Free Download: Get your free 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook now!
[Free Download] Get your free 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook NOW!
The New Year is a new chapter of your life, with 366 blank pages, you are the author of your own life story, and it all starts with having a big dream and a good plan! We’re here to help you on your journey to a New You, we know that weight loss isn’t simply about having the right diet plan but also about your mindset and motivation. We’ve created a free download, our 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook to help get you clear on what you want in 2016 and feel excited and confident that you CAN achieve it.
What does 2016 mean to you? 2016 is going to be the year were you create your New You and live the life you truly want and deserve. Our 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook has been created for people who really want to get to their healthy target weight. If you’re following our Fast Focus or Fresh Focus plan this workbook will be perfect for you, it help you focus, commit and succeed! If you wanted to be committed but struggle the completing the exercises in our 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook will trigger off that spark that will get you into the right frame of mind!
Our 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook is going to be an invaluable tool and will help you outline your journey to a New You in 2016! Here is what the workbook will cover:
Reflect on 2015, your achievements and what you’ve learnt
How to make 2016 YOUR year through goal setting
How to create an action plan for successful weight loss
Outline your dreams and how YOU are going to make them happen
How to form habits that you’ll ACTUALLY stick to
Our secret system for weight loss success
Julz’s top tips for 2016
If you want to create a vision that excites you then you’ll learn how to not worry what others think and to listen to your own heart. Remember, you are the author of this story and you have the ability to make it AWESOME!
We’ll leave you with a little note from Julz, who knows the struggles and the SUCCESS of weight loss:
” Don’t compare yourself to other people. Some times you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind, life is not a race, it is a journey. The only person you should compare yourself to is the person that you were yesterday. Baby steps, tiny actions, all add up. Ordinary things, consistently done create extraordinary results.”
A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today!
You can get your FREE copy of our 2016 Dreams & Goals Workbook sent directly to your email so you can print it out and start outlining what you’re going to achieve in 2016. It’s easy to get your copy, simply follow the link below, enter your name and email address and we’ll send it directly to your inbox!
If you need any help with an order or would like to discuss our plans with our amazing customer service team then get in contact with us via our live chat, email: [email protected] or give us a call on 028 3833 0720, we’re here to help!
Love, Team New You x