![Thought for Thursday: “[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”- Yoda | ketosis mindset Thought for Thursday: “[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”- Yoda | ketosis mindset](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Screen-Shot-2014-05-14-at-12.34.14-1024x566.png)
Thought for Thursday: “[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”- Yoda | ketosis mindset

An important part of your slimming success is BELIEVING you can do it!
If you have a lot of weight to lose and you have failed to lose it in the past then this can be hard to acknowledge and even harder to put into action. The great thing about The New You Plan is once you get your first week over you and get into ketosis you do start to believe in yourself. There are many ways you can tackle your diet in terms of mindset. Some people use their own negativity to push them forward i.e. I am fat and I hate it while others use positivity such as I am going to do this and be healthy.
The one thing that remains constant regardless of the way you tackle your weight loss is need to know that you are capable of achieving the results. Here are a few comments from our customers that showed how and when they know they could do it!
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Fiona ~ ” I started to believe in July 2013 when i started to lose weight i then had to give it up in august but Jan I saw New You Plan in Dec 2013 and joined in Jan 2014 and decided enough was enough i had to do this- some times I feel I have to give up but I wouldn’t be here today if I did I was a massive 17.5 and I’m now 14.6 and couldn’t off done it with out New You – I have a long way to go but I got through it with the plan my partner and son there the ones who always get me through”[/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Hannybobs ~ “I think you have to be in the right head space to do this. You need to want to do this. I had the eureaka moment I just thought I am sick of dieting all my life and not getting anywhere feeling miserable about myself and I am not going to do this to myself for another year. I am only on week 3 but I think day 9 it became easier I think when you see the scales move and people comment that you look like you have lost weight that’s when you truly believe yes I can do this I will do this for myself ;)” [/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Pauline ~ “This is going to sound really cheesy but I knew the moment I got my first box and joined secret slimmers that this was the plan and the place for me I got such a welcome and reading the posts of former s.s. I knew I would do this and 5 stones down the line I was right and my first weigh in I lost 13 lbs that sealed the deal for me I haven’t looked back since x”[/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Clare ~ “When I lost 9lbs in my first week!! Had been trying to lose baby weight as I was going to be a bridesmaid but couldn’t get into the swing of a diet as I had a 1 year old who didn’t sleep and a 6 month old who was teething. I was up all hours and nibbling bad things here and there so gave this a go and it was easy. Took away the effort of preparing healthy food and the result was a smaller size bridesmaid dress 🙂 x”[/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Brid ~ “I think I’m only beginning to believe in myself now after 4 months on the plan, I have failed so many times and the last time I failed was very publicly which actually sent me to a very unhappy place. I am strong in a lot of ways but my weight has always been my biggest weakness and probably a very large comfort blanket for me, I hid behind it always being the jolly one and oozing false confidence. But now new you has taken a good layer of the fat away it’s also taken away what I have hidden behind. I think my light bulb moment was when I came back after my first refeed, even after being bad for the week of my holidays I knew I could go it and I started to believe in myself and do you know what the best part is, the people who know me the best and have been there through all of my past failures actually believe in me this time too :)”[/box]
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Debbie ~ “Hello I have been on the plan for quite a while now (I’ve had plenty of ‘breaks’ though, some planned & some not so much!) But honestly, I still can’t believe how well it has & still is working for me.
If I had to pinpoint a moment, it would probably be when I spied a jumpsuit in a high street store (you know the ones that don’t go above a size 16?!) tried it on, & it fitted! I’d all of a sudden gone from a size 20/22 to a size 16. I must have looked like a complete mad woman as I began a crusade through these shops that I’d always been to big to shop in before! However I knew I couldn’t stop here, I had done it & I knew I could keep going. I tired my hardest to refrain from buying too many new clothes as I didn’t want to become complacent & fall off track; 1st achievement unlocked – time to move forward to my next goal (which was to be light enough to ride my pony again!).
Alas, I’ve now had to kiss goodbye to that first #1slimmer jumpsuit as I slimmed down to a size 12… (although I just bought a few size 12 items this week online & upon their arrival they are already too big…Thank god for returns!)
I’m now in unknown territory, I’m like a kid in a candy store. I’ve never been this size, I’ve never seen or felt these hips & collar bones & my skin is so much clearer, I’ve never had so much energy & ultimately, I’ve never had so much choice when it comes to getting dressed. I’m a real girl!!
