Day 15 – Team Tips Tuesday & Prize Draw Winner Announced
Woohoo We are now on
Day 15 of our SUMMER
You can join in at anytime, so if you are not registered yet, make sure you CLICK HERE and enter your name and email so that you can get our daily emails and motivation.
It is my DAY 2 today, as I just joined the challenge yesterday myself (woohoo!!), so I am in this with you guys, and ready to create my own personal summer transformation. Yesterday I gave a bit of background to my story, and then I asked YOU to share your story with me. I have to say I was bowled over at the response from you all, and touched by so many people sharing their personal story with everyone.
We have all been through a lot, and some stories are truly heartbreaking, I just wish I could give each and everyone a big hug. It is so great to read the stories and know that each person who has went through a hard time, is now in an empowered place of positive change and taking control of their life and their weight. The future is bright for you all, and I feel so happy to be able to share this journey with you all.
If you missed yesterday’s blog post and video, then do make sure to check it out and the comments below. I am going to be revealing the 3 winners of the weekly bundles tonight in a separate video. I want to spend some time to respond to everyone personally and then decide the 3 winners. So keep an eye out on this blog post later tonight when I will have a 2nd video to reveal the winners! I have a hard task ahead of me here!
Today I am treating my Mum to a Spa Day in Crete, it was her birthday a couple of weeks ago, and this is my birthday present to her. It is good timing, as it is Day 2 of my diet, so it will be a nice way to put in the day! As I am going to be away today, I made my video last night and sent it through to Ellie, so that she could add their prize draw video to it today. Grant & Ellie did really well with their first prize draw video last Tuesday! I am looking forward to finding out who this weeks winner is! Good Luck to everyone!
[highlight]Today’s Team Tips was inspired by Vicky T, in our secret slimmers group! Where she suggested DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES as our topic for the day! [/highlight]
One of the best ways to make sure you stick to your diet 100% is to keep yourself busy… boredom leads to boredom eating… and that is not a good thing! So we want to keep busy, keep moving, and keep happy!
Moving, doing things you love, and having ways to focus on your goals, are all great ways to stay on track with your diet and avoid boredom.
There is a saying… Emotion comes from Motion!
This is SO TRUE… the next time you feel bored and a bit down in the dumps… look at what you are doing with your body. You are probably lying around, slouched over, and feeling lazy. The best way for you to change how you feel and inject some positive EMOTION into your life, is to kick start some movement! Put on some music and shake that booty! When you feel happy, your energy levels are high, and that is because you are moving and on the go, and doing something you love!
HERE ARE JUST SOME OF MY PERSONAL DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES…. Please make sure you share yours in the comments today!
Last year I did a lot of yoga, and my favourite yoga teacher moved to Glasgow, and I am ashamed to say that I have got out of the habit of yoga, but really do intend to get back into it, and plan to do so here in Crete, I can remember my sun saluations, so I am going to start again tomorrow on the decking. Yoga is just an awesome way to feel good! New You is launching a yoga DVD that was created by Victoria who helped me to recover from my SPD. It should be out sometime this summer if anyone is interested, it is a really good way to get back into fitness and build up your core strength.

One of my hobbies is playing poker, I met my husband at a poker table, and we went to Vegas for our honeymoon! Here is a photo of me in June 2010 after we got married, holding my ticket to play my first World Series of Poker Event. This was a dream come true for me! Now I am not advocating that you should play poker! But I do think it is a good idea to find something that you enjoy doing that does not evolve around food and drink. It is good to have something you can enjoy socially that does not mean you have to eat a big dinner and get drunk! lol

I have recently taken up photography, and went for my first walk around with my camera when we where in Montreux, Switzerland. I have to say that it was very therapeutic and I relaxing. I have a lot to learn with photography, but I am excited to get started on the journey. I will also be able to share my photos on this blog. I have a big learning curve ahead of me with the photography! So I am sure that will keep me busy for a while!

One of our customers Sarah, is an excellent photographer, the bee photo is hers! I don’t think I would be brave enough to take a photo of bee so close! lol
I love fashion, and looking at nice clothes is really motivating for me, so another way I like to be distracted is to go online with a coffee and look at some of my favourite fashion websites. I often fill the basket with hundreds of pounds worth of clothes in my goal size! It passes the time and keeps me focused on my goals. I am very focused at the moment to get into my Ted Baker jeans. So I am keeping my wee eye on them today… and all this week to make sure I get through week one 100%.

