Diet? What Diet? Secret Slimmer’s tell us how it’s done!

The warm weather is the perfect time to have a Berry Blast over ice in a tall glass with a straw-so refreshing! We did just that in the office while we headed on over to the Secret Slimmer’s Facebook page to check out how our wonderful Plan’ers were doing this week.
Reading through your posts we have come to understand that for some people, the summer season can be hard when you’re trying to stick to a diet. Eating becomes more of a social pastime what with endless BBQ’s and facing the prospect of meal times arising whilst you’re out and about can be daunting. The best advice we can give you is to always be prepared. When you leave the house for the day make sure you have some New You Plan products with you so you don’t get caught short and feel you have to go without. Some of our Secret Slimmer’s have used FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out-to us non-Millennials) as a motivator to get creative with the New You Plan products.
Now for anyone that’s new here or just checking us out to see if we’re the right fit, here at the New You Plan, we try to provide you with a total meal replacement plan that’s both nutritious and delicious. Now, we’ve always confidently believed (not in a smug way, you understand!) that we had most bases covered with over 50 meals and snacks to choose from. But when we looked in on the Secret Slimmer Facebook page this week, we discovered that some of them have taken our products to the next level. Many of our Plan’ers have really shown the full potential of our products by getting creative and sharing new meal ideas and recipes! And we absolutely love them for it!
Some of the seasonal favourites that we found are:
- Vanilla Ice-Cream.
- Pina Colada Jelly Mousse.
- Sorbet.
- Pineapple Jelly.
All of these are perfect for a cool treat in the summer sun.
Diet? What diet?!
Looking through all of the posts made us feel hungry. There are so many inventive meals! Although we could list all day long, here are just a few we feel you should know about that are perfect for any time of the year:
- Cake Pops.
- Oatmeal porridge and cinnamon (cooked in omelette maker) with banana custard (shake).
- New You Baked Lasagne.
- Trifle.
- Chocolate crispy cakes.
- Pancake burger.
- Tomato soup and 4 cheese pasta toastie.
- Banana delight.
- Pineapple jelly and strawberry mousse with a crushed crispy chocolate top.
Variety really is the spice of life and our Secret Slimmer’s really live by this.
All of these meals and recipes are easy to find, you don’t have to scroll through the Secret Slimmer’s home page and develop some sort of repetitive strain injury. Just find the tabs at the top of the page and click on ‘Topics’. A little way down you will discover #meals. If you click on there you will be presented with all sorts of mouthwatering dishes.
If you feel adventurous by trying some of these recipes yourself or if you have some of your own, please let us know and share them with the community of Secret Slimmer’s!