I keep setting goals upon goals, from loosing a few lbs, to being able to run faster & longer, its even given me the belief in myself that I can achieve anything, even out with dieting… maybe I’ll try working toward a promotion at work! Haha
It sound a bit self absorbed, but every time I look in the mirror I am amazed at how good I look & can never believe how far I’ve come when I look at before & after photos… But we’re allowed to aren’t we? We are all doing so well, why shouldn’t we shout it from the roof tops
Keep on at it guys & gals – we are FABULOUS! <3″
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Ush ~” I started to believe in myself when everyone else saw it in me… I know I should have more faith in myself but I’ve had some massive downs in my life and have had to struggle to get through a lot… My weight was always something that kept me in a really horrible place and I remember crying into a pillow at night because I felt so low… And I didn’t want anyone else to know how bad I really felt and always had to keep a happy front for my family… But now…I BELEIVE… I BELEIVE that all I have achieved so far is because of me.. My strength… Although having said that I couldn’t have done it without New You or my husband and kids… My real support and inspiration…I never want to go back to they horrible place EVER again because for the 1st time in a long time I feel great… Although I have a long way to go… I know now how I will get there…xxxx “[/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Jasmin ~ “I think I truly started to believe in myself as the pounds melted away and I became more confident, fitter and realised through the ss page that there are so many lovely people out there with the same issues fighting the fat fairy daily ! I am in a place now that I never thought I would be, and have to say the New you plan has got me there. My husband and family have been, and are continuing to be a tremendous support, boosting my confidence daily. I’m still on my journey, 63 lbs down to date, and from a size 22/24 to a 14 at present ! My journey may be a little scenic, as I’ve had planned blips ! (And some unplanned) !!!! But we are only human after all, and I now truly believe that I am in control, and that food is not in control of me :)”[/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Anni ~ “There are too things that did it for me. The first was accepting that I was in fact obese and it was ruining my health. This is a problem for me as I don’t think of or see myself as fat. In my head I’m still a size 10. The second thing was that, having accepted I was fat and tried tradition diets where I’d lose a max of 1 – 2 lbs a week with this diet it’s the rapid weight loss. That is so motivating to keep going. I’ve lost more in two weeks than I probably would have in a month plus of traditional dieting. It makes me feel that I can see an end to it all and that the effort is worth it.”[/box]
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Carolyn ~ “I’ve done loads of diets and only had results I’d notice but within 5 weeks on the new you I’m the lightest I’ve been since school!! And everyone is noticing which is really boosting my confidence and knowing I can actually do this!! The support of friends and the people on ss really makes the difference also!!”[/box]
The Great thing about a ketosis diet:
The best part of a ketogenic / VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) is that that the results happen that quickly that you don’t need unlimited amounts of faith at the start to get to your goal, just enough to see you through to your first weigh in or two. The results themselves will fuel the fire that keep that fat burning! This means than in as little as a week you will get the results that are going to fuel your belief and keep you moving forwards
[quote style=”boxed”]Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right. Henry Ford[/quote]
With this diet there is nothing that could be more true as your self belief is what is going to push you through the hardest part of this diet which is getting into ketosis. In the first couple of days on our plan our products will ensure that your body burns through its glycogen stores on its way into ketosis. While this happens you may feel weak, tired and generally low in mood. After your body has diminished these stores it will turn to fat burning mode. When this happens your body produces ketones which are hormone that promote the conversion of fat stores into energy. This has so many benefits such as elevated mood, appetite suppression, large bursts of energy and best of all rapid weight loss. So now is the time to start believing and have faith in a better YOU!
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Today’s Task:
Tell me below what you think belief in yourself is worth and what you are going to do to get it![/box]
Thanks for reading and have an amazing week!
Kind regards
If I truly believe in myself and believe I CAN do it , then I WILL do it .or just setting myself up to fail. i have to really want to succeed in my head ,then my plan, body and weight will follow .
to maintain my belief in myself , i look at photos of my 5 beautiful grandchildren and re affirm that i want to be fitter,happier and healthier for them .x
Hi Melody 🙂 I am sure you will be soon enough! Good luck with the rest of your journey.
my belief in myself is worth everything, before the new you plan i was just existing going day to day looking after my two kids,i had lost all faith and confidence in myself after marraige break up i felt i was no use to anybody but now i know i am worth it and i will do everything in my power to get back the person i used to be thanks to the new you plan and the wonderful team thank you all x
Hi Grant – I am starting out on a 21 day journey to a New Me this Sunday and what is 21 days in a person’s life!.
I am going to break my journey into 21 days taking one day at a time. I have set up 21 flower buds on my computer and as each day goes by, the bud will bloom into a beautiful flower just like I beleive I will at the end of my journey. If each flower represented a pound, I will be “blooming” gorgeous by the end of it. I am here to grow 98 beautiful flowers. With the help of New You and Secret Slimmers, I know I will get there. x
if u dont believe in urself noone will- u need to pick urself off the ground and show urself i can do this i will do it- i done unislim before i met simon and i lost some weight but the lady doing the weigh in’s if u put up would judge so that put me off losen weight- then i saw online lightlife in july went well lost good bit- then decided to try newyou so glad i took that step and im in the right frame off mind with everything- gym,walking,water,food etc
i keep my mind in gear i can do it i will and lb off 3stone i have achieved so well in 5months on the plan. when on refeed i put lb up which was amazed i stuck to wat i loved most-
i have beautiful son is 1 the reasons i am here today and my next is my wedding day to my partner off 7yrs+ vat i couldnt off done it without them
I think belief in yourself is key, if you don’t believe in yourself you can’t expect others to believe in you. As quoted above I now have it! It took me a whole to get there and if there is anybody out there struggling to believe in themselves just take a look at what you have achieved, set yourself mini challenges, they don’t have to be huge, for example sit at the table and have a product while the family are eating your favourite dinner, go out and meet a friend and have a bar while they eat cake, watch a cookery programme etc. Life goes on with this plan or any other plan and to let life go on you have to believe! Everytime you overcome one of these little challenges say to yourself “I did it” or write it down! As you go along every day will get easier and you will believe that little bit more.