
Motivational Monday – What does it mean to have a New You?
At the new you plan we are committed to helping you create your NEW YOU, and that means changing your mind set, to support a healthier New You when you get to your target weight.
We are all on this journey to create A NEW YOU. But what does this mean to you? Have you really thought about it? Have you written it down?
I Pulled up some old blogs that the lovely Julie-Ann did and what she talks about here is so true!
‘I have personally helped literally thousands of people to lose weight, I know how you think, how you feel, how you struggle, and I have been there myself, and yes after my recent pregnancy and spending the best part of year not moving much, I am losing weight again. So I know personally the struggles and I also know through helping thousands of other people.
I know I am going to succeed again. I am here to help you while I am on my journey. So please do take part and join in. Don’t be afraid to comment, be brave and share your thoughts with us. Use a nickname if you want to, but get involved, get engaged and start to take this journey seriously.
One of my favourite quotes is..
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, Live the life you have imagined.”

It is REALLY important that you have a vision for how you want your life to be. How do you want your NEW YOU to live, act, speak?
Get a clear vision and then every morning wake up and take action, take baby steps, just do something that will move you closer to that vision… and do it with confidence, believe in yourself!!’
Today I have created FREE WORKBOOK for you to really plan out your VISION FOR YOUR NEW YOU.
Print it off and fill it in.
Your task today is:
After you fill in the workbook, I want you to leave a comment below and let me know how you feel about the vision of your NEW YOU and let me know what you think about the workbook and if it helped you.
I really want your feedback as I am on a mission to help as many people as I can to lose weight, so I appreciate your feedback and any suggestions you can offer on how to make this exercise better.
I believe this is the MOST IMPORTANT EXERCISE you can complete.
So no matter how busy you are today, you really should make the time to do this.
I look forward to reading your comments….
Remember when you leave a comment you will be in for the chance of winning part of the £1000 up for grabs!
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Dream, believe achieve has been my mantra throughout my journey.
I enjoyed completing the work book as it helped to refocus and remind me what I’m aiming for. Xxx