![[GUEST BLOG: JULZ] Woohoo! I’m on holidays!* [GUEST BLOG: JULZ] Woohoo! I’m on holidays!*](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Julz-social.jpg)
[GUEST BLOG: JULZ] Woohoo! I’m on holidays!*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
WOW, did you see Ruth’s email at the weekend? Ruth is such an inspiration! She posted a photo of herself in a bikini! Ruth has totally transformed herself and has lost so much weight. Well done Ruth for sharing your bikini photo! You look amazing!
We are spending a few days in London before we fly to Greece for a couple of weeks. Although I am not ready to share bikini photos, I am feeling great to be wearing nice clothes this summer! Maybe next year I will share my bikini photos!
I love Greece! It has to be the most relaxing place I have ever been to! London has been pretty full on – we have been out and about all day everyday, shopping and sightseeing! It has been great fun!
Check out me & Isabella having a ball on the London Eye!!!
I have brought Pineapple Fat Burners with me. These give me so much energy and I have one every morning to kick start my day! I’ve also brought a selection of Bars and Shakes with me on the holiday. I am following the New You 5:2 Plan while I am away. Today and tomorrow I am “fasting”, taking 3-4 New You Meal Replacements. I had a few treats over the weekend, so I am actually really looking forward to a couple of days on plan just to bring myself back to a good place again.
On Saturday we went shopping in London and we all got a new outfit. I got a lovely top and pair of trousers from Reiss. Then we had the treat of all treats… afternoon tea in the Ritz! Very fancy! It was a lovely experience and another experience ticked off my bucket list!
Every Sunday in our Secret Slimmers Group we have a theme called SLIM STORY SUNDAY. It is incredibly moving to hear some of our customers’ stories and the amazing weight loss journeys of many people who have a weight issues because of the curve balls of life that have knocked them down. But the thing I love about our group is that we are all fighters and we all get back up again!
Over the last 5 years I have spent 2 and a half years in bed, with severe pelvic pain, and 2 broken ankles. Walking around London this weekend is an amazing feeling! I have no pain in my pelvis and no pain in my ankles. AMAZING!! I have literally walked for miles and I am excited about the future now as I know my health will improve rapidly!
I love quotes and I want to share a couple of my favourites with you today that have helped me with my weight loss journey and hopefully inspire you to keep persisting with your weight loss journey.
MY TAKE: No matter how many times you have fallen off the wagon and regained weight, you are not a failure until you stop trying. Every time you fall down, dust yourself off, learn some lessons and give it another go. Life can be hard sometimes, but always remember that tough times do not last, and they will pass. So get back up and give yourself another chance to get this right and master your eating and achieve the body and lifestyle of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how many times it doesn’t work out, the only thing that matters is that you do not give up on you! Your health and happiness is the only thing that truly matters, so keep fighting and find a way!
MY TAKE: When you are on Total Food Replacement, it is a time of sheer focus and determination. To keep that level of focus, you need to have an exciting feeling of great things ahead, and that you are preparing yourself for amazingly fun opportunities and experiences! One thing I have learned in life is that when I expect amazing things to happen, they usually do! In the space of a few short weeks or months you can really see dramatic changes inside and out. Losing weight is the biggest gift you can give yourself to change your life. Once you start dropping sizes, EVERYTHING CHANGES. Your attitude to life, your self confidence, your self esteem, your style, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you think! So keep believing that something wonderful is about to happen on your transformation. Keep that excited feeling of expectation and look at life as an exciting adventure! You are the author of your own life story! You can create the life of your dreams, so start writing an exciting future today, and take action everyday to make it happen!
MY TAKE: I love to see people succeed in life. I love to see people lose weight and set goals and go and make their dreams come true. So many people are hiding away from life because they are unhappy with their size and I see it as my personal mission to help people who feel like this to wake up and see that they have the power to change things!! Life is here to be enjoyed. We only have one life so do not let it pass you by! You have the power inside you to lose weight, feel great, look great and do great things! I truly believe that Total Food Replacement is like a springboard to creating the life you wan. It gives you the results and the self belief that change can happen, and that you can be slim and healthy!
I hope my 3 quotes today have helped to inspire you! I am so proud of the team at The New You Plan. We really are so motivated to help you! If you want to get started on the plan then we have 2 amazing special offers, and I know one of them is right for you to help you get back on track.
Place your order today online, or pick up the phone and speak to one of our friendly team members; Luke, Grant, Tasha and Melissa are all amazing and we are all here to help you along with the whole crew in our amazing Secret Slimmers group! You do not have to do this alone. We are here to help you and inspire you!
BIG love,
Julz xox