Day 27 – Set for Success Sunday
Day 27- Set for Success Sunday, prepare for the week ahead!!!
Today is SUNDAY! Sunday is the perfect day of the week to reflect on the week that has past and to plan for the week ahead!
4 Weeks of the Challenge so far… EVERYONE is doing so well… You guys are KILLING IT!!! The results so far have been AMAZING and we have all really enjoyed reading all your comments! You guys are full of MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION!
I hope you have signed up to the challenge, if not? You still can, so if you are sitting on the fence, jump in. It has been amazing so far!!!! All you need to do is enter your name and Weight loss Goal into the registration thread just scroll down to the end of the comments! Tune into our Blogs and Videos Daily and Remember to complete the Daily Tasks to be in with a chance of Winning One of Two 100 Bundles up for grabs this Tuesday.
Sunday is the perfect day of the week to reflect on what has passed and to plan what we want to achieve in the next week. Remember no matter HOW BIG your goal is, all goals are simply broken down into baby steps. All you need to do every week is take a baby step towards your goal. Then celebrate your small achievement in an empowering way, and then repeat the process the next week. Just think what BIG achievements you could make by creating loads of smaller ones to start with. ITS EXCITING!!!!!!
[quote style=”boxed”]“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”[/quote]
So whatever your goal may be, whether you would like to go down 2 dress sizes or lose 12 stone, it is a matter of taking it a day at a time. This can be used for ANY GOAL you maybe have. THIS SUMMER we want you to LOSE your weight loss goal.
What can you learn from the last week? Remember that if you make mistakes, have blips, or things go wrong, try to look at the bright side, count your blessings and see if there is a lesson that can be learned that will help you to have a better week in the week ahead.
This is the day that we will get really clear on what we want to achieve in the next 7 days and create an action plan to make it happen.! If you haven’t yet joined the challenge feel free to join at any time Click here to join now!This Week we are giving away TWO GREAT PRIZES – TWO 100 BUNDLES will be up for grabs on Tuesdays Prize Draw. All you have to do is interact on our Blogs and Complete the Tasks. All the best comments will automatically go into Tuesday 4th Prize Draw.Have a great Sunday Everyone – and ALWAYS remember that Goal that YOU want to Achieve.
Click here to download SET FOR SUCCESS SUNDAY pdf document for print
Click here to download SET FOR SUCCESS SUNDAY – word document
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Please make sure you download today’s challenge task and complete it. If you cannot print it off then you can type into it. Or you can write your own just by copying it. Completing this task will help you to get super focused on having a great week. Put your planner somewhere you can see it, maybe on your bedroom wardrobe or on the fridge door. Please take a photo and upload it to facebook!
Please share your top five goals and your treat for the week in the comments below!
Week starting June 3rd 2013
My top five goals this week
1) Drink 5 litres of water EVERY DAY
2) stay focused, 100% no blips this week
3) loose 5lbs
4) go on a date night with hubby
5) stay positive, get through councilling without blipping
My treat this week to buy some new Yankie Candles!
My weekly Planner
Morning. Afternoon. Evening
Monday. Drink 3 litres Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Work. Daily challenge
Tuesday. Drink 3 litres. Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Weigh in. (-5lbs? ) Work. Daily challenge
Wednesday. Drink 3 litres. Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Work. Work. Daily challenge
Thursday. Drink 3 litres. Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Read blogs to. Work Daily challenge
Stay focused for
Weekend away
Friday. Drink 3 litres. Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Read blogs after Work. Heading to Limerick for Mini
councilling. Munsters
Daily challenge
Saturday Drink 3 litres. Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Coras Dancing. . Daily challenge
Sunday. Drink 3 litres. Drink 1 litre. Drink 1 litre
Daily Challenge
Hope you have a great week, you have a great plan and a great attitude x
My top FIVE goals this week:
My treat for having a good week is:-
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
My top FIVE goals this week:
1) To paint my nails with my daughter so I can feel good and we can have girly time.
2) To walk with my family at least twice this week.
3) To drink more water and remember that drinking water = losing weight.
4) Sort out the garage, OMG I am in a sorting mood lol.
5) Be kind to myself and remember that any loss is a loss!
My treat for having a good week is:-
Buy myself a car!!!!!!!
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Monday Go 4 a walk
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Monday Go 4 a walk Drink lots of water
and start a new book girly time
Tuesday Work & drink water Enjoy the sun & shakes Walk with the
Wednesday Working & shaking Packing bags for hubby & Family Time
daughter trip to London
Thursday Working & More shaking look at cars!!!!!! House to myself &
Friday Walk before work Have a shake or soup & Look at more cars
loads of water!!!!!
Saturday Shake , rattle & Buy a car
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Monday Go 4 a walk Drink lots of water
and start a new book girly time
Tuesday Work & drink water Enjoy the sun & shakes Walk with the
Wednesday Working & shaking Packing bags for hubby & Family Time
daughter trip to London
Thursday Working & More shaking look at cars!!!!!! House to myself &
Friday Walk before work Have a shake or soup & Look at more cars
loads of water!!!!!
Saturday Shake , rattle & Buy a car! Start sorting
roll Garage
Sunday Am I still in Go for a drive in my Look back on week
the garage???? new car! with amazement
What are you getting??? xx
a used car but my track record is not great I have had 3 cars in 3 years, so one that goes, passes it’s NCT and I don’t have to push to the scrap yard after a year would be good!!!!! lol x x
came out totally wrong but hope you get the Gist of it!
I do 🙂 lol xxx
Hi guys,
What a lovely Sunday is here today, makes the water go down so easily.
My top 5 goals for next week are:
1. Revise every day this week for my exam
2. Drink at least 4 litres of water per day
3. Exercise 3 times per week (with kettle bell)
4. Stick to the plan 100%
5. Lose at least 4lb
My treat for the week will be a nice manicure on the weekend.
Hope you will all have a great Sunday.
Much love. xxx 🙂
My 5 Goals for week 2nd June 2013
1. Walk my daughter to school instead of Driving
2. walk my daughter home from school instead of driving
3. Stay off of my couch until after 7pm
4. Drink 4 Litres of Water
5. Attend my First Circuit training class
My treat for doing ALL of the Above will be a visit to a highly recommended polish girl for a well deserved massage that i have been putting off since March due to my daughters needs e,g communion, school tours etc needing priority with money so i could not justify spending money on myself!! I CAN DO THIS!!!!! xxxx
My Top 5 goals for this week!
1. Do 30 day shred Monday to Saturday
2. Lose 3lbs! Seems to have slowed at the moment
3. Wear an outfit that I have not yet been comfortable wearing
4. Paint the house!! Something that is seriously beating me at the moment!
5. When looking after my Mums dog this week, make sure I take him on extra long walks
My reward is to have the day off shred on Sunday!