Lesson #12 – “Time is going to pass anyway, you might as well put it to good use!”
Lesson #12 – “Time is going to pass anyway, you might as well put it to good use!”
When you have stones to lose, sometimes all you can see ahead of you is months of deprivation and sacrifice, and it just doesn’t feel appealing at all.
I really want you to read this and think about it, especially if you are struggling with this at the moment.
Yesterday The New You Plan turned 5 years old. Now I do not know where those 5 years have went, they have flew by! Time is like that, when you look back, it really seems to go fast, but when you look forwards it can really feel like a long time.
[highlight]To celebrate turning 5 years old, we have launched a celebration bundle, that is 50% off for 5 weeks, and it is on for 5 days, it expires on 5th November! (See what I did there with all those 5s!! You would never guess it is our 5th birthday we are celebrating eh!) Click here to check out the offers for our bday celebration.[/highlight]
You can get this bundle and in 5 weeks you can drop 1 – 2 stone (approx everyone is different). That is a life changing amount of weight. You can feel slim, healthy, look better in your clothes, have clearer skin, increased energy levels, high self esteem, amazing confidence levels, and a buzz for the Christmas season, excited and proud to go to family get togethers, and to get your photograph taken. Loving dressing up to go to Christmas Parties, and generally loving life and feeling happy and proud, and SO SO GLAD, that 5 weeks ago, you made the decision to start your diet, get committed and make the changes that have improved every area of your life in short 5 weeks.
You can pass this offer by and make the decision not to buy 5 weeks for 50% off… You can think, 5 weeks, I can’t do that. You can continue feeling frustrated, fat, depressed and down on yourself. You can see the posts on facebook about the Christmas parties and dresses and wish that you could feel excited instead of feeling full of dread at the thought of the party season and looking for clothes to wear. You can keep on adding 1-2 pounds a week, because you are comfort eating for being overweight and feeling down. In 5 weeks time you could be 7 pounds heavier, staring into your wardrobe with despair and wishing you had of taken action 5 weeks ago.
Whatever you choose, the time, the 5 weeks is going to pass anyway.
So you can choose to invest the next 5 weeks into your health and happiness and have an amazing Christmas.
You choose not to do it, because 5 weeks on the diet is too long, and the 5 weeks will pass anyway and Christmas will come.
So whatever you want to set out to achieve, do not worry about how long it will take you, as the time is going to pass anyway, the thing you are doing is making the decision to INVEST your time, rather than wasting it.
You get ONE LIFE, so invest you time in your own health and happiness. Invest you energy, your time and your money into creating the life that you want and the body and health that you deserve. What else is more important?
Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog and I look forward to reading your comments today. What are your thoughts on today’s topic of time? How fast is time going on your diet? I look forward to hearing from you.
Julz x

This is great Julie Ann! I’ve been chatting to a member who’s really struggling and I think this will help them a lot so I’ve copied the link and I’ll be sending it for them to look at!
Loving your blog, I caught up this weekend on the story so far! You’re so inspirational!
Thank you!
definitely going to take the 1-2 stone loss, have already lost nearly 2 stone in 3 weeks and it feels amazing – definitely the best thing you could do for yourself – go for it – I do not feel deprived at all and its an awesome diet for me
Hi Julie-Ann,
Great blog post, thanks!!! Yes, you are so right, the time will pass anyway so might as well do something with it. For me time on the diet is going slow at the moment, not losing so much as have a cold, I’m on painkillers and that makes me retain water, so feeling very fat and bloated, but I’m persevering with it. I will be on it until Christmas but I already think that I won’t be able to fit into my clothes size 16. For me it takes around 2 stone to lose a size, apart from the 1st month, when I lose more in weight and size, so although I may lose 2 stone till then, I still won’t be into 16, so feeling bit sad. But on the happier note, I will still get there, no matter what, maybe it will take me a year but I will do it.
Have a great evening!! xx 🙂
I have enough to keep me going until the end of my personal challenge plus extra for after the festivities but it’s a fab offer!
I’ll have to catch up with you soon Julie Ann as I think NY might be just the thing for my clients.
Loving the blog!
