FREE WEEKLY PLANNER Download and plan your IDEAL week
Starting out your week with a good plan of how you want it to look like will set you up for MASSIVE SUCCESS! If you want to lose 10 pounds, 7 pounds or 4 pounds this week, then you need to be organised today.
If you don’t know what your ideal week will look like, how are you going to have a good week? Get Clear today on how much weight you want to lose, what habits you want to work on, what exercise you are going to do, how you are going to handle any social occassions with food and drink, how you are going to get your evenings in, and how you are going to reward yourself for being a flipping rockstar and having a 100% week!!
The best way to achieve success, is to schedule it. That is why we encourage all our customers to take the time every Sunday to plan their week.
If you haven’t already got your goals for the month of June written out then take time now to fill in the JUNE WORKBOOK PLANNER that we made you last week for free to complete. This got so many great comments, and is helping people to have their best month yet on the new you plan. I would recommend you complete the monthly planner before doing the weekly one!
This is soo inspiring, this booklet everything to keep me on track. Also love the planners like this as I can see what am achievingx
Just back on the plan after about a year off and I am taking you guys up on every resource that you are offering. I Will get it right this time. (Didn’t re-feed properly last time and then slipped back into old habits.) I Will lose weight this June!
A straight talking workbook…..well done N Y. I like the “Your Habit Goals” We really are what we think!!!
Planning your week will help you on total food replacement to succeed, but also when you finish total food replacement it is CRUCIAL that you plan your week, you will need to plan your shopping, cooking, healthy snacks, exercise, well in advance if you want to have a chance of maintaining… so get into the habit now of planning your week. You need to build these habits into your life now…. don’t expect to get to your target weight and then overnight have 10 healthy habits that will support you at your goal, you need to build these habits into your life now so you can live your new you with ease.
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Leave a comment below and let me know the following
1.) Your weight loss goal for the week
2.) What exercise you have planned this week
3.) What habit you are working on this week
4.) How you are going to reward yourself for a 100% week
Have a lovely Sunday, and I trust that you week will go as planned. 🙂
weight loss goal for this week 4 lbs , weather permitting -i’ll take my dogs ( i have 3 !!! ) to the beach for half an hour every day as my exercise , my habit for the week will be to prepare my products and water the night before , when ( not if ) i achieve 100 % of my planner this week , my reward will be bath oils for a relaxing celebration of my completing a great week. to keep my focus on my goals for the week , i will make a poster of these and stick on the fridge – ticking off day by day .xxx
1. My weight loss goal for this week is to loose 4 pounds to get to four stone loss and to fit into my new size 16 jeans x which is brilliant as I was in size 22 on feb 25 th when I started this plan .
2 I am recovering from a fractured foot – so I am going to do non impact exersise this week and look into maybe going swimming – a thought that filled me with dread – entering the dreaded leisure centre pool was something so humiliating I would not contemplate almost 4 stone ago x
3. I am going to work on increasing my water intake – so it becomes a ‘habit ‘ for life.
4. This week I am going to reward myself with giving me some ‘me time’ – a pamper day of nails, facial and hair do x starting to like myself again x
My weight loss goal for this week is 2lbs. Anything extra would be fantastic. The numbers are showing down so I want to be realistic and not disappoint myself and self sabotage.
I’m starting week 7 and have been 100% all the way so that in itself is a huge achievement. I’ve had a total loss of 1st 11.3lbs and am at my lowest weight in over 10 years.
I hope to add in the monthly ab challenge. Was supposed to start last week but was hectic in work. No more excuses. 🙂
my treat for a 100% week will be the cinema with my son. A new movie came out yesterday and he can’t wait to see it add he loved the book. Will be nice to treat him and me.
The habit I hippie to work on this week is getting back into cooking. Not for me but for my son. I’ve not made him a great selection since starting this plan and have to get back into it. I’ve got 2 more weeks till my 1st refeed and want to enjoy cooking healthy options as well as feeding my son healthy tasty food too.
Good luck to all for another 100% week! X X X
This week I am going to lose 6 lbs. I’m not feeling very focused or motivated today so I need this today to get my mind into the place it needs to be. I am going to swim three mornings a week and I’m going to do my very best to be 100% I plan to up my water intake and if I’m a very good girl all week I will buy myself some shoes 🙂 happy Sunday everyone xxx
My weight loss goal for this week is 4lbs
In addition to my regular morning swim I am going to try to get to a couple of Pilates classes this week
I’ll be working on keeping up my water habit
And my reward will be a healthier, slimmer, happier me!
