Day 24 – Thought for Thursday – Let’s Give YOU all You Got!
Today is THOUGHT FOR THURSDAY, and today’s food for thought is…
Are you giving YOU all you got?
If you want a massive transformation fast, then you need to put some OOMPH into your effort. You need to look at your transformation as your BIGGEST LIFE PROJECT, everything has to take 2nd place to it. It is only for a short time, and the more effort, energy and focus that you put into your transformation, the faster, easier and more enjoyable the experience will be.
[highlight]Today I want you to UP YOUR LEVEL OF COMMITMENT TO YOUR TRANSFORMATION and give it EVERYTHING YOU GOT![/highlight]
Don’t have the attitude that you just want to “be on a diet”
Change your attitude to “giving your transformation everything you got!”
[quote]You get out what you put in![/quote]
“You get out what you put in!” Is an old saying, but VERY VERY TRUE… if you want to get WOW results, then you need to put in WOW effort.
Now in the first week or so of following the plan you might find that you just want to focus on getting into your new routine, drinking water, relaxing, working on your mindset, visualising yourself at your goal, having early nights, nice relaxing walks and long relaxing baths. But once you get settled into ketosis, the energy will KICK IN, and you need to harness this energy and get extra focused.
[highlight]Remember that this is YOUR PROJECT, YOUR TRANSFORMATION, and you are worth giving yourself 100% for. So stop TRYING to diet and put an end to the BLIPS! today! MAKE 100% committment that you will stay 100% until you get to your goal. NO MATTER WHAT! And give YOU YOUR ALL! X[/highlight]
I read this post in our Secret Slimmers group the other day…. This post is from Karen.
[quote]just back from jog 2km and have been doing fast walks for last week with my baby 7k, starting to see a difference in shape already! exercise as well as NY plan really does help! also girls for any of ye who work in an office ive found that having water and tea until lunch time, going for my jog and then having my shake, another shake at 5 and my wafer at 8 after my 7k is really working for me! i think ive finallly cracked it! hope this helps someone too x[/quote]
After this post – someone said WONDER WOMAN!! As I am sure you think is a good statement (I was thinking the same thing!!) as it sounds like Karen is really going for it… here is Karen’s response…
[quote]thanks, not at all just really focused now. i used to just sit in my office for my lunch bored on the computer and sit at home in the evening when the kids asleep and binge so the exercise is really distracting me!and making the baby fall asleep too in the evenings, bonus![/quote]
So my question for you today is…. how much are you sitting about? In the morning, afternoon, evening? How can you swap sitting about doing nothing, for getting up and giving your transformation a boost?
Make the most of your time on total food replacement and the extra energy you have! Make the most of your transformation and give yourself EVERYTHING you got!
What can you start to implement into your daily routine to give yourself that extra boost, to help your weight loss, to tone your muscles, to feel better about yourself, to clear your head, to improve your focus, to speed up your results, to get fitter and healthier, to form better habits that will help you to maintain?
So how much are you giving your transformation?
Are you just going through the motions and doing the bare minimum?
OR are you giving this everything you have?
Today I hope that you decide to SWITCH IT UP A GEAR and GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT!
Here are some ideas you could do:-
- Squat challenge – every morning before you leave the house (while I am watching morning TV)
- Swimming – on the way home from work (rather than going home to channel surf)
- Walking – at lunch time on break (rather than sitting on facebook bored to death)
- Jogging – with friend/partner every evening around the park (rather than going out for a meal)
- Gardening – every evening – create something nice in garden like a rockery (rather than sitting watching the soaps)
- Exercise DVD – every morning before I go to work (rather than lying in to the last minute)
- Zumba Classes – every Tues & Thurs after work (rather than coming home and being bored)
- Personal Trainer – Book a PT for 1 month 3 sessions a week and give it 100%
Decide what you are going to do and when you are going to do it…. Schedule your success and make it happen!
[quote]I am going to do yoga & pilates every day, I have videos on my computer that I can follow along too & I am going to a 30 Day Squat Challenge! Both of these I can do while travelling, so there is NO EXCUSES for me! [/quote]
Don’t forget to use your positive affirmations, goal sheets, and all the other tasks from the challenge to date to help you get that extra focus too! Go through and catch up if you need to so far! 🙂
The more energy and focus that you put into YOUR TRANSFORMATION, the more enjoyable and motivating the results will be. If you are at a plateau, or can’t get motivated to get started, then give yourself MORE ATTENTION and DO MORE TO GET THE RESULTS THAT WILL EXCITE YOU TO KEEP GOING!