[box type=”download” size=”large”]I have shared some of my top distraction techniques, and now I would love to hear yours! It is great to share your techniques as it helps you to remind yourself what to do the next time you feel like cheating and it also gives other people ideas to help them!! So don’t be shy, share your techniques and let’s really make sure we all have a 100% week![/box]
Don’t forget that everytime you take part in a challenge you have a chance of being selected to have your name in our prize draw every Tuesday.

My distraction techniques
Go for a walk
Drink a pint of water
Jump in the shower
Go to bed
Read a book
Pick up the phone and phone my best friend
Hope these help in some way
Great Distractions 🙂 It will definitely help <3 Keep IT GOING Lynn <3 xx
I like to
go for a long soak in the bath
paint my nails and put a facepack on, there is no way then i can hold food or get it in my mouth
Declutter regularly. I keep away from the kitchen and go upstairs and rearrange my wardrobe. I bought plastic shoe boxes and it is very calming opening my wardrobe to see it neatly arranged, colour co-ordinated with boxes neatly piled rather than falling all over me.
Phone a friend – nothing beats a good natter when you are feeling down
Log onto secret slimmers – the best page on facebook <3 <3 <3
Pampering yourself is a super idea 🙂 Secret Slimmers is my Favourite too <3 xx
My tips for distractions are:
1) go to bed! Harsh it may seem, but I found the first week so tough, and my willpower being tested, that mosts nights I just went to bed, and slept the cravings away!
2) walking. There is nothing better then the feeling of a good long walk, it helps to distress, unwind after a hard day, and it tires you out, so you sleep better
3) cleaning- by far y first choice, and I’ve done so much of it since I joined NY that I sacked the housekeeper/cleaner and I’ve found my home has never been so clean, and tidy
4) organising, and decluttering: keeping busy, by decluttering, your home, work space etc. I have thrown out everything that hasn’t been used in the last 6 months, and bought lots of nice storage boxes etc, now everything in my home has a home, and everything is in it’s home!
5) the wardrobe! If you are feeling like your loosing motivation, head to the wardrobe, and start throwing out the clothes that are now too big, and more importantly, start trying in the close, that have always been to too tight, there’s nothing better then the feeling of fitting into a smaller size
6) shopping… Even if its just window shopping, get out of the house, and go for a browse around the clothes shops try on out fits, that you can see yourself in at your goal, keep doing these on a monthly basis, and soon you will be buying them!
You seem to have your distractions planned out really well… Some Great Tips …. LOVE IT <3
I love distractions, they are good for the soul…
My favourite ones are….
Housework, my house shines all the time these days!
Go out, get some fresh air, be it a walk on your own, with others, with a dog, a spot of shopping… not being in the house is great.
The bath, super for when you are really desperate and home alone…. I should imagine I will be near completion of my under water certificate this weekend seeing how I am home alone for the whole of it!!!
Finally I love to look at the photos I have of me when I was slim, overweight, obese and that way they are a distraction and an inspiration…
HAHA that is such a good idea …. I would look at photos aswell… brilliant distraction to get you closer to your goal… Thanks for sharing <3 xxxx
I’ll start off in the morning, if your dieing for something extra go for a quick two min walk & it will get your mind off it.
Have tea/ coffee.
In my tea I sometimes add a lot of canderal so it tastes like a white hot chocolate.
Have the broth.
Honestly I’m on day 15, (really day 21, started before the challenge) & i am 100% never blipped once.
My real deal with distraction is the savoury broth. Wow. Nicer than the other soups & it’s unlimited!
When I get emotional that’s when I go for a walk, watch a film, study, read magazines or the best log onto SS.
Keep up the water
You have your days well Planned out… Secret Slimmers is guaranteed to make you feel alot better because we are all in this together going through the same thing xxxx <3 LOVE IT!!!!
I log on to ss that is my saviour to be honest the support I get from ss is the best….
Clean my house
Go for a walk
Paint my nails/toes
Drink the broth (fab)
Have a shower and an early night this is what works for me xx
Good luck everyone x
Glad you love the Broth …. Love that you can have an unlimited amount <3 Good Luck to you also xxxx
Go for a cycle and clear the head
Clean out presses I’ve been thinking about doing for a long time
Give my face a deep cleanse
Finally take out pictures of myself at my goal weight and think about why im on this journey in the first place,believe me this will guarantee to distract you from the negative voices in your head.