My goal is the lingering 5lb which want gone to get me to next stone x
Dumbells getting dust off and walking on the up. Hoping to treat myself tosome eyebrows as mine are dissappearing 🙂
Hi my goal for this week is 4lbs. I’m starting circuit class 3 times a week to help me with my shape. Going to try to increase water to 3.5 from 3 litres. My reward next Sunday is booking a laser treatment on my red veins on my face. Some good deals available at moment. I’m in the zone so keeping focused is my goal for this week x
i would like to lose 2lbs this week it is slowing down a bit,this week im going to carry on walking the dog,and im getting through the squat challenge by breaking them down into batches,i also plan on doing my new you yoga dvd everyday,this week im going to work on my image of myself i still see the big girl sometimes when i pick out clothes i have to realise im no longer that big girl i am now 6 stones lighter and i need to dress like im six stone lighter lol,my reward to myself this week if i do well is going to be some nice new jeans in a size 12 and to tell myself everyday well done pauline you are doing a great job because we often dont tell ourselves well done do we ss.have a great week new you team and ss.
4lb goal for me this week. I’ve started using a small pocket sized notebook & at the start of the week i write down a motivational saying and my weekly target & current weight. Then each day iv made note of what iv eaten, my highs and lows etc. I leave the notepad out on the kitchen counter so I don’t forget to write in it… just a new motivational iv decided to try out 😉
weight loss for this week is 6 pounds..wwoooooohhoooooo
my every day exercise is zumba sculp and tone plus zumba flat abs
im tryin to break habbit of pickin from my children plate
my reward is can of coke zero each week…love it..:)
I’m going for 2lbs
I’m going to the gym 5 days Monday to Friday
Going to keep busy & weight my self every day to keep positive
Some new knickers
1.) I would like to lose seven pounds. Currently on day three. I’d like to lose more but also don’t want to get my hopes up too much. I haven’t been able to exercise after getting my two wisdom teeth out on Friday.
2.) Because of the teeth, it will have to be low intensity. I’ve wanted to try yoga and Pilates for ages now. I’m going to take my first class of Pilates tomorrow and I’m excited!
3.) I want to eat/drink at more regular intervals so I don’t feel so weak and sick by the time I do eat.
4.) I just booked a holiday so I can’t afford to buy anything. Instead, I’ll try on clothes that are now too tight to see how much better they feel and how much more I’ve left to go.
Tomorrow will be my first weigh in. I have been 100% so hopefully it will be a good one. Aim for a good week next week & 5lb loss. I am starting the 30 squat & 30 day ab challenges. Good luck everyone x
I hope to lose four pounds this week, I plan to go to the power plates class twice this week and start jogging again tomorrow morning before work and at least another twice
This week.
The habit I am working on this week is to drink all the. Water without thinking about it and prepare my family’s meals in advance.
I am going to reward myself on Friday with a hair colour and cut and a large glass of sparking water and a wafer x
1) My weight loss goal for this week is 4 pounds.
2) I don’t really do exercise as it hurts to much with the arthritis in my hip.
3) I am working on cutting out the snack wafers in the evening. I am just going to have one chocolate bar in the evening instead.
4) I am going to reward myself by getting on those scales and seeing the good results to my efforts. Seeing a good weight loss on my scales is an excellent reward, keeps me smiling all day 🙂
Starting back this week so hoping for a big loss 10~12 pounds going to do some light exercise eg. Walking to get myself back into the plan and get the greater more energic feeling befor i start any other exercise 🙁
Habit I have to try and break is being bored so just have to make myself available to everything and everyone to keep my occupied
If I get through my first week 100% then il get my eyebrow and lashes tinted 😉 never got them before 🙂
Congratulations on your huge weightloss Julz xx
My aim this week is losing 6pound. I am going to go to gym 3times this week and I am going to do my best to up my intake of water. At the end of the week I am going to treat myself to a facial (“,)
My weightless is 4 lbs this week.
I’m going to work in two 5 km flamboyant jogs this, in the gym.
I’m also up up upping my water.
And after a 100% week I’m celebrating with a hot bath, with luxury products, and probably the last episode of breaking bad!!! ( saving it for that bath)
Aiming for at least 4 lb
1st day today (9th june)
I’m going to give myself £1 for every 1lb lost and treat myself to something new