Lesson #13 “You make your own luck!”
Lesson #13 “You make your own luck!”
Lesson number 13, unlucky for some! Today the lesson is about LUCK 🙂
It can be easy to look at people who have things that you want and think that they are lucky. A lot of the time those people had to work really hard, make some big mindset shifts and make a lot of sacrifices to get to where they are.
A lot of what we create in life is a direct reflection of our thoughts, so if you think you are lucky, then you are more than likely to be lucky! If you are think you are unlucky then you are more than likely to be unlucky!
Some people in life do get dealt better hands that others for sure though…
- Some people are born with super model looks that open so many doors for them.
- Some people are able to eat everything and anything they want and not gain weight.
- Some people meet their true love in their childhood and stay together forever.
That is life! But if you are not a skinny supermodel who can eat a cheeseburger everyday, that does not mean you are unlucky! You can still look your best and you can still be slim and healthy, you just have to work for it, but if you really want it then you will find a way.
It is so easy to look at the new you plan success stories and think “Wow, they are so lucky, to be at their goal!”
CLICK HERE TO GO AND READ THROUGH ALL OUR SUCCESS STORIES AND GET INSPIRED. Here are just a small selection of before and afters!
They are not lucky. They worked hard. They followed the plan, day in, day out, even on the bad days. They made real changes to how they think, how they act and they achieved their goal of being slim and healthy.
What opportunities are you missing out on because you are overweight?
- Do you decline invitations to social events because you are embarrassed of your size?
- Do you not apply for that ideal job because you are afraid of going to the interview and what they will think of you because of your weight?
Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.
Make the decision to not let anymore opportunities slip you by, put the work in, get the weight off, feel proud in your own skin, so that you can get out of your own way, and start showing up in areas of your life that you have hiding away, and soon you will start feeling lucky!
[highlight]Thanks again for all your comments! We are one third of the way through the blogging series now! I hope you are enjoying it! I look forward to hearing your comments about luck! Do you believe in luck? Do you think that being slim opens up more opportunities and therefore makes you luckier?? Interested to hear what you think on this![/highlight]
Don’t forget we are still celebrating turning 5, the offer for 50% off our 5 week bundle ends on 5th November!
Julz xx

I think luck is very subjective !!! , but if it comes to my life, I think I am very lucky 🙂 I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful children, and am happy and healthy ! As for my weight loss journey, it has not been down to luck, just sheer perseverance …… And will be ongoing for always !
I have been lucky to find NEW YOU, and all the incredible support from yourself and the team, and the incredible group of ss ……. To this I am eternally grateful !
Lucky? ….. I’m the luckiest girl in the world !
Thank you x
I am a very lucky person, I have an amazing son who struggles through everything thrown at him mostly with a big smile on his face – he is my world and together we can achieve anything.
Julie-Ann I love your blog….I’m very much a glass half full person and I do think I’m incredibly lucky but I work very hard in life also. I embrace every days ups & downs. It’s what gets me through the tough times.
Hi Julz,
Yes, I believe that you make your own luck. And as you say, some people just have more advantages in certain areas of life like good looks or being naturally slim and we have to work harder on that to achieve it, unfortunately this is life and that’s how it goes! But I bet that these people are not so fortunate in other areas of life such as relationships, so it all balances itself out. If you read the success stories of people you notice that these people didn’t just leave things to luck, they worked for it! I used to think that I was very unlucky, but then things changed, I took charge of myself, realised that only I can do something about my life and if I’m not happy it’s only I who can change things, so I stopped procrastinating and started doing things! Now I think that I am very fortunate and I appreciate everything that I have, but I know that I have worked for it! Have a great day Julz! xx 🙂
Great blog Julz…yes I am a lucky lucky lassie….life has given me the knocks but I always pick myself up and dust myself down….and start all over again…bet your singing along lol. It is very easy to do a mia gulpa…why me…why me…but I believe everything in life is a lesson…not always a GOOD one…and sometimes I want to shake my fist and say Enough Already…I have and do turn to food at these times, but my journey on New You as taught me it solves nothing and in fact you feel WORSE for it. Loving being in control of my weight for the first time in my life. Thanks to this fantastic plan my health has improved and I look better for it too. xx
i would consider myself luck i have two wonderful children we have had a few knocks along the way but we are a stong little team and i have an amazing family and friends too x
I believe in luck and it being something you aren’t in control of generally. For example, a stolen car being driven at speed just missed me as I crossed a road when I was younger. If I was a second slower, I would have been under it. That to me is luck. Those people that can eat what they want without putting on a pound are lucky because it’s noT within their control…if only 😉 I think losing weight and being more confident would lead to opportunities and I would probably be more inclined to call them rewards. If I’ve worked hard to lose weight, applied for a job and got it because of my new found confidence…I would call that a reward for the hard work and effort I’ve put in. I do count myself lucky though, for my 3 beautiful kids, lovely partner and my good health 🙂 x
I believe you can’t rely on luck. You can rely on yourself though. If you decide you really want to achieve something and make all the decisions to get you towards that goal then you are most likely to achieve it.
Only we can influence the outcome of ourselves. We have the power to make our lives “good” or “better”. We decide how to deal with what comes to us.It all comes down to interpretation really. I don’t suppose that makes a blind bit of sense to anyone but me but I know I’m the only one that can influence my journey. What is luck anyway….. Love these posts Julz, thank you xx
I believe in luck and also creating your own. I am very lucky in so many ways but sometimes I am guilty if forgetting that!!
Wether you are more lucky slim or not is interesting. For me, being slimmer is bringing more luck, bur that is because my confidence I growing and I am believing I myself so I see the opportunities that bring good things.
Great post Julie-Ann. xxx
Anything I have and anything I have achieved I worked hard for it including weight loss and I am glad I did -a lot of knowledge and wisdom and satisfaction comes from hard work, trying a different way when something does not go just as you hoped, perseverance and courage. Thanks for the reminder in today’s lesson