Day 35 – Motivational Monday – Healthy Habits for a New You*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
It is Day 35 Of our Challenge! It is an open challenge so you can join anytime, if you want to join today, CLICK HERE, and get started! A warm welcome to everyone who has joined the challenge!
The leader board was updated last night with Lisa, you lot are truly AMAZING and SMASHING IT, well done for all of your hard work and commitment! We are loving that the participants keep growing, we have 315 entrants in the Challenge so far. You guys have lost a WHOOPING 1358 POUNDS so far absolutely AMAZING! I hope you are as PROUD of yourselves as much as we are of you. The SUN IS SHINING and we are enjoying the SHAKES! Seeing the Sun makes everything that little bit better and gives us an excuse to smile that little bit more. 🙂 Here is a clip of our leader board and big WELL DONE to all of the top Challengers…. YOU GUYS ARE KILLING IT!!!
This Summer is GOING TO BE GREAT so don’t be hiding lets GET THIS WEIGHT OFF! Together we can make this our BEST SUMMER!!!
Creating a new you for the long term is all about changing your habits. If you keep losing weight and going back to the same lifestyle that makes you put on weight.
Albert Einstein says ‘that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.’
So today’s blog post and task is all about thinking about the long term and what healthy habits we need to build into our life to give us a great chance of truly creating your new you!
So what do you want your destiny to be??
In this challenge so far we have been focusing a lot on helping you to change your mindset. Because what we think about is so important. It sets us on sail for the course of our life. Last week we talked about being congruent. And how important this is for our happiness and to get that feeling of being on the zone. Being congruent is when what we think, say and do are all the same. We want to get to the stage that doing the healthy actions is our second nature. It’s what we naturally want to do. This takes practice!!The best way to form healthy habits is one at a time and using a process called HABIT HOOKING. this is when you hook a healthy habit onto something you already do everyday.
So what routines do you have?
Brushing your teeth
Bringing the kids to school
Driving to and from work
So maybe you could habit hook onto something you do everyday. This way it makes it easier for you to get into the habit of doing it.
Maybe you could do 50 squats every time you finish brushing your teeth.
Or maybe you could go to the gym or a Pilates class every morning after bringing the kids to school.
Or maybe you could go swimming on the way home from work.
It takes 21days to 1 month to form a habit. It is best to focus on one habit at a time. Build it into your life and when you are comfortable then you can look at building in another one. If you try to change everything at once you will get overwhelmed. So baby steps and being consistent will be a winning strategy.
[quote] Ordinary things consistently done create extraordinary results.[/quote]
Remember creating your new you is a journey not a destination.
Habits can be anything that makes you feel good and improves your well being. From exercising, walking, gardening, decluttering the house, cooking healthy meals, stopping drinking, smoking . beauty routines, relaxation routines, finding me time, finding time for romance. Doing a course, studying. Anything that will make you happier and healthier and remove stresses or emotions that make you want to comfort eat.
Todays Task….
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]So today’s task is to declare the 7 healthy habits below that you will form for the end of the year and help you on your New You Journey.[/box]
Just think how different your life will be when you have these 7 habits in place and part of your daily/weekly routine!
Click here to download your Healthy habits in 2013 word document!!
My seven healthy habits:
1, Wash and moisturise my face day and night (never cared about my looks so never bothered! However now I do!)
2, Complete 25 minutes of intense exercise 6 times a week
3, When I am off New You, complete a weekly food plan and stick to it
4, Drink 4lts of water a day whilst on diet and at least 2lys once off it
5, Ensure I get the recommended amount of sleep, not too much and not too little
6, Be positive about exercise and healthy eating. Having a positive attitude will help me stick to healthy living
7, Spend quality with Jamie for a healthy relationship that is positive and loving.
Oooo one more.
8, Be positive about life and chase my dreams!
Ohhh I LIKE this one Hannah!! xx
1. love myself regardless of what i see in the mirror
2. it’s ok to put yourself first sometimes. doing so doesn’t make you selfish
3. food is not my enemy. food is nutrition that i need to survive. my poor choices and my relationship with food are what i must change.
4. the power to change your life for the better comes from within
5. healthy eating is healthy living
6. weight is just a number on a scale.
7. being skinny isn’t as important as being healthy
Join hockey club to keep up activities
Continue with water
Be confident to wear a bikini & to tone up by joining gym classes each week
Start early nights and wake up early. I never sleep.
Volunteer more often
Appreciate life more
Work harder for my health and success in my studies.
Each and every one of these notes will help me become active and this challenge has changed me.
Hi to all,
My 7 healthy habits are:
1. Walk around the block every morning (already started it last week)
2. Exercise 3 times per week (already started it last week)
3. Drink 3/4 litres of water per day (already on it)
4. Have more sleep by having more early nights
5. Stop associating emotions with food
6. Eat healthy, balanced, low carbohydrate meals once finished with the plan
7. Spend quality time with my boyfriend and my friends
Some of these I have already started, others I’m working on so that by the end of the year I should have incorporated all of them into my life.
