determined not to revert back to my old ways. The results here again meant that the drive to invest the time into doing this right was paramount to me. Again I took the time to plan my menu and set aside time to ensure I was in a position to make the right foods.
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]For anyone looking for menu idea’s for refeeding – CLICK HERE – to download our healthy eating and refeed guide[/box]
The key factor in each of these stages is that the successes of the days before made it easier to perform the neccessary actions and harder to give up on the goal.
The conclusion: VLCD Mindset top tip
Based on the experience that I have had in life, – when challenging yourself it is really important to focus on the short term goals to give you the drive to take even just that one more step towards success that you need.
With this combine the acknowledgment of your past successes not to give up on that which you have already achieved. – ‘The More we do, the more we can do’
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Tell us how this experience reflects against your own[/box]
Thanks for reading.
Kind regards
Hi Grant,
So far I am on day 6 today of my first week and I feel fantastic, not sure when or if I will feel I’m in Ketosis. I am actually enjoying having the 4 meals and a snack every 2 to 3 days. My water intake has always been good so it’s not so bad having up to 4/5 litres a day. I find it has curved my coffee habit which is good because I only have it black now. I drink rooibos tea after 6 which is better than coffee I think. I haven’t found it that hard to keep to the diet, it’s just every now and again when I am cooking for my girls I have a habit of tasting the food to see if it’s alright. I stop myself now a days and my daughter tastes it for me. I have been very naught and getting on the scale every morning with determination and it’s paid off. This morning I was down from 103.6kg to 99kg and that just boosted me for the day.
I enjoyed your story and thoughts.
I can’t wait for my weigh in on Saturday and already I am down 3 BMI points.
Thanks for sharing your journey,:-)
Wow Gina, this is fantastic!
That is near enough a 5kg weight loss which is awesome and it is easy to see that you are on track to achieve far more too!
You can buy ketostix to test if you are in ketosis. You will also know from your energy levels, breath and possibly a metallic taste in your mouth that you are in ketosis.
I am thrilled you enjoyed my tips and I cant wait to see just how much you achieve moving forward.
I’m day 21 (phase 2) today and on reflection over my journey I have to say that my mini goals were to get thru one day at a time. You know it is a great feeling climbing into bed at night and thinking YESSSS, I’ve made it thru another day. When I wake in the morning to face a new day and another challenge I know I can do it. The program has thought me to focus on little steps and with that the mountain can be climbed.
Brilliant Tonia and so true 🙂 Thanks for supporting my blog and good luck smashing your goals this year!
im on day 19 take two after christmas break i set myself little mini goals to help me along the way because i knew if i focused on the bigger number i would panic and think i cant do this but you know what i am doing this and ive been 100% since i started 2nd nov 2013 i love the plan and the support from team new you is amazing and of course s.s is the most fantastic group of people thats what keeps me focused and on track x
It has been great to watch Pauline and I have loved having your support here each day. Well done on getting to day 19 today – that is awesome 🙂 Good luck I know you are going to smash your goals!
Hi Grant round 2 for me 6st down. In the early days my goal was just COMPLETING a day. I set myself a regime for meal times and water consumption…clock watching and EARLY nights lol…and then it became ROUTINE,,,,every day the support from this page helped immensely. I couldn’t have envisaged the total amount I had to lose so set myself smaller goals. Gave myself non food rewards like getting nails or hair done…the odd wee spray tan. Also joined the vibrogym as I am limited to what exercise I could do…As I look back over my life I have never put me first and NOW I AM…and it is NICE….losing the lbs is helping my health and the benefits of being able to enjoy shopping again. I was becoming such a recluse and wouldn’t venture anywhere without the car. Today I did the return journey to Glasgow on my own to meet a friend….no biggie I hear you say. For me is was a great achievement as I had stairs to climb either end of the journey. I COULDN’T have done it before. It took a lot out of me but I DID it….done in now, and probably will pay the price tomorrow but the buzz it gave me was outstanding….and it is all thanks to the New You Plan and the help and support of you amazing people…thankyou <3 <3 <3 xxx
Hi Anne, thank you so much for posting this up – it really has created a buzz for me this evening 🙂 Well done on your awesome results and I am really proud of what you achieved today and completely understand how stressful it can be going this far out of your comfort zone. It does beg the question though what will you be doing this time next month? next year?
I cant wait to hear it and I hope you will still be here on my wall sharing your achievements! Well done Anne and thank you again for all your support!