#Mchallenge #Mission – Get Clear on WHY You Want to Be Slim, Healthy & Happy.
#Mchallenge #Mission
Your New You Journey is MUCH MORE than “just losing weight”, it is about becoming healthy and happy inside and out, and inspiring others to do the same!
The first stage of the #Mchallenge is to get really clear on your WHY.
The clearer you are on your #Mission the better chance you have of getting to your healthy target weight.
When you realise what getting slim, healthy and happy will really mean for your life and for the people you love, it puts things in perspective, and you soon realise the massive impact that your weight and health can have on the quality of your life and the people you love the most.
Don’t forget to share your #Mission on your Social Networks and hashtag #Mchallenge #Mission – share photos of the people, places, things that inspire your #Mission to “Get Slim, Stay Slim & Live Life!”
#Mchallenge #Mission
Let’s get clear your #Mission is just not to lose weight, your #Mission is #Much #Much #More than that…
Why Do You Want to;
Be Slim, Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Positive, Be Active, Be Fit, Be Strong, Be Energetic, Be Stylish, Be Confident, Be Proud, Be Disciplined, Be Empowered, Be An Inspiration, Be A Role Model
Sign up for the #Mchallenge to get the accompanying worksheet for free for this video. The worksheet will ask you some deep questions, that will help you to get emotionally connected with your WHY, and your #Mission.
When you have a big #Mission, losing weight and making the right decisions to take you to your goal will become easier!
The workbook has been designed to help you get SUPER CLEAR on your #MISSION. You might not like filling in the last column on the worksheets, as it requires you to think worst case scenario and the consequences of not taking action. It is important to really spend time on both scenarios because only then will really get a sense of your #Mission and why this is important for you to achieve your goal of being slim, healthy and happy, and how it is much more than just “losing weight”.
For example… Here are 2 questions from the workbook….
If you want to get the workbook for free sign up for the #Mchallenge.
Be Self-Disciplined & Empowered | Imagine you when you told someone what you were going to do, they totally believed you, because you were so empowered. Everyone knew you were strong and self-disciplined because you had lost weight, you had got fit and healthy and you had been maintaining for ages. Everyone believed in you, and more importantly YOU believed in YOU. So when you set a new goal everyone believed that you could do it, and you believed it too. How would that feel to have total confidence that you can set your mind to anything and achieve it? How would it feel to see it in the faces of the people you love that they believe in you so much! What goal would you love to set after you lose weight? | Imagine a few years from now you are still talking about losing weight, still talking about getting healthy, but you just lie and watch TV every night and you press snooze every morning. Imagine the reaction of your friends and family when you announce you are starting another diet on Monday. They don’t believe you, and worse, you don’t even believe you. When you set other goals, you know deep down that no one actually believes you will do it, and you just spend your time wishing and talking with no self-discipline and feeling disempowered. How would that feel?? |
Be An Inspiration & A Role Model | Do you have children, friends, family or other people you care about that you would love to see taking action to live a healthy happy lifestyle? How would it feel if you achieved your healthy target weight, built in the healthy habits and you were a ray of sunshine in their lives? How would it feel for you to inspire the people you love through your example? What would that mean for you? What would that mean for them?? | Imagine the people you love the most, especially if they are children. Imagine they follow your example. They eat the processed foods, they watch TV, they do not exercise, they turn to food for comfort. Imagine how that will impact their life, their confidence, their health, their relationships. Imagine how you would feel if you realised you brought them down this road? |