“I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!” How does this quote make you feel about your weight loss journey?

Every Thursday this month we want your thoughts on a weight loss motivation quote. Today’s quote is…
“”I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!””
Don’t forget to UPDATE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS FOR OUR JUNE WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE. You can still register for this, simply CLICK HERE TO REGISER. The leaderboard will be updated TONIGHT. 🙂 We are killing it this month! THE BUZZ IS ON, so make sure your name is down!! We are giving away an ipad mini at the end of the month and if you are updating every week then your name will go in the prize draw for that! 🙂
Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to join us, give them your UNIQUE REFERRAL CODE, you get this in your box and in the bottom of your order confirmation email, for everyone you refer who orders, both of you will get a credit of £5.00 off, plus the person who refers the most people by the end of July will win a hotel city break with vouchers!! SO MY TOP TIP FOR YOU TODAY IS GET REFERRING!!
“”I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday!””
So what does this quote mean to you?
Where do you want to be?
(If you want to get really clear on this download this worksheet from Monday’s Task. MY VISION FOR A NEW ME)
What have you achieved so far?
How do you feel about the journey so far?
We look forward to reading your comments below. Don’t forget we are giving away a SLENDERTONE BELT on Tuesday, this will help you to tone your abs so that when you get to your healthy BMI you can see the results…. Just take part in our blog tasks everyday for a chance to win!
No matter how long the road you have to travel
On your weight loss journey.. Every day is one step closer..
Getting fitter, slimmer and healthier with each step…
Every day is one step closer…. this excites me thinking in that mind set. Love it 🙂 xxx
That’s exactly how I feel, I’m not there yet but I’m halfway! No way I can let all the effort put in so far go to waste. I never want to go back to where I was.
Every day at 100% and every .5lb off is a step in the right direction to where I want to be for me. Where I have always longed to be. No more excuses. If I really want it I’ve got to work for it and with New You I finally feel it’s acheivable! 🙂
I started 27th April at 14st 7.3 lbs. 6 weeks later I’ve lost 2st .2lbs with 2 st .1lbs to go!! Can’t believe it’s only taken 6 weeks to get to this point. I’m more determined than ever to carry on and get to target.
Over the years I’ve tried every diet, pill, exercise regime etc out there. I usually get so far and then just give up. Not this time. 3-4 months out of my life is nothing compared to the last 10-12 years of wanting to be fitter, healthier and slimmer.
I love NW and SS!!!!! X X X
LOVE THIS Janet! It is soooooo true… anything is achievable and you have just proven it… such an inspiration and thank you so much for sharing xox
End of week 1 and I’m a full 7lbs lighter, another step towards wearing a cossie this summer and not feeling ashamed. A step closer to fitting into those shorts I bought 10 years ago and only wore once. A step closer to looking in the mirror and liking the person looking back at me. A step closer to being me, yes me, that fun loving outgoing, person that has been hiding in big baggy cardigans for waaaay to long. Hello summer, hello new you and hello new me 🙂
WOOHOOO!!! BRING IT ON!!!! Love the motivation and determination 🙂 xx
hi everyone this quote i me in a nutshell, i am not where i want to be yet but by god i am closer then ive ever been to a new and improved me,i am 6 stones closer to getting me back she has been hidden for so long in misery and blubber lol,my life is on the up again i feel amazing when i get up everyday i like seeing the new and improved me my family love having me back and so far the new you journey has been amazing i have made drastic changes to my life i have made new lifelong friends in ss and hey im looking might fine too lol what more can i say xx
Yes you are…. and every single day you get closer you help sooooo many people aswell…. love it Pauline 🙂 Thank you for being you xoox
My friend sent me a picture from a party we where at a month ago and I look enormous. Normally when this happens I’d eat for Ireland. This morning I tried on a lipsy blouse she gave me last night it’s a wee 14 and it went on me!!!!! Please don’t imagine it was loose or anything remotely like it but it still went on. I can’t believe it. Today is my first emotional I want to eat the cupboards day. When I get upset I eat so today to combat that I am out in the garden enjoying the sunshine and ignoring the pile of work in my inbox and the childish friend who’s offended me. I may not be there yet but I feel I’ve made huge leaps forward in getting were I want to be 🙂 xxx
WOOHOOOO this is Brilliant 🙂 I bet you felt just AMAZING 🙂 defo huge leaps and someday very soon you will be there xx
I tell myself that every weigh day and whenever I feel ”fat” . its a journey i’ve wanted to take for so long and always found excuses not to start but with NEW YOU it is now a reality and i’m enjoying it . my journey won’t be forever , it took years for me to gain the weight and knowing it will only take a few months to lose it is what spurs me on day by day .
