Day 29 – Team Tips Tuesday & Double Prize Draw
Day 29 – Team Tip Tuesday + Double
Prize Draw
It is Day 29 of The Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge. Team Tips Tuesday focusing on ways to adapt our products to suit your taste!
If you want to join in with the challenge then YOU CAN JOIN IN NOW, JUST CLICK HERE!
Tuesday is a BIG DAY in our challenge as we have TWO THEMES.
1) Team Tip Tuesday – This is our Task where everyone shares Tips
2)THE WEEKLY PRIZE DRAW WINNER will be announced by Ellie, Grant and Aaron in New You HQ. This week there is TWO lucky winners. Watch the video to find out who they are!
TEAM TIPS TUESDAY. This is where you get the opportunity to share your tips with the team and hopefully we can all learn something new from each other!
EVERY TUESDAY WE WILL ALSO BE ANNOUNCING THE WINNER OF OUR WEEKLY PRIZE DRAW! If you have been taking part in our daily challenges then you are in with a chance of winning a 100 BUNDLE today, just watch the video to see who the lucky winner is. Today there is two lucky winners. Every day we have been selecting our favourite comments of the day and putting them into the draw. We will continue to do this every day, and we will be doing a draw every Tuesday! So if you will have a chance to win every week! The more times you take part the more chances you have to win!
Today for Team Tip Tuesday we are focusing on little tips on how to make your product adapt even more to your taste. Maybe you fancy a little more of a kick? A different flavour? something to add in for a change? We want to share some of our ideas with you and we would also love to hear your Tips too.
One of the best ways to make sure you stick to your diet 100% is to always stay focused and motivated. So we want to mix things up a little for you to keep you keen and interested. So today we are focusing on ways to make our products seem that little bit more interesting.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Here is a few of our tips …….[/box]
Ice Lollies Made with Water Flavourings
Last night Ellie made some Ice Lollies with the New You Flavourings Simply add the New You water Flavourings to water, mix it up place it in the ice lolly mould and let it set in the freezer. They make such a cool refreshing treat you can have unlimited amounts.
New You Water Flavouring added to Sparkling Water
As you will see in the video Ellie was enjoying a Sparkling Water with our Orange flavouring. Ellie started the diet yesterday and is loving this treat on this Sunny day especially because you can have unlimited amounts. It tastes so refreshing. Even add a little Ice to have it nice and cool!
Add a touch of Coffee to your Vanilla Shake
As you can see from the Video with Grants guidance and
our New You Blender Bottles you can make a lovely
Vanilla Shake with a touch of coffee to give you a
little caffeine fix a BIG favorite here at New You HQ!
We hope you liked our ideas now it is your turn to share your TIPS with us
Todays Task…..
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]We want you to tell us your ideas on how you make YOUR NEW YOU products a little more to your taste. I am looking forward to hearing your TIPS!! Remember all the best comments will be entered into next weeks Prize Draw for another Great Prize :)[/box]
Missed out on yesterdays Motivational Monday Video, Blog and Task …. Click here!!!!
I add ice cubes and coffee to the vanilla shake with approx 300ml freezing cold water. Using my blender i crush this ice and pour it all into a lovely tall glass, adding more ice cubes and a colourful straw. Reminds me of a certain well known coffee chain’s frappicino – without all the extra calories!
Such a great idea … Love this… ALL of these Coffee ideas are making me wish i liked coffee haha … have a lovely day <3 xxx
Hi guys and girls,
My top tips for making interesting things out of food packs are:
1. Crisps out of soup packs. Make up a soup, chicken is the best, into a thick paste with some hot water, put a cling film over a plate, spread the paste thinly in small circles onto the plate, microwave it for about 3/4 minutes, let it cool off, peel it off and eat it, totally delicious. Have done it with tomato and mushroom soup and they are also nice.
2. Cookies out of porridge. make up porridge into a paste, same as above and bake it in the microwave or a on a baking sheet in the oven, keep checking when it’s ready, enjoy it.
3. Adding the broth to meals and soups, makes a great addition.
4. Cutting up the bars in small pieces, freezing them and then you can enjoy a nice, cool, chewy piece of heaven.
Have a great day everyone. xxx 🙂
You have some ideas .. I LOVE THEM …. I started the challenge yesterday and i am already excited about making some of these??? what do you think of today’s WINNER Monika ?? 🙂 <3
Hello everybody, missed 2 days on the tasks there have a lot of reading to do..
