Lesson 22 and 23 – Thinking of going off plan? Or Just broke your diet? These lessons are for you!
Lesson 22 – If you can help it, don’t break your momentum!
I was flying in with my blog posts, and then I got busy and had some heartache in my life, and I lost my momentum with my daily blog posts. This can happen with your diet too! I am sure we have all had things happen that have made us lose our mojo on the diet!
When you break your routine, it can be hard to get back into things again. It is inevitable that sometimes life will throw us a curve ball and that will knock us off our track. But if you can help it, do not break your momentum! Sometimes we can kid ourselves that we can take a wee break and we are so confident that we can get back into the diet.
My advice for you is if you are doing well at your diet, or your exercise routine or anything else positive in your life, then guard that habit, do not break it if you can help it. Do not have a false confidence that it will be easy to take a break and get back into it. It usually isn’t!
So stay focused on your goals, and if you can help it, don’t break your momentum!
Lesson 23 – Success doesn’t always happen in a straight line
I remind myself of this all the time. With my diet, with my work, with my personal life, with my recovery from my instability in my ankle and pelvis, and also with these blog posts!
In an ideal world I would have published a blog post every single day. That was my goal 🙂
But today you are getting 2, so the line isn’t straight, it is a bit wonky! But I am here!! I am writing a new lesson for you, and I hope that this one hits home to you too!
If you go off track, get back on track, it is that simple.
Success does not happen in a straight line, but success will happen if you do not give up.
I think with total food replacement so many people can beat themselves up and feel like a failure if they do not stick to the plan 100% and then they can give up!! Do not do this!!
You will get to your goal, just practice self love and self care, and have this deep inner belief in yourself, and your own journey. Your success will happen, just make the changes to your mindset and your lifestyle and your diet. And if you go off course a bit, that is OK, just get back on track and know that it is part of your success dance!
I hope you enjoyed these 2 lessons today, and I feel that these are both very important reminders for us all. To stay focused on our goals, and don’t break our routines for silly reasons, but if life happens and we go off course, then just get back on track with a sense of knowing that we are ok and that we are on our journey and nothing is going to stop us from getting to our goal!
I look forward to your comments today on these 2 lessons!
Big Love,
Julz xx

Great blog Julie Ann every word is so true.had a couple reasons to fall off myself the car accident in July knocked me for six but I got back up and now the line is straight again x
Thank you Pauline, I am so happy that you are back with us, I remember when you had your accident, I am so glad that you got through it and you are back on track. Well done xxx
I have a journey with new you that looks like a lovely straight line to goal …then it became a wiggly line because yes life did happen and I lost concentration … but Its ok I am ok because this is what I had to do to get through it and come out the other side .. I am a changed person because of New You and even though there is still heart ache in my life I have no control of, I am in control of my diet and am stronger for it .. Thank you for these blogs and for reminding us of what’s possible through determination and support and self belief too …..xxx
Oonagh thank you so much for this lovely comment and for being part of my new you journey, I have loved how you have got so strong lately, you inspire me daily!! Thank you xx
Big Love to you Julie – Ann xx
hiya Julz
Your so right !!!
I was going to do re fed until after Xmas but after a week I’m going back on plan !
Why 1: I have been good 3 packs one healthy meal no alcohol at all & that showns how much I have learnt.
It’s taken me 2 years to lose 5 stone on those plan I’ve messed about but the penny as dropped!
That’s why I’m going back on track 100% as from Monday
So far I haven’t wavered off my straight line, but I know I worry about not being able to get back on track after refeed in December, but I am going to keep positive and strong and know that my journey is just that and I can do it – am loving your blogs Julie-Ann and they are so motivating and positive
Your blogs ring very true Julie Ann -when I look back on my own life experience there have been a few very squiggly lines but I have come through them. I have learned to stay focussed even in difficult times and look beyond the moment to where I want to be and it helps to pick things up and get moving forward rather than getting stuck in a rut. Thanks for the reminders again this morning and glad all going well for you again. Have s great day x
Hey Julz,
Thanks for your blog! I know exactly how that feels. I always think that I will be ok if I take a break as I can just go straight back on it. It never happens! I usually take a planned break with all the best intentions but then it takes me weeks to get back into the plan. For me, I’m definitely better off sticking to the plan all the time while I can and not taking too many breaks. I will be taking a break this Christmas for about 2 weeks and I’m scared that again I won’t be able to get back on it for a while. But I will try my best as always and I won’t give up till I lose all this weight. I’m planning to get married next Oct and want to be a slim bride. After that we are planning on starting a family so the slimmer I will be the better. Success is perseverance and not giving up, as long as you keep trying you are not a failure. Have a great day Julz. xx 🙂
Hello Julz , thank you for these amazing blogs today , I soooo totally relate to them ! My life has been a bit of a squiggly line this week , but I know I will be able to jump back on the plan tomorrow , and carry on ! The live and support found in the new you plan has helped me change my mindset!
Hello Julz , thank you for these amazing blogs today , I soooo totally relate to them ! My life has been a bit of a squiggly line this week , but I know I will be able to jump back on the plan tomorrow , and carry on ! The live and support found in the new you plan has helped me change my mindset! Y
So far the line is staying straight. Had a really tough day today as TOTM is kicking ketosis’ butt! The feeling of hunger came back today with a ridiculous vengeance! However I have managed to stay 100% with over 4 litres of water done too! This is the one aspect of my life I am totally in control of atm and I’m charging towards my goal so I’m definitely getting an A* at lesson 22 today! 🙂
Love Love Love these two lessons…YES we are only human. YOU TOO Julz…life can be hard at times but as you said the secret is in not giving up. Doing 100% TFR at the moment but know I am going to come off the plan for the event and Christmas. Hoping I have learned from last year because your right it isn’t EASY to get back on it…weird as when I was doing the 12 weeks and found I was DESPERATE to get back on the plan the twice I did that in my intial journey. Keep the blogs coming they are so inspiring. xx
Lesson 22 – With Christmas round the corner and the party only a couple of weeks away this is a really timely one. What to do???
Lesson 23 – So true! We are all to quick to berate ourselves, we need to embrace each step forward and move on from the setbacks and see them for what they are, one of life’s little challenges.
Loving these Julie-Ann