I Quit…
“I’m quitting….” is one of the best things you can say, as this kick starts the magical law of the vacuum!
When you decide to let go and quit the things that are holding you back, it can feel like a scary thing. So scary, that we cannot see what our life will be like without what we are holding on to.
But you need to let go, before you can move on. So many people stay stuck in a bad situation because they are too afraid to make space for something better to come in.
If your life is centred around food and drink and curling up in the sofa with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and packet of biscuits, then it is pretty hard for you to imagine giving that up…
… after all what will you do?????
You are probably aware of the Law of Vacuum.
When space is created it has to be filled.
So when you say “I quit!” then you are creating space, and that space must be filled. It is just the way the world works.
Lying on the sofa with a glass of wine could turn into walking on a summer’s evening in a near by park, or taking up a new hobby, meeting new friends, learning a new skill or starting a new adventure. Who know’s where it could lead you? But with a positive mindset and an open heart to try new things, you will soon find out…
If you hold on to things, habits, people, food, drink, or a lifestyle that makes you ultimately unhappy because you can’t imagine what life would be like without it, then you have to create the space FIRST… and then you will find out how to fill it.
So have a think about what you need to STOP DOING…. what do you need to quit doing so you can create the space for something better…
We often think about what we need to start doing, but our stop doing list is just as important…
There are so many quotations that are relevant to letting go, so we can experience something better, here are just a few that come to my mind…
I hope this blog post and selection of quotations have inspired you to say “I quit!” to the things that are holding you back so that you can create the space you need for better, healthier things to come into your life.
Remember the new you is a journey, not a destination, and we are here to help you along the way, losing weight is one of the most transformational experiences, as it really requires change of diet, habits, lifestyle and mindset. The New You Plan is here to help you make long lasting changes.
For more information on the new you plan please visit our getting started page.
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Love it, well done, as always, what would we be doing without your kindly kick up the bum. Lillian
LOL!! Awww Lillian 🙂 thank you hun he he xxx
very good. thoes quotes are very inspirational margaret
Thank you Margaret, I personally really like all these quotes 🙂 Im glad you do too xx