New You Plan Blog

Free Shipping & Bonuses THIS WEEKEND Ends 30th September!!
For the last couple of days of September we are offering free shipping to UK & Ireland on our website for orders over £150 (this includes the 100 and 200 Bundles).
We also have a 3 SPECIAL BONUSES for anyone who orders the 200 Bundle this weekend…
If you have a few stone to lose before Christmas the clock really is ticking! Get started now and by Halloween you will be seeing and feeling the benefits! The 200 Bundle comes with some great bonuses this weekend to help you stay on track!
If you order the 200 bundle this weekend, you will get 3 FREE BONUSES 🙂
1.) The Luxury BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Journal worth £9.99
2.) Free New You Plan Pen
3.) The Body Measuring Tape worth worth £5.99
You will also get FREE SHIPPING and you will save 17%!

The BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Luxury Journal with inspirational quotes on the pages inside you will be able to journal your weight loss journey, a great way to record your transformation, emotions and the realisations of your eating and lifestyle habits. You will also get a free New You Plan pen with your journal.

These BONUSES come free with the 200 BUNDLE THIS WEEKEND ONLY.
SO are ready to rock and roll for October??
Drop a dress size and make great progress with your health goals so you can end 2012 in a healthier and happier place. xxx
Here is another customer review I want to share with you 🙂 If you want to look and feel great this Christmas, then it is what you do NOW, that counts! xxx
I started New You 12 weeks ago and have lost over 3 stone in that time. That includes being on holiday with my family AND a weekend in Spain for my brothers wedding when I didn’t do the diet at all. It has been amazing! I’m back on it now and loving the food and loving the results. I feel fabulous and I’m starting to look fabulous. On the 4th of July I was a size 26 top, 22 trousers, I wore a size 18 dress to my brothers wedding last weekend – how fab is that! 2 friends have now started on New You having seen my brilliant results – roll on Christmas and the amazing dresses I’ll be able to wear to the parties!
You can read this and more reviews on our Facebook page – click here.
If you want to get started and get the free shipping and 3 bonuses then order the 200 Bundle this weekend! xx
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10lbs for october plz amy <3
Hi..Can you put me down for 12lbs for this month please xx