Day 18 – Focus Friday – Surviving the weekend
Can you believe that it is Day 18 of the Summer Holiday Transformation Challenge already? Today we want to help you have a Super Focused Weekend so you can get closer and closer to your Goals and make even more Progress in your Amazing Transformation!!
I hope you all Enjoyed Grant and Marc’s Video and I hope they make you feel Super focused this weekend. The guys spend a lot of their day answering your calls and reading your comments and really LOVE to see YOUR JOURNEY and more importantly they love to see you SUCCEED! They Jumped at the chance to give you all a little bit of support from New You HQ!!
“Great minds have purpose,
Others have wishes.”
It is very important not to underestimate the change that you can create in a few short weeks by being 100% dedicated to yourself and your Transformation. For Focused Friday as suggested by Lorna on Secret Slimmers we want to help you Survive the weekend!
This Summer can be YOUR Summer all you have to do is take it a day at a time and make every day your BEST day yet. Well Planned Goals can help you change your thoughts and turn them into your actions. Well planned Weight-loss goals keep you focused and Motivated. You are providing yourself with a plan to change into a healthier lifestyle, with this brings greater benefits like more self esteem and a happier person overall.
It is OK to DREAM BIG … Just be Smart about it stay Focused and in no time it will be REALITY!!!
To DREAM BIG you should have a well thought Plan in action. Tell yourself why are you doing this? What is your Big Goals? Make smaller Goals so your Big Goal will feel more achievable!!
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]LETS ALL SHARE OUR TIPS FOR SURVIVING THIS WEEKEND AND STAYING COMPLETELY FOCUSED!!! [/box]
Remember every Tuesday we are having a Prize Draw and all the Best comments from the Blogs this week will go into the Prize Draw to Win a Great Prize this Tuesday the 28th May. Have a Fabulous Weekend Everyone and remember to use the survival tips and Share yours!!! <3 BIG LOVE <3
Great video guys!!! 🙂 Well done xx
In order to stay focused you need lots of distractions and weekends need to be full of them as idle hands and all…
If you have children make one of the days their day and go out of the house and do something with them. Their dad and I go to the cost, soft play, woodland… anywhere they can run free and play and you can join in…
When the shops are open on a Saturday get out there and window shop, go see if you can spot something you will like for when you have reached your goal.
Ask your partner to help you, tell them how important it is you stay on track and get them back you up.
When its night feel free to go out and socialise, soda water is fine and you will have more fun watching the antics of your friends when they have one or two to drink – lol
Finally – ALWAYS have a bar, wafer, soup with you where ever you go as if anything happens to keep you out and about you are prepared and are less likely to stray…
Well i think in order to have a fab blip free weekend we need to prepare what we are going to do during the week, failing to prepare is preparing to fail..
On my journey i have been mostly window shopping as im not at goal yet and refuse to buy until im there, BUT i do treat myself to smaller things like nail polish, make up even a new handbag, so the shopping is not all in vain..
i always write down my meal plan on a friday for the weekend and try to stick to it as best i can, i always carry 2 bars and puffs or nuts in my bag in case we take the kids to eat somewhere, i find this def has saved me on several occasions..
The weekend for me is most def the time i am likely to blip, its like ah ok iv done so good all week sure i deserve a little treat!!
Make that treat something special for you to look forward to (get the nails done, get gels even if you have short nails) anything that will make you feel fab and feel like your not missing out..
Its nice to have a treat for all your hard work and go to bed knowing u have got through the weekend and the weigh in on monday morning will be so worth it…
Have a lovely weekend everybody xx
Ok the words everyone dreads while on this diet. Drink & going out.
It’s perfectly okay to go out but the thing just don’t drink. If you must put the orange water flavouring into your glass and add water and say its vodka and a mixer. Works all the time 🙂
Don’t drink, if you already made up your mind on drinking then have vodka and the water flavourings but remember it will take even up to a week to lose weight again & it defo slows down.. If your near the next stone bracket or your mini goal, don’t drink!
By keeping in a positive mind frame you will not stray but when people get to weekends they think they can go mad well sorry ladies…. Weekends are the most important.
During the week you can a routine just make a new routine for the weekend by adding more quality time, walks & water.
If you’ve a dinner that you can’t get out of go to the refers and it will give you an idea what to eat. Leave out all those carbs nd eat slow so people will say “she must be full”.
