Day 1: New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Woohoo! Β Today is 1st May, and our “Make May Magnificent” Weight Loss Challenge has officially kicked off.
I am so excited to have you with us, and part of this transformational challenge. Β I know that so many people are going to get healthier and slimmer this month, feel happy and proud of their achievements come 31st May.
Today is DAY ONE.
It all starts today, today is the first day of the rest of your slimmer life.
No matter how big the mountain you have to climb may look, the key to success is to move forward every single day, just focus on the day at hand.
“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with a Single Step.”
Today is your first step!`
Watch this video, download the journal, and leave a comment!
Click here to download and print off your 7 day journal
Don’t forget that we are giving away prizes every week for the people who are actively participating in the challenge!! We want to keep you motivated and help you to achieve your weight loss goals in a fun way!
Have a great day! Β I can’t wait to see your comments!! LET’S DO THIS!! xx
Julz xx
Day 1 of the challange…BRING IT ON……MAY – I AM GOING TO SMASH YOU!! Good Luck everyone, lets do this – we CAN do this and make May great! xx
Woohooo!! Lesley I am so happy for you, you have really pushed through and achieved so much. I hope your next mini goal and reward is pinned on the fridge door!! May is a big month for both of us as we both have big events in June!!
We are going to KILL IT!! Come one!!! Woohoo..
Lots of love
Julz xx
Julz, thank you so much for the video, thanks to you I am back on track to make May mine!!
I’m not gonna lie, after sticking to the plan last week and only losing 3lbs in my first week I was seriously deflated yesterday. So much so that I ate myself, my emotions and the kitchen sink. I was so upset doing it and felt sick but could not stop myself π your day one video reminded me that I’m the only one that can do this for me and I CAN do it. I am in control of my weight loss not my emotions and 1 day at a time I can make May my month!!!
Awww I just LOVE how this video helped you today Shinny!! Sooo happy for you, day at a time, step by step, anything is possible. Just enjoy the process and believe in yourself!!
Much Love,
Julz xx
Day 1. I am really ready to do this! Thanks Julie-Anne for that video this morning.
Hey Juliet!! So good to hear the motivation in your post!! I am glad you liked the video! Hope you had an AWESOME day!! You are a rock star!!
Much love to you honey,
Julz xoxox
Thanks Julz for the video to-day it was very inspirational. May is going to be the BEST. Will do the water that way and get the 3 litres plus. C u to-morrow.
Hey Eleanor!! Hope you got the 3 litres of water into you ok!! π It is easier when you break it into milestones throughout the day.
Hope you had a FAB DAY ONE Eleanor!! I am so glad you feel inspired watching the video, it is lovely for me to hear that, and encourages me to keep making the videos for you all.
Wishing you the BEST MAY EVER!!
Julz xx
Once again, Julie Ann, You have done an amazing job. Just listened to the video and am printing off right now. Looking forward to the next weight loss. Lillian
Thank you thank you thank you Lillian!! Hope you filled in the journal and had a great day 1! π Can’t wait to your next weigh in too!! I know you are going to do really well and you have such a great attitude!!
Julz xx
Hi Julz,
Thanks for the video, really inspiring and making me feel like I want to do this a 100%. Make May Magnificent!!! I’m starting today, well, already started and feeling great and very positive that I can achieve my goal for this month which is 1.5 stone. Hope you are having a good day too. Monika xx
Hey Monika!! I had a great day thank you!! Hope your day 1 was good, you sound UBER MOTIVATED which is just awesome, when you have that feeling of excitement at the start of your diet, it is a great feeling that will spur you on!! Soon you will be feeling slimmer and you will be beaming with confidence!!
Looking forward to sharing your journey in May with you.
Julz xx
Hi All, this challenge is just what I need. I had resolved to “begin again” in May, so the timing is perfect. This is my 3rd year to try to diet…I start and stop, and am now so fed up with myself because I know I can do better. Your posts on New You are encouraging, and I have to say, this time I believe I will do it. I am also very conscious of my health…I have Hypertension and am on medication for it. I hate taking medication, and have always maintained prevention is better than cure, but I have not been true to myself. My GP says I can drop the meds when I drop the weight. Also, I am tired wearing stretch jeans and size 14-16 clothes. I have several really gorgeous dresses that I long to fit into, but because I can’t, I am also looking at fabulous shoes that I can’t wear because they go with the dresses…I am almost a perfectionist, but not quite…it’s just that my lumpy jelly bits do not work any justice for the dresses, and I am honestly embarrassed with my lack of shape. I also hate my husband touching me right now, He would lose his hand on my tummy! UUuugh! Anyway, I feel fantastic, had one choco shake for Brekkie, drank 2 litres H2o before 1200, and walked 8.35km this am before work. Starting at 75kg…watch this space… And every success to all on this endeavour. LC
Hi Lorraine, Third time lucky as they say!! And a nice wardrobe is one of the best motivators!! Stick with it and you could be wearing one of those lovely dresses in your wardrobe!! You should plan a night out that you can wear your dress and shoes!!