Brilliant way to look at it 🙂 LOVE THIS 🙂 Great mindset to have 🙂 xox
This quote is so true,its makes me realise that there is a tomorrow & with the rite state of mind I can do this diet day by day.Yes the road is long but when you enjoy the journey its will make it so much easier. Then at the end I will feell like a new me .♥
A step at a time will get you far 🙂 woohoo 🙂 Thank you xox
I may not be there yet abd I got a long way to go but im heading to a 2 stone loss in 4 weeks. I’m actually enjoying the experience and am enjoying the changes I see each week. I believe that reaching goal is possible now so I an relaxed about the goal fir first time in ny life. This plan works for me.I have a further 5 or so stone to loose but I know if I stay 100 per cent this is achievable in 2014. X
WOOHOO!!! You are SMASHING IT….. 2014 is YOUR year 🙂 🙂 🙂
This quote makes me realise that yes you can have a life outside the plan, all of us are always going to have that special occasion coming up that we can’t avoid, the wedding the party communion etc.
Taking a break for holidays and occasions should and does not mean you throw the towel in and end your journey, it’s about not undoing all the hard work and effort up to that point and making a bigger effort never to give up no matter how long it takes you to start again to get to where you want to be.
I have always said from day one that this is a journey and not a race!!
Why are we always in such a hurry??
It may have taken me longer than the average, but I’m still well on way to goal and at the end of the day that’s all that matters xx
I think you just stepped into my head Karen and wrote down my thoughts…. So so true ….. LOVE IT 🙂 xox
to really look and see how far ive come in only 9 weeks! all those days weeks months wasted saying oh ill start next week! 🙁 im a big procrastinator lol not anymore thanks to new you xx
WOOHOOO!!!! Never knock yourself back …. just get up and keep going 🙂 Yayyyy 🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh i achieve sooo much since february…and weight loss is side but main effect at the same time. I gained so much confidence..i can multitask with so much more energy. Im always happy to play and move with my children. My sex life is suddenly amazing..(sorry:)) i just realized that now is time for ME!
LOVE IT!!! The changes are unreal – WOOHOO 🙂
I have done diets before and even did the Lipotrim diet when it was about years ago and very successfully I might add. Then I got sick and was eventually diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and my world crashed down around my ears.
I had maintained my weight up until that point, but all of a sudden I was not exercising or really doing much of anything and being stuck at home sick, you turn to your old friend food to lift your spirits and So I went back to old bad habits. As a result I know need to lose all this weight again and have already tried a few diets but with no joy. I am taking so much medication that I am sure it affects my body and it no longer functions as a normal healthy person’s does.
I was therefore delighted to find the New You as I know that I need structure and discipline in my approach to dieting and as a total bonus, the shakes and snacks and meals are really tasty! Since being diagnosed 2 years ago, I finally feel like I have a chance to improve my overall health and life and it is only because of New You. The fact that I can say; ‘I might not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday’ is just amazing as before I was going nowhere and was totally lost.
I look forward to getting all the rewards this plan has to offer and I know that the New You community will be with me every step of the way. Helping and supporting me when I stumble and also with me when I celebrate a win! thanks guys, it means the world to me xxxx
I loved this story and it is sooo true….. We are all here for you and are soooo excited for you xxxx
🙂 🙂 🙂
What you eat in private eventually is what you wear in public, eat clean look lean 🙂 xxx
That is it Val… great way of looking at it 🙂
My journey is my achievement, I know I will always be on this journey, achieving goal is not the journeys end, I will always monitor my weight, I will always be mindful that what I put in my mouth now, I have better health, a better attitude to my happiness and well being, sometims being a Mum you forget to look after yourself and be the best you can be, and when you achieve that you realise that it makes your family happier because they love seeing a happier, confident Mum, I am closer to my goal than I thought possible but its only a goal on the journey and not my final destination, yesterday is gone, today is a work in progress and tomorrow is a dream, my journey is exciting, sometimes chaotic but always an experience, New You provides the products, tools and support but only I can provide the committment and New You has even made that easier with the SS page, how fortunate am I, thanks New You and thanks Me 🙂
You are sooooooo right….. You are so worth this and going through life achieving it will always be a great achievement 🙂 Thank you for sharing :)xox
My steps may be baby steps, but they heading the rightway, its better than taking giant steps and falling back into them, only to have to climb out again.
I feel am achieveing happiness within my self at my pace, and have got here with self determination, and great help from a great support unit within new you and ss group thks xx 🙂
Loads of tiny steps still gives you a lot to look back and be proud of…. You have come a long way 🙂 LOVE IT 🙂 xx
This is a great quote, small steps get you much further than no steps at all!