Don’t lock yourself up be active, watch a film, phone your friends , go out to meet friends for tea or coffee!
Go shopping or swimming. I’m starting to get the confidence to go swimming 🙂
By staying 100% you no u will lose something by your weigh in and drink water!
In my case I look at every lb as an achievement and now I’v lost 1stone 8lbs so far so each lb does count.
My table is ready with my list of activities I want to get through – Wii Fit, Wii Zumba, skipping, Tae-Bo and as my 3 yr old son is home, a lot of the time in the park with no money to buy anything outside (if it rains then we will be in his play room with all his new toys I got in the Tesco Clubcard Exchange!).
Have a function to attend in the mornings but as my husband has to leave at noon for work it is a great excuse not to have to eat there.
Hi guys great video. My plans for the weekend are limited as I have. Serious back problem& I’m due to have spinal surgery in 2 weeks but, I plan to take my granddaughter to a local nature spot. She’s 2 & her buggy cleverly doubles as a wheeled walking frame for me. We will feed the ducks & walk around the pond then grandpa will take her on the playground whilst Nana relaxes on a bench (not in the buggy) with a yummy peanut crunch bar & a litre of flavoured water!
Sunday will be swimming with a session in the hydrotherapy pool.
So even with my physical limitations I’m going to do something to expedite my weight loss, just weight until I’ve had my
I pressed submit before I’d finished!!! meant to say just wait until I’ve had my surgery there will be no stopping me, that will be due in part to The New You Plan & the support of the SS family.
Have a good weekend everyone and enjoy whatever you are doing xxx
Sorry about the spelling & punctuation, I blame the meds lol!
I always find weekends my downfall on any diet. However this time round I am 100% focused and intend not to get distracted. We normally have a takeaway at weekends so I intend to go for a walk at dinner time with the kids in the pushchair. Get some fresh air. The adrenline afterwards and the sense of fulfilment from completing a long walk is fulfilling enough. An hour out at meal times helps me put things into perspective, clear my head and stay on track. It also means the dinner dishes are all washed away by the time I get home again 😉
Saturday nights are also a struggle – video night with a glass of wine. However this saturday night I intend to still have my video night but instead of water I will be having black coffee and plenty of water. And I also purchased some New You nuts to nibble on. Rather than plonking down on the sofa round 8pm I intend to go shower, wash hair etc which takes up time and by the time all that is done it is almost 10pm…!! Which means I have lost valuable time where I could have been sitting on the sofa dwelling over the naughty but nice things I could be eating 😉
Simple distractions can mean a lot. If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen and this is what I intend to do.
I always keep my weekends super busy, this weekend I will be going swimming with my daughter, then to my husbands godson’s birthday party.
On Sunday my daughter is singing in the choir at church, then we have a communion, so as you can see I have 2 functions this weekend that will both have food and drink at them my secret to success is to space out my food, and drink plenty of water, I am always proud to say I have gone 5 weeks without a blip, and the thoughts of having to start again stops me from blipping so:
Plenty of exercise, plenty of water, make sure you have four sachets and feel proud of what your doing, just think of what the consequences of not succeeding are!!!!!!!
Great task and video today! 😀
My FAVOURITE thing to do at the minute to distract myself and keep me on track is going to sound very vain, but it really works for me!
Each weekend I pull out all of my small clothes from before I was fat, try them on and prance around in the ones that fit and look great to pop music! The ones that don’t quite fit yet go into a pile to try on next weekend 😉
I then clamber through all of my forgotten accessories and create little outfits to wear in the week ahead, then wash all of the clothes to get the dust of many years hiding in the cupboard off them.
GREAT FUN, and a little embarrassing, but very distracting 😉
Love to all, and best of luck for this weekend!! Woop woop!!
Hi guys,
Thank you so much for the video and inspiration, you are doing an amazing trek and best of luck for your training tomorrow.
I do try and plan my weekends as best as I can because I tend to want to eat, and bad things as well, if I am bored.
I do find it easier though being at home than at work as work just stresses me out and I need to be super focused every minute to succeed there.
I love spending time with my boyfriend and even though I cook often for him, I don’t pick because all the time I keep focused on my goals and keep telling myself and my bad wolf that yes, just one would hurt, and I am better than that and I know I can resist and stick to the plan.