Hey Sheila,Them negative voices in your head definitely have great distractions….. KEEP IT GOING <3 XXX
Watch Peter Kay DVDs – I never want to miss a gag, even though I’ve heard them all before, so won’t get up to look for food!
Browse online and fill up my “basket” and “wish lists” with possible future purchases.
Sell my clothes online (Adverts.ie) and keep cleaning out the house & wardrobes to declutter and to make some cash to pay for the wish list. It’s a win-win!
Browse online holidays to have something to aim for and to look forward to.
Go for a walk or….I’ve just started the couch to 5K challenge and find it great so far…up to a few weeks ago I would get out of breath walking fast. Now I can jog/walk alternatively for 60 seconds up to 25 minutes!!! I have a long road ahead but will get there!
Reading in bed.
Reading the SS page.
HAHA … you will get a Great laugh from Peter Kay….. Always important to keep smiling and remember why you are on this journey!! Wow that is some Challenge you will be sprinting it all soon <3 YOU ARE GETTING THERE AND YOU ARE KILLING IT!!! XXXX
When the big bad wolf comes out to play
Here are some disrtactions to push him away
A long soak in the bath with your favourite bubbles
See that bad wolf is already in trouble.
If ya paint your nails ya cant touch anything for ages
Dont put up with the bad wolfs rages
Drown him out with a pint of sparkling water
Yeah hes nearly gone bad wolf to the slaughter
Browse online for all your new fashion
As this has become my latest passion
Picture yourself at goal dont let him win
The blip wont be worth it and you will be feeling dim.
So do whatever it takes to keep going and stay strong
log on to SS they wont see ya wrong
so if all this fails and you have that blip
Just get back on that wagon and continue your trip.
See guys im a poet and i didnt know it lol..
All of the posts above have some very good ideas and suggestions to keep distracted, and the one thing that i have learned is at the end of the day we are all only human and sometimes the blip does happen, but its picking yourself up and getting back on that wagon that makes the difference.. NEVER giving up xx
Love this <3 you should put in on ss page too…very funny and good advice to 😉 xx
Thanks Patricia think it was a moment of madness after winning the iPad lol xx
WELL DONE on your win…. You did soooo Good. I love to read all your posts!!! The Big Bad Wolf is definitely loosing as far as your concerned <3 xxx
my distractions are cleaning the house especially decluttering the wardrobe, i did it recently and found loadsa fab clothes that now fit me! so not only was it a distraction, i also had an organised wardrobe, new clothes to wear and it strenghtened my motivation to keep going and remind myself why im doing this.
i also love looking at boohoo.com and lipsy picking my fave dresses and imagining what im going to look like in them when i reach goal!
i go for a walk/jog and now that weather is improving i take mia (my 11 month old) in the buggy for extra resistance and this actually tires her ouit too!
secret slimmers are my godsend, there is always someone there who may be having a bad day too and thats a great support to know im not alone or is having a great day and telling you of their success and that makes me think, hey that can be me too!
there are days when it is hard but you just have to keep that goal in mind not only of how ill look but more importantly how ill feel at goal weight or how id feel if i didnt lose the excess weight!
You seem to really have that goal in mind and that will make all the hard days seem easy when you reach that Goal 🙂 xx
also i came so close to winning that mini ipad when i heard karen…….but unfortunately karen grenville beat me to it!grr!:) hope you enjoy it hun xx
Thank you very much karen, i had to watch the video twice to make sure it was me lol delighted thank you xx
Hi everyone,
My distraction techniques are:
1. Go online and look at clothes websites and pick clothes in your dream size
2. Go for a walk, even a short one
3. Cuddle up to my boyfriend
4. Go and have a long bath
5. Go and paint my nails
6. Drink pint of water
7. Sort out my wardrobe
8. Try on my size smaller clothes and see how they fit and how far I have come
9. Clean the bathroom or kitchen
10. Do some research on the internet, anything interesting to keep me occupied
11. E-mail my best friend
12. Log onto SS and read some stories
Hope these tips help.
Love. xxx 🙂
Monika, You always have everything planned so well!!! I LOVE IT <3 <3 <3
My tips for distraction are
1) going through the photo album (old & recent photo’s) too see why I have to stay strong.
2) drink more water (it fills you up and helps to dispel hunger.
3) go for a real bubbly bath with candles and soft music (your doing well and you deserve it).
4) Go for a walk.
5) come onto the Secret Slimmers group for support.
Really it’s about what works for you, they are my top 5.
Love Shell x x x
It really is about what works for you , Everyone is soo Different! Loving your Distractions Michelle xx
The things that have distracted me have been:
Planning something big (wedding, holiday!)
