Message from Julz – Enjoy a Healthy Easter
We have really had a hard winter this year. I know from a personal level I have been off my feet twice with a bad cold and then the worst flu ever. Apparently the current flu is the worst in a decade and I read in the newspaper that February & March this year seen thousands more deaths of pensioners registered compared to normal. In Secret Slimmers there was a time that it did seem everyday someone shared the news of a loved one passing.
It has been a hard winter and spring has yet to spring. I know that the cold weather, illnesses, and family deaths can all have a great impact on our ability to focus on a diet and losing weight, sometimes it just isn’t the right time, and it is important to know that that is ok and not beat yourself up over it. If you are really committed to your new you journey, it will happen.
I hope you have had a great start to 2013, I know there are SO MANY people who have got off to a positive flying start this year, so many of our customers have already transformed their bodies and lifestyles! It is so inspiring to see the changes, and I have loved reading all the amazing 5 star reviews we have been receiving.
If you are FLYING on your new you journey then I have one message for you this Easter – DON’T STOP. When you are on the crest of a wave and things are going great guns with your transformation, just do not stop, you are in a magical place right now, protect it, and stay with it. Sometimes we can kid ourselves that it is easy to get back into the zone again, but trust me, I have seen it so many times, and also been there myself, but more often than not, when you stop the momentum it can be hard to get it going again. So ride that wave, enjoy it, feel proud and feel empowered this Easter for staying true to your main goals.
If you are someone who has struggled to get off the starting blocks this year then I really want to send you all of my love, and I don’t want you to spend the Easter holidays beating yourself for “not being skinny yet!”. There is still plenty of time for you to achieve your goals, but for now, just take some time to relax and enjoy the weekend. The Easter break is here, have a healthy happy time with your family, and hopefully you will be in a better frame of mind to recommit next week.
We will also be launching our new weight loss challenge next week, and I am sure there will be a fresh momentum of success and achievement from our amazing weight loss community.
The clocks will be changing on Sunday too so hopefully the days will get longer and the sun will be out. I know there is going to be an amazing team spirit after the Easter break in the new you community. So relax and make healthy choices and get your mindset prepared to re-join us next week with renewed vigor to finally make your dream of a new you come true in time for Summer.
[highlight]If you are feeling up for giving it 100% next week please leave me a comment below! I hope to see you name there![/highlight]
See you next week! xx
Big Big Big Love to you,
Julz xox
PS. Free Shipping on all orders over £50 (includes ALL bundles) until Easter Monday.
Morning all…sun is out and I am off for my swim with my baby girl xxx
I will give it 100%xxxx
Sounds lovely! I need to get to the pool!! Hope you had a nice Easter hun xx
Hiya Julz
I am doing fine I have only been losing 2 pounds aweek
Which is great 🙂 but as from yesterday I have been re feeding ,
I have the plate printed off all the paper work
& been very good I am doing this just for a week only then back
On the plan 🙂 I also need to know if I can refeed and not
be bad ! I will keep doing the NY plan & refeed in between
I need to make sure I can learn from the pased & still lose weight !
Dos this make sence ! I am not going to put back on all
the weight once I lose it all this is a premises I have made to myself x
Hope you had a nice Easter Melanie and refeeding was a positive experience for you! 🙂 The April challenge has been launched so hope to see you there!!
Im in …100% for me and i cant wait..xcc
WOOHOO!! Good woman xx
I am going to give it a million percent next week 🙂 🙂
BOOM! Love it!! The april challenge is launched hope to see your name there Patricia xx
Hi jules.. 100% from me.. 🙂
Happy Easter to you and ur family..
love your wee messages and emails!!
Your so devoted, love this group ss is a gawd send,
love reading everyone’s comments..
Great to know we’re not alone on this amazing journey!
Hope to post my transformation pic on the wall some day v soon..
Love to all .. Denise xx 😉
Hey Denise, thank you for your lovely comment and encouragement! Really glad to have you with us in our community! We had a lovely Easter, hope you did too! Love Julz xx
Happy Easter and thanks so much for encouraging words.