I love to get out and about, I was off this week from work so today I spent the whole day shopping, ok, so maybe I haven’t drunk so much water but I’m making it up now and I bought lots of nice things including 2 tops, amazing how much smaller they look.
Went to visit a friend which is always a ‘pick me up’ as he hasn’t seen me in a while and said Oh my god, you have lost so much weight!!! That really spurs me on and I definitely don’t want to cheat then.
Tomorrow I am meeting another friend for lunch, I will be having sparkling water and a wafer. It doesn’t bother me as I know that in few months I can be having food.
For my personally it’s important to take a break from the diet every 3/4 months, as I will be doing this for at least a year altogether, I still have another 7 months to go at least and I know that I will be better focused if I know that I can refeed couple of times during that time. It will also show me if I am getting better at controlling my urges with food or not.
But in planning weekends make sure you keep yourself busy and drink, drink, drink!!! Unless of course you are out and can’t get to the toilets easily!!
Sort out your clothes and keep trying on those smaller items you have, that is a great motivator for me.
Exercise, walk, have a nice bath, paint your nails, spend time with your loved ones and remember how awful it feels having to start all over again if you cheat.
Have a great and blip free weekend everyone. xxx 🙂
I’m super focused on drinking my water. I’m keeping busy by writing a list of things to do over the bank holiday weekend and that will help me stay focused on being busy!
I am off to a 40th birthday party on Saturday night and I want to walk in feeling the best I can , which sticking to plan will do for me. I will be mingling a lot, chatting to lots of family and friends to make sure I sty on track drinking my water. I will have a bar before I go out, so I feel satisfied when the blip items are being consumed! I am determined to stay on track. I have done this before!
I will remind myself throughout the weekend that I am a winner! We all are.
Just keep remembering why you are doing the diet, that will keep you focused!! Just because its the weekend it’s no different to a weekday, you can get through that so you can get through this. Rember, keep thinking why you are doing it and focus on your goal!!
I for one have been wishing all these bank holidays would disappear until I reach my target… But sadly it doesn’t look like it will happen.
So my top tips for getting through it are to do things that don’t involve food, but do involve exercise! I plan days out, long walks in the park, trip to the farm etc. m
Make sure you take a bar and a nice big bottle of water (even better, add some water flavouring). I find I drink my water so much easier if I have it with me in a sports bottle. I can easy get my 4 litres down. Just make sure you plan lots of toilet stops!
If staying at home, I try to get on top of the million jobs that need doing. Keeping busy is the best way to get through it.
I also say no to any meals or drinks out, its only for a short period of time out of your life, and it saves dealing with the questions and comments that can come your way on a diet like this.
Most importantly, enjoy your weekend!!! Especially if its remotely sunny!
Mine is very simple
Most defiantly the most important thing for me is plan ahead. At the moment I think about how much water I can drink and when I can go to the toilet. do I need to take my packs and how will I make them.
I fill up 4 5ooml water bottles every morning, I make sure I have drunk these before having any tea, coffee, water flavours and then I kow my day will go well xx
Hi guys mine is very simple, I rent a good book from the library every Friday , my aim then is to read the book over the weekend and hopefully have it finished for Monday
Hi guys mine is very simple, I rent a good book from the library every Friday , my aim then is to read the book over the weekend and hopefully have it finished for Monday
Hi guys, firstly can I say a huge thank you for choosing me for a bundle, I’m just back from london, and I’m flat broke, so this was a great treat, thank you x
I find the weekends the hardest time, as I’m not working, so there’s no routine, which I really need to survive….I always start by giving myself a boost of a sneaky peek of a weigh in, that will put me in a old mood, and a boost
I always make sure that I cook dinners I don’t like, so I’m not tempted, and if we are out, I always eat my food before we go, and I always bring a bar with me, so I’m not hungry.
I find it easier to drink more at the weekend, as I can concentrate more on the quantity, as I’m not dis tracked with work
If I’m feeling tempted I go for a walk, and I clean a lot….before you know the weekend is over…..after all weekends just fly!
when i am 100% focused i find that planning to declutter a space or tidy up the garden really helps to keep me on track and distracted!
i make sure i then go for a walk with the kids
when i think i may blip i drink a pint of water and feel full so it stops me from blipping!
its all about distraction and keeping focused on that goal for those hard couple of mins!