Paint the house
Do the garden
Look for goal clothes that you can work towards
Hey Hannah,
Love how you bring CLOTHES in. I always get myself something nice and then make myself reach that goal for them to fit <3 xxxx
OOOO…. this is probably the most challenging part of the diet for me, it’s most definitely a mind battle….
* Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels – every time I feel like eating something, I remind myself of why I’m doing this diet, why I’m trying to loose weight because, if I don’t help myself no-one else will…. yes a lovely mars bar would taste great, for like 2 mins, and then bang… NOT worth it
* I play so much more with the kids now, I don’t know is it because I’m feeling more energetic now that ketosis has well and truly set in, or the fact that cos I’m already smaller, it’s a lot easier to move around…. but we’ve been having so much fun!!!
* Eat ice cubes…. If I just HAVE to put something into my mouth, I have a whole load of ice cubes in the freezer (they’re also fab blended up in a shake, think mcdonalds milkshake… mmmmmmmm) but, if I really really want to “eat” something, I pop in an ice cube!!
* I have “that” photo of me, the largest I’ve ever been, imprinted in my mind… if I feel like eating, I think of how terrible I looked, and soon decide to not eat….
* Get outside, get active, go for a walk, go for a cycle… keep your mind busy….
* Think of all those stunning clothes I will be able to wear when I’m thin! Including the pair of size 12 skinny jeans and matching vest top I bought in Tesco last week… I WILL fit them in Portugal in 5 weeks time, and they WILL fit comfortably (not with the muffin top I have now in them lol)
* Save your bar for your night time treat for being good all day, I’m good every day (shake, shake, meal) I look forward to (and feel slightly guilty about, I’m not sure why!) my bar and cup of tea when the kiddies are in bed asleep…..
This is Really Good Chloe 🙂 It is all about the mind and you seem to have it well under Control… You are doing Brilliant <3 xx
Week 2 weight loss for me is…….another 5lbs….Woop woop. That is distraction enough for me, to finally see the weight coming off……..
HAHAHA WEIGHTLOSS at the end of your week is a BIG ONE …. WELL DONE Clare xxxxxxx
Distraction – something I have had a problem with for years. But after stopping and starting this for MONTHS I decided I had to give it my all. Like most I cook for the family, however that has never been a problem as I have not been eating properly since I left uni. What is a problem is when the others snack. I just go to my room and read as I love it. I also get onto the SS page to see what others have been talking about to get tips and keep motivated. On Sunday I put up a tick sheet with boxes for each pack and 1 pint of water to be ticked (as long as I have had 4 pints that about 2 lt). I want to see a lot more ticks so every time I go to the fridge I see the tick sheet and refrain from indulging. As it is if I hv ‘junk’ food I get bad stomach pains and I do not want to go through that again. I also hv high blood pressure and I do not want to be on tablets forever (been 3 yrs already) and I want another baby so I try to remind myself of the reasons I am doing this.
Wanting a Baby….. No better Distraction 🙂 I am here for you 100000000% Keep it going 🙂 <3 xxx
Since starting NY I’ve taken up knitting. I will FB some of the baby clothes that I have made. The age old saying “Little pickers wear big knickers” for me has change to a chant of “This knitter wears small knickers”
Looked at your clothes they are AMAZING defo a good distraction 🙂 New hobbies are always good xxx
Do do a lot of cross stitch which Stops me from picking but it is also very theraputic.
To distract myself i get in A cleaning frenzy.
Paint my nails
or have. Soak in the bath.
Hot Soak in the bath is good… Relaxes the head 🙂 xxxxxxx
The best distractions for me are usually goal based, as I am a bit of a perfectionist and workaholic (god don’t I sound so dull!)
What I mean is tasks like learn an artform like dance or martial arts, or do some graphic design for someone, or build a website for someone who has no money, or even clean the house.
The reason these work best for me I think is that I get DOUBLE the amount of joy from then: the joy of doing the task, plus the joy of the outcome 😉 and I get so wrapped up in these that food doesnt even enter my mind 😀
Anyway, now that you all know how odd I am, I am off to design up some posters for a gig
Love to all!! xxxx
coming on ss is a great distraction for me, pity i didn’t come on yesterday? i have always wanted to take back up lace making/crochet my Mam taught me years ago but then life got in the way!what i really need is a list of distractions printed out for my self and put somewhere handy,because when that bad wolf comes knocking common sense disappears??