[quote]Because you are worth it! [/quote]
[box type=”download”]Today I want to know how you are going to SWITCH IT UP A GEAR AND GIVE YOU ALL YOU GOT! Today’s task is to identify at least one thing (but as many as you can) where you can swap sitting about to getting up and giving it all you got.[/box]
Hiya everyone i’m going to start walking everytime my wee girl gets her riding lesson and after i leave them to school i’m going to walk round the block as i would call it it’s about 3miles if i can do this every morning when the kids are at school i would be very happy and proud so i’m going to start this evening so here goes 100% again today woohoo Good Luck Everyone xxx
love it Lesely – really glad you are taking part in this challenge!! Im rooting for you 10000000000000000% xxx
Well i walk to and from work everyday. i was Doing wii fit but my 2 year old daughter wants to join in and thats not practical lol i am now going to the Gym Again and i love it. It gives me time way to think 🙂 i start yoga tonight and pilates tuesday which is booked long term 🙂 i feel fantastic X
Happy Tina = happy mummy and wife and happy home
Omg I get ya with the 2 year old!! lol 🙂
I LOVE THIS —-> “Happy Tina = happy mummy and wife and happy home”
I’m going to do sit ups every morning before leaving for work.
I am also going to return to Bokwa in Wicklow at least twice a week. I have set my target for the end of June…and there is 1.5 stone left to go by then. Hoping that adding in some exercise will help this shift faster…thanks for the motivation Julz!!!
nice one adele!! I will be holding you to this now!!! 😉 x
Well ive set myself a challenge as part of a challenge and if im sitting around…which i have been i cant just expect every lb to just drop off and b a size 10 i need to get up off my shrinkin ass and tone up…I am using my treadmill…eh no not to hang clothes on!!!! You sooooo know we do that but instead every morning Im doing the treadmill and burning the amount in calories of my entire products for the day before my day starts….WIN WIN situation peeps i start the day in good humour blasting my tunes as i walk/ jog ( depending on humour) and I feel like ive accomplished something before I even call the kids….makes it my time and for New You to work it has to be about MY TIME xxxxx
WOW – That takes the prize for wonder woman material!! YOU ARE ON A MISSION GIRL! XX
Hi Julz,
What a great motivational video!!!
I so need a good kick up start as I have been bit struggling this week to get my focus back. I think the problem is that so many things are going on in my life at the moment, it’s hard just to focus on one of them. But I got a project going now, where I am sorting out other things and they won’t be in my way anymore in getting a good night’s sleep and giving the diet all that I have as I know that losing weight will make me very happy and I deserve some happiness.
So I vowed to myself that instead of sitting around for 2,3 hours on my computer (I don’t watch tv)I will go out for a walk, even a little one every day. I am also going to get an exercise dvd as can’t afford the gym at the moment and will do that 3,4 times per week. I haven’t decided which dvd yet, but one that burns lots of calories and tones as well. To start with I have a kettle bell and exercising dvds for that, so I will find them and start doing that this week. I will also not overwork myself and fit in some me time every week. I will stick to the plan 100%, drink all my water, keep trying on those jeans and complete this challenge, and have a big smile on my face at the end of it. All the best everyone. xxx 🙂
good luck!!! make sure you get that ME TIME – it is SOOOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT xxx
Yes I’m going to use gym on my break times from now on
GOOD!! I want progress updates Rini!! xx
Aww kisses back to Isabelle!
I’ve noticed that I get my hubby to get everything for me from the kitchen upstairs etc. from now on I’m gonna get off my quickly slimming behind and get things myself. In work I’m making sure I get up every half hr and walk around.
I’m hoping these little changes aswell as my walking and jogging will all add up to big changes!
🙂 You must have a lovely husband!!
Little changes – consistently done = AMAZING RESULTS 🙂 XX
I still can’t be that active, but I am back doing the housework, so instead of making piles at the b ottom and top of the stairs I’m gonna bring the bits up and down the stairs as and when they are picked up, so for me that will be about a hundred trips up and down the stairs….. I’m also going to try and get back walking, I did do a small walk this week, but found the day after I really suffered with my back…. What I am going to start back this week coming, is swimming, which I’ve done since last summer, and it’s something that I really love to do.
