Day 33 – Summary Saturday with Grant and Ellie*
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Day 33 of The Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge- Summary Saturday with Grant and Ellie at New You HQ!!! Hope you are all having a Great Weekend in the Sunshine!!!
Hey Everyone, I hope you are all having a lovely weekend and staying super strong and focused this weekend. Julieann is on her travels again and is in Italy. We will be hearing from her very soon.
Every Saturday on the challenge we are have a “Summary Saturday!” This gives us all the opportunity to catch up on the videos, blog posts and tasks of the week, don’t forget that every time you complete a task you have a chance of getting your name in the prize draw for a Great Prize, the next draw takes place on Tuesday the 11th of June! Make sure you take part and GOOD LUCK !!
This is our Fifth week of the Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge, last week was amazing, everyone is doing so well, I have really enjoyed reading all your comments! If you missed any of the videos here is your opportunity to catch up!
It is Day 33 of the Challenge already you guys are doing SO WELL KEEP IT GOING!!! WOOHOOO!!
Todays Task ….
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Today I want to know what you love about the challenge so far!! What is your favorite blog this week and how has it helped motivate you in Challenge?? We just love to hear from you and remember the best comments will be entered into Tuesdays Prize Draw [/box]
Hi guys,
Thank you for the video. My best part of the challenge so far is losing inches round my middle and feeling all my clothes getting loser. I just love that feeling!! This week I loved the Focus Friday comments about what people would do if they were not afraid. There were comments like go on holidays, go swimming with dolphins, go sky-diving, look in the mirror, go and buy nice, fitted clothes, and many others. I just loved reading those and about how people will pick that one thing and start the change now and do it. Mine was to go swimming which I’m planning to do next weekend.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, sun is shining here so I’m off to make a nice shake before I have to get ready for work, never mind, have tomorrow off so will make the best of it. xxx 🙂
It is a GREAT feeling Monika I have just finished my first week… weigh in tomorrow and I am so excited… can feel everything that little bit looser 🙂 let me now how you go with swimming 🙂 xxx
Yet again another fab-tactic vid!
Best part of challenge to date is losing my goal Lbs that I set out to loose. We still have a few more weeks left and that means more Lbs gone, FOREVER!!!
This week I LOVED focus Friday, even though my biggest fear is swimming I’m not ready to take that step but i am working really hard on my other 4 things to change.
The challenge n diet is bringing a whole new lease of life for me and I’m loving the way I feel…….
Thanks again NY
Love ya
HAHA glad you liked it 🙂 Glad your loving it all…. You have done this all yourself and deserve so much credit <3 Feeling good about yourself lets you have a new lease of life 🙂 xx
Hi guys hope you are all enjoying our little taste of summer hope it continues as I feel that it makes the challenge a little easier also its easier to get all the water down with the heat..
Fridays task was my favourite this week, great to see what every one would like to do, but to be honest I like reading all the comments and posts that everyone posts everyday for the challenge, having to sit down and do the tasks everyday keeps my mind thinking about why I’m doing this and now how much I really really want to reach my goal, a few bumps and blips still i wont give up.. I really know that I will get there because of the support on here it’s really quite extraordinary,don’t think iv ever seen such a bunch of people all rooting for each other and helping each other along the way..
Love this challenge love this plan and even with my ups and downs I will get there, this weather makes u want it more lighter brighter clothes don’t go well with my spare tyres, today I felt like I had more spare tyres than the Michelin Man so determined to keep going.. Xx
The sun shine makes everything sooo much better 🙂 …. i went to the beach yesterday and didn’t mind everyone having treats at all 🙂 I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you LOVE it all 🙂 xxxx
I loved Team Tip Tuesday! Was great to hear about all of the different ways that people use their products especially for people like me who just make then the basic way and dont really do much else. Definitely given me ideas for this week!
I think Tuesday was one of my favourites too ( excusing that i am in the video) was great to see what methods people use… i am excited to try some more of themm 🙂 Hope you have tried some <3 xxx
This week has to be WOW Wednesday, for me to a compliment from my brother is just never heard of! And I’m loving the blog from Julz with the milk shakes in the sun..I’m so jeal x
We all loved this tooo 🙂 I bet you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face 🙂 xx
Friday’s blog was my favourite as it gave me the opportunity to examine again the wonderful things I have planned as I get to my weight loss goal!
What I love most about the challenge so far is that I can see my progress as the weeks go on and this spurs me on!
Loads of progress in such a small amount of time! 🙂 Fridays really got us thinking… makes you soo much more determined xx
I like how the challenge has really made me focus on myself and why I’ve made the poor eating/exercising decisions that I have made over the past 3 years. It’s easy to forget that you’re important when you’re busy putting everyone else’s needs and wants ahead of your own.
It is such a big step realising this aswell Christine… Big WELL DONE for making the first and hardest step 🙂 xx