Weighed on on day 7 yesterday an 11lbs lighter
So feel on top of the world!!am so determined to
Get to make this work.havnt used secret slimmers
Yet is it the NY on Facebook or is it a separate page
Am a bit confused .?can you explain .enjoy Easter xx
Grainne secret slimmers is a secret group, YOU NEED TO BE IN IT!! You will love it. Just send a friend request here
http://www.facebook.com/newyouplan and send a private message to say you are a customer, Lisa can then add you to the group. xx
Email us if you neeed extra help [email protected]
See you on the challenge too! xx
Hi Julz
Yes I am committed again from Monday onwards! I’ll join the challenge and give it my all – haven’t really had my heart into losing weight so far this year but it’s got to change now! Thanks for your inspiring message 🙂
Hey great that you are feeling up for it!! The april challenge is launched today so hope to see you there! LETS DO THIS! XX
Hi Julz,
Thank you so much for your inspirational message i have being really struggling for the past few months and for the first time in a long time I’ve being able to stay 100% committed for a week now. Also reading this message today has really helped me to be even more determined to finish my NEW YOU JOURNEY, I’ve come a long long way to give up now…for the first time in 8 years i can see and feel a skinnier and healthier me so i’m not ready to give up yet.
Happy Easter to you and the whole of the new you community, stay bless.
Hey Grace! 🙂 I am so glad to read how positive you are feeling! Very inspiring 🙂 I wish you every success with your journey and new lifestyle xx BIG LOVE Julz
Me doing ok my husband and I started last Mon 6 lbs down already and trilled my psoriasis is not itchy y
Thats great news marian xx Hope to see you and your husband on the challenge too! x
hey will start monday the 1st and will give 100%
Brilliant! Good luck and see you in the challenge too hopefully! xx
Hi julz…..100%….think how good we will feel on Tuesday morning…! Love your emails. always come at the time i need them most….day 5 and im not going to ruin that for a silly wee Easter egg .xx
Good stuff Anne! Hope you are still going great guns and ready to join our challenge too! xx
I’m in…100% from me..
BOOM!! Love it xx
Happy Easter to you and yours too….. Hope you have a lovely time.
Count me in for the 100% only on my first week, but looking forward to joining the new April Challenge. Really enjoy getting your message, the site is wonderful.
We had a lovely Easter thank you! I hope you did too! Great to have you with us hun, it is going to be a great month!! Hope to see you in our challenge xx
I really want to get bk on track on monday i have been finding it so hard to get bk in to it… I will try give it 100%.. Thanks.
Let’s do this Gillian! see u on the challenge!! Woohoo xoxo
Great Christine, the challenge is launchded today, I hope to see your name there!! xx
Cant wait to get started once my delivery arrives and defo 100% for me, no going back. wish me luck.
Woohoo!! I can feel your determination!! You are going to kill it.!! Good luck xx
I have managed 3 weeks and lost 1 stone absolutely delighted with the plan and the support and emails are so important in keeping me focused. Will be out of routine and away for the week so will have to break that momentum but will be back for the 8 th April . I am half way to my goal and so determined to succeed . Have a great Easter Julz and all my fellow New You followers. The journey continues.
Julia, I hope you are enjoying your time away!! Nice to be 1 stone lighter and hope that you will find it easy to get back in the zone when you get back! 🙂 xx
Hi Jules, thank you for that inspiring message, I’m considering starting the NewYou Plan after Easter. I’ve read so many great reviews about the plan, I’m really nervous about it…. I really hope I will be able to take the products and stick to them..
Woohoo!! Angie! We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you with us! 🙂 If you need any help getting started please contact our office and the guys are very helpful and friendly!
UK 02838330720 / EIRE 042838330720
Hope Easter was good for everyone! I was really hungry and had four or five meals a day to stop me ending up with egg on my face!
Jenny! Well done for staying strong!! Get your name down on the challenge and lets make april amazing! xx
last stone to my goal!so many events coming up and so looking forward to picking out size 10 outfits for them all!