Awww hun, hope you recover quickly from your car accident, I am so proud of you and in awe at your strength… you really are a total star xxx
I am going to walk everyday for 50 mins, and try boost my weightloss for the challenge
NICE ONE!! Walking is great too as it gets you out, lifts your mood, gives you time to think… ITS WIN /WIN X
Day 17 for me not to hot on the iPad hence the delay of gettin to this page. 17 days at 100% can’t believe it and the results speak for themselves 15 lb down on day 14′. Unfortunately I’m not very active with rheumatoid arthritis but believe me 15 plus pounds off makes me more active than ever,! I plan to use my daughters vibro plate and who knows after that mite take up pole dancing lol ! I feel wonderful ! I’m fifty in jan 14 and this is the start of a long journey starting at almost 18 stone ! I have never been as confident and sure off a diet plan before and I’ve done them all ! This was my last option before going for surgery ! So now my challenge before 20th June is two stone ! Watch this space I my joints must think they are on holiday ! Good luck and thank you new you ! Xxx
Hey Denise, I was about 18 stone too 🙂 You can get to your healthy weight, and feel amazing again!! I am so glad you are part of this challenge, and 17 days 100% is BRILLIANT!! Well done you. I am so happy you are with us xxx
Hi everybody well believe it or not I’ve lost all my weight so far without doing very much exercise at all, not been able to walk much because I like making excuses not to, ie.. Too busy with 5 kids, a bit of pain still from the spd, raining, too tired been up all night with a teething baby, guys my list is endless, so to step it up a gear iv decided to commit to a 4k walk 3 times a week to start, and am gonna brave the swimming pool with the kids, Has to be a win win situation , Happy kids, toned mammy..
Well that’s the plan, have a new TINY reputation to keep lol… Xx
Hi Karen, I have had bad SPD this last few days too, been walking loads and its been playing up!! Isabella is almost 2 as well! It really is a pain isnt it xx
Anyway, glad you are doing well and pushing through – we will get there 🙂 xx
Im planning on getting back into jogging. I used to do it until I fell pregnant but now with 2 kids its tine to run this fat off me!! Plus after my great weightloss so far, my running gear fits again so il be out this evening 😉
WOOHOO!! Can we have a photo of your running gear in secret slimmers please?? xxx
I m going to walk for my lunch break. As i have an hour it be great started today did 2 miles felt great afterwards. Also i m going to go to Aqua aerobic twice a week
GREAT IDEA!! Love this one 🙂 Definitely keep it up I will be giving you a shout out in the videos to make sure you are Nora!! x
im going to go for a walk more put my son in his buggy and set off there is nothing to stop me but me
I am also going to alternate days and do the 2 workout dvds that I have sitting in the house again there is nothing but me and my bad wolf talking me out of doing them
with that bit of exercise I will have the extra oommmppphhhhh that will get me closer to the new me 😀 xx
I have decided to do the 30 day shred instead of sitting about as soon as I get home. Been at it 6 days now and already seeing differences!!
Amazing Hannah! I love your dedication and spirit xx
Hi, as always love your video and adore your little Isabella, she’s such a cute!!
I have decided now that the evening are brighter and warmer (and drier lol) that I will walk to my grandpa’s house every night (during winter I couldn’t as it’s too dark by the time I get him to bed). Walking down and up (a lovely steep hill lol) will definitely help me! Also, my eldest son has decided he “loves” kangoo jumping, he went to a class last week, and i’m going to join in this Saturday, have a look at this video.. it’s so cool lol… the class is for an hour. Unfortunately I really don’t get too much time to exercise, but these 2 things, should really help, lost 3lbs this week, have managed to loose 1 1/2 stone in the 3 weeks… would be amazing to loose another 1 before the holiday!!!
oops forgot the link….
hi all,my way of making time for myself (which shouldn’t be hard as I work in a gym)is to get my que from one of our clients,when she comes in I go do my workout with her.i challenge myself with water too,that would have been my weakest thing,good luck to everyone.xx4
Make that time for yourself Mareee 🙂 You deserve it xxx
I have just started to do the insanity challenge.. it is tough but I am loving it. I am more energetic and I am noticing good changes alreafy Woohoo!!!
WOW!!! I WANT TO DO THIS!! I bought the dvd before I came away, planning on doing it this summer when i get home!! How is it going??? xx
This week we are going to start going to the swimming pool as a family, yesterday was our first outing and our daughter love it….. so do I x x x