My sweet fix is mixing the hot choc with a small amount of cold water whisking it into a mousse/paste set it in the fridge for 15 mins and my goodness it’s a little piece of heaven …
I Also add chilli flakes to my soup and lots of pepper and it def hits the spot on a cold day..
I freezes my choc bars to have in the evening with my cup of tea and it takes forever to eat it making me believe I’m having more.
Some great tips on here today, will have to try a few out 🙂 x
Hope your enjoying getting caught up <3 The tips are so good i can't wait to try some <3 xx
i havent a clue how to make anything else but the basics out of the products so i cant wait to read all of the ideas!
The ideas are so good Karen 🙂 Amazing the different things that you can do <3 xx
Finally managed to open video, wifi reception at home was crap so came into town to listen to video blog…..
My tips for making hot meals nice …. I add garlic powder or chilli powder and I love my black pepper
I’m gonna try all three with the new cottage pies as I think they are missing the herbs that you taste in the old cottage pie, I’m hoping that will help
I add ice to the shakes
I keep my bars in the fridge
And I’m gonna try and freeze a shake to see will it be like ice cream
Dedication right there actually going into town to listen to the video <3 Some great tips xx
I sadly cannot contribute much to this as I only have shakes but what I like to do with them is add about 400mls water and about 6 cubes of ice and then blend it all together. Really fills you up and makes the shake go a lot further and fill you up 🙂
OOOh i haven’t tried that … definitely going to try it now 🙂 Have a lovely day x
I mix my carbonara with the savoury broth and lots of water with spicy chilly flakes and have like soup. Super Yummy x
wow that sounds so yummy.. definitely going to give that a go, bet the flavour i just yummy 🙂 xx
I love the porrige but find it too runny – more like soup. So how I make mine is I empty the packet into a bowl, then 3/4 fill the packet with water and add to the mix. stir and nuke for 2 minutes and voila – lovely thick and creamy porrige!!!
I also add extra water to the spicy spagetti and it lasts longer and fills me up loads.
for the shakes I blend ice cubes then add small amount of water and shake. blend and add water till desired consistency 🙂
for the soups on teh run I make them like a cup a soup – lots of stirring when water is added but they are delicious!
I eat one wafer then have the other one 3 hours later 🙂
I also cut the big bars in half and do the same with them.
I carry stuff in my handbag so I don’t get caught short 🙂
Have fun on your downward journey everyone
You are full of tips Fiona… Thank you for sharing …. bring on the downward journey 🙂 xx
Hi all
Hi I have puffs/nuts on hand when cooking for others, sprinkle them on meals or soup to add crunch, crouton effect.
When I need a sweet fix, ESP totm I mix the chocolate shake with as little water as possible, super sickly and rich, love it-it then makes you really thirsty so really easy to get a quick litre down.
Bars – freeze, then smash with rolling pin (in sandwich bag) seems to go a bit further
I have a few soups get rid of so I’m going to trial and error a soufflé by mixing with a bit water and put it in ramekin dish.
Water flavourings- add water and gelatine makes lovely Jelly. It’s always nice to see something else wobble too!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your ideas…. they are making me super excited to go and try them. A really big help im sure … you have a great imagination and use it will xxxxxx
Sorry that nuts one was two different suggestions x they’re way to precious to share!
I freeze on occassion my strawberry shakes. only problem i have is kids trying to steal them. taste like milky moos, yummy, do not feel like i am on a diet at all, whats the catch?? 🙂 xxx love new you xxx
haha when i made the ice lollies the other day I came home from work and all my nephews and nieces had them ate…. my mum and to make me some more so I wasnt coming home with none lol xxx Sounds good i am going to try that 🙂
I make my shakes with 180ml of water and 2 ice cubes, blend and then freeze, wait till frozen and enjoy a lovely strawberry Ice cream!
i know it’s off plan, but i add a bit of fajita spice and paprika to the new chilli pack. it’s the only way i’ve found to make it palatable.
also, if i’m feeling a little irregular in the bathroom department, i add a few spoons of fibre and a shake of cinnamon and ginger to my morning porridge. the ginger helps settle my stomach while the fibre puts everything else back on track.