Have a great Monday. xx 🙂
Love it <3 xx
hi guys,
my 7 healthy habits are:
to make time for myself, i require it and need it.
I work in a gym so I have hooked onto a client there, when she comes in I workout.
stop staying up late, i feel much better physically, emotionally and mentally stable when ive slept 7/8 hours per night.
look after my skin and hair,make my appointments
drink more water and continue with this, this is not just for now its for forever.
keep on track of my eating and exercise plan even after plan is over be mindful of is a healthier choice..
use my time on new you to learn from the group and new you guiders, about eating plans, behaviour modification, finding the new me,and finally doing this focused fulfilled and reaching my goal.
Great! x
Hi My choices have to be
1 Keep up the couch to 5K that I signed up for and start this evening, even when the course has finished
2 Break that addiction I have to a particular sweet item.
3 Work towards coming off some of my meds by loosing the weight
4 Hopefully learn from the mistakes of the past diets/healthy eating options
5 To end the cycle of eating for emotional reasons
6 Continue to drink plenty of water
7 Accept myself for who I am and not what other people think I should be
1, Drink 4 litres of water daily.
2, Go for walks/exercise daily
3, Have my last meal at 6.30pm.
4, Look after myself more, skin, hair etc.
5, Be careful of what I put into my mouth;have Self control, eat clean.
6, Stop rewarding myself with food
7, Ensure that I maintain my goal weight.
1. plan what meals I’m going to have daily…and sticking to plan!
2. water water water!!!
3. Exercise 3-4 times a week
4. make time for myself
5. Catch up with friends
6. Reward myself for reaching my goals(not with food or drink!)
7. Plan breaks
8. Having a realistic attitude,if I fall off the wagon…I’m gonna get back on it asap!!!
1) wake up with a PMA everyday
2) have a breakfast, the most important time of the day to eat (on NY that is a shake for me)
3)exercise everyday
4) drinks at least 2-3 litres of water everyday
5) have ‘me time’ everyday, even for just 10 minutes
6) keep onto of housework, as slacking results, in bad mood, which isn’t good
7) if I’m having a bad day…. Get out if the house…. Do not enter the kitchen!
8) keep an eye on the scales, and weigh in every month/week!
Great habits x
Hello everybody my healthy habits that I want to have in my life before the year is out are,
1. Keeping up my 5k daily walk (started back last week) whether its raining or not..
2. Keep drinking my min of 2 litres of water even when I am finished the diet and reach my goal.
3. Make sure I prepare properly so I can get through every day with the plan.
4. Change the way I reward myself with food ( clothes are starting to look more appealing).
5. Stop weighing every odd day, am obsessed with the scales.
6. I also will be smoke free by Christmas ( third time lucky with this one I hope)
7. Turn my frown upside down lol, everyone looks better when we smile…
Good Luck with stopping smoking that is a habit that is good to get out of! :)xx
1) Go for a swim after my workout at the gym
2) Learn about healthy foods and portion sizes
3) make sure I walk as it keeps my head healthy too.
4) Cream & moisturise so I don’t look like Marjory Proops!
5) Don’t forget to spend time with my family too, they are my support network!
6) Drink plenty of water, it will help with my weight & my skin.
7) Be happy with the job I am doing (i.e weight loss)
1 give up smoking (1 week down)
2 start a weekly exercise routine (walking, cycling, dancing)
3 keep in better contact with friends (I tend to forget that telephones are portable now!)
4 continue drinking plenty of water (noticing a definite improvement in my skin)
5 learn to keep things organised! I’m glad my head is attached.
6 start writing again
7 jump at the chance to do new things (new you should help boost my confidence for this one!)
Love these! Make this all happen for Christmas 🙂 x
1. To like myself more
2. To give 100 per cent to my new you diet
3. To lose as much weight as I can to be a healthier happier me
4. To spend more time with my kids doing more active fun
5. To try to even like exercise just a little bit more
6. To be happy now and in the future
1. Do the 30 day an challenge
2. Take up a spinning class
3. Walk to school runs not drive
4. Get a family dog so I will have to walk him
5. Continue with no smoking ( 4 wks now
Congrats on stopping smoking!! Well done x
6. Take up relaxation/ meditation classes
7. Buy my sexy Santa dress for Christmas party!!
1. Get up at 7am at least 5 mornings a week..
2. Do my daily squats & stretchs before my shower.
3. Bring packed healthy lunch to work.
4. Reward myself with other things rather than food.
5. Weigh & measure every 2 weeks.
6. Drink.3 ltrs of water a day.
7. Sign up for a cookery course for healthy dinners… To keep me inspired. 🙂
I’m going to keep up my walking as I’m now training to do the Moon lit walk in London next year for cancer awareness.
I will be drinking the same amount of fluids as I never use to drink anything apart from a cup of tea now and again.
I will keep writing about my journey and look back on how far I’ve come to reach my goal.
I will stay positive and keep a tight grip on my positive out look on life and what my future has in store for me and my family.
Thanks NY x