I pledge to invest in the next 5 weeks of my life and to follow the plan and each day support others along my New you journey too ..
I look forwards to how much better I will feel in 5 weeks .. I believe in the plan & I believe in me ..BOOM <3 xx
I am so motivated at the moment and nothing is going to get in the way of my goal this time!!! The 100% group is awesome, loved being a cheerleader and has given me such huge determination!!! I can be a stubborn old boot so I am bot giving up. Dublin is at the forefront of my mind!! Do my first Zumba class tomorrow. Doing 2 a week to start- eek!!
Great post Julie-Ann. xx
Loved that post Julie Ann. I have been really struggling this last week. Each nite i say to myself I’ll start tomorrow but when tomorrow comes I’m not in right head space but u’re right when u say time is going to pass anyway i might as well put it to good use. I don’t want to be hiding in my coat when i go out over Xmas or refusing invites cos i look fat in everything. So i will get back on plan tomorrow & take it one day at a time . Thank you Julie Ann xx
I will be back on it on Tuesday. Have about 7-8 weeks supply however this offer is so tempting!
Julz … you are so right. The last 4 months have just flown by and had I not embraced the programme I could have been another stone up instead of 4 stone down. Now is the time to embrace … time being the operative word.
Fab blog as ever 🙂 It’s so true about time flying by so I may as well make the most of it. I felt great last Christmas as I had lost a few pounds and this year I am going to feel the same and have already bought a few items onf clothing to keep me on track. I want to look back and think to myself ‘I had a great time’ rather than look back and just remember feeling down and uncomfortable x
the time on my journey has passed really quickly due to the fact that i have been enjoying it so much,i have made great friends in ss and they are helping to make it a fun experience and it has change many aspect in my life and for that i thank you all great blog julie xx
Cannot believe I joined NY nearly 18 months ago….been an amazing journey. Fantastic QUICK results and from the June to Dec lost 7st. Felt happy with that at the time as I had far surpassed my original goals. I look back at photographs and cannot believe I had let myself get to that size…to be HONEST don’t think I really was AWARE of how LARGE I was. My health has improved and so has my quality of life. Your right the best thing we can INVEST in is ourselves. I gained a yo yo stone over the last year….literarly on and off like a yo yo…but back again to shift that and a bit more for the Event in Ireland. Know NY will be part of my life …for a long time yet…I love that I know I am giving my body what it needs If and when I gain a few pounds…..the best thing I ever did was join this plan. Thank you for your continued slimsperation. xx
Hi Julz, such an inspirational post today , I am loving reading them ! My journey has , and always will be ongoing , as I strive to lose abut more , and maintain afterwards ! It is do true, we only have one body , and should be investing in ourselves by looking after it …. In my case I seriously had to get the weight off when I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder ! Every day I think of my lovely hubby and my children , cos I’ve done this for all of us ! I could have carried on making excuses forever as to why I should delay the diet pkAn , but I’m so glad I didn’t ! My journey may be a bit scenic compared to some , but it’s working …..over 6 stone gone to date , and aiming at 100% up to Christmas to get the last bit off ! You are inspirational
Thank you xxx
5 weeks is no time at all. My youngest daughter is 4 next on the 5th and I’ve no idea where that time has gone. It seems like only yesterday. So 5 weeks is just a blink and how fab that I can feel so much better in that time. Thanks Julz xx
i have just brought the 5 week deal. I am certain it will take me down into the 10 stone bracket of my goal. I still have 2 weeks from my previous order. I really enjoy these posts, the positive language and reinforcement is inspirational. Working in a school which has a very negative environment and quite a lot of overweight staff it can be difficult to go abut my day on the plan…its always a birthday or a tray of pastries offered around but after my 2stone loss i am determined not to pass my time eating crap that will make me feel awful later. And prancing around in my size 12 dresses helps too 😉 I think it is a great idea for them to continue-the posts- even after your birthday. Maybe with different people sharing each day/week. It is always inspiring and motivating to hear from real people with real issues overcoming their barriers and giving a sometimes needed kick up the bum!
Love this! It is so true. I am so much happier having done this over the last few months than I would have been if I hadn’t chosen to do this.