Well done with the walking too!! You are going to KILL IT!!!
Love your story and I wish you every success.
Julz xxx
Thanks Julz, your video support is spot on. In my weak moments I go to your videos or listen to you dishin out support…and your accent is so cute. Keep up the great work..do you know what a great help and support you are in all of this?? REALLY…Brill:-))))
Hello Lorraine, I know how you feel,I felt the same way, what I found was, you must think of your self as thinner, act as if your thinner, believe that you are thinner, its what to say when you talk to youself. Your mind is far more powerful than any craving. Just remember that there is only one you on this planet and you are in charge on you. Tell your subconcience over and over and you will be amazed that you will believe it and the diet will be so much easier. Good Luck. Lillian
Lillian, Bless you, thanks for the support…I am determined this time and reading all the comments and knowing I am not alone in this is fantastic. Every success in your efforts
I am ready….today will be a BRILLIANT day…i’m gonna not make sure of it π
Hey Kat!! Hope you had a BRILLIANT DAY!!! Sounds like you were going to give it your all! Good luck with the challenge and I hope to get to know you more over the coming weeks as you SHRINK!!
Julz xx
WOOHOOO!!! Go Anne!! You sound so motivated – I LOVE IT!! Congrats on getting off to such a positive start, wishing you every success for the month ahead, I am SURE MAY WILL BE MAGNIFICENT FOR YOU!!!
Julz xox
Julz thank for the video it has really inspired me to make May mine. 6km walk done and 4ltrs of water gone so im off to a good start. I’ve ordered my size 12 dress for a wedding I have in 2 wks so excited about wearing it xoxox
Wow – you put me to shame Michelle!! Well done on the walking and water – 2 simple but UBER IMPORTANT elements to rapid weight loss!! That size 12 dress will slip onto you and you WILL LOOK AMAZING!!!
Keep that feeling of excitement!! You CAN DO THIS….
Day by day!
Julz xx
Today is going to be a brilliant day! The start of a new journey that I am ready for. Best of luck to everyone.
Claire you are a superstar, and I hope your day was brilliant!! Just take it day at a time and keep smiling, you will get there, enjoy the process….
The new you is a journey not a destination, and you have started today.
Much Love,
Julz xoxo
today is going to be brill π we all can do this
Yay!! Sarah hope your day was brill, keep having brill days, and you will have brill weight losses and you will look BRILL at the end of the month!!
Keep going, and keep smiling π
Julz xxx
Weighed in this morn and was so disappointed with my loss of only 1 lb. I’ve no one to blame but myself cause i picked at the kids tea on more than 1 occassion last week, but today is the 1st day of summer and since Jan i’ve been saying i’m not having another fat summer.
This challange really couldn’t have come at a better time. Its brilliant.
As the saying goes ” There’s no such thing as bad weather when you have good rain clothes” so everyone wrap up well with your rain jackets and get out walking.
This summer will be our skinny summer.
If we want it bad enough we will succeed. π
Good luck with the challenge Martina!! TIME FOR A SLIM SUMMER FOR YOU!! Take ti day by day and by July you will feel AMAZING…
Enjoy your walking, and enjoy your weight loss journey!!
You are a star!!
JUlz xx
Hi everyone, just sat down with my shake to watch day 1 of the May challenge video. Before I sat down I was considering having a little cheat but made up my shake and watched the video and theres no way I’m giving up. I’ve gone from 4 packs a day down to 3 for this and so far so good.
I am hoping (no I will lose) to lose 14lbs this month, this will put me on track for my ultimate goal.
Julz you are so inspirational with your motivational talks I/we couldn’t do it without you.
Now off to sign up for the secret slimmers as I haven’t done anything like this before it’s a first for me.
Bring on day two I’m ready!!
Good Luck everyone.
Hi Moira!! Glad you didnt cheat!! π
You will hit your target if you just follow the 5 steps everyday and take it day at a time!!!
I am so touched by your comments, it really means so much to me!!!
Can’t wait to get to know you in secret slimmers, you will love it in there, let me know if you ever need any help.
Julz xx
Hey, I started off the month of May trying to do something different and exciting!!! Went to a spin class….what was I thinkin!!!! It was kinda fun. I’ve lost 143 and a half pounds and I’m on my last 13 and a half. Thanks for the encouragement. Dawn in America
Wow 143 pounds is massive weight loss Dawn!! Congratulations, you must be looking and feeling like a new person!! Well done and nice to have you with us here!
Julz xx
May 1, 2012 21:16
Hi everyone!!!
I am ready for you may, come try and break me!!! staying focused, motivated and not letting any thing get in my way. Thank you Juie for day one message.
Good Luck to every one.
MARY!! If ever I read a post filled with determination and confidence THIS IS IT!!
I am rooting for you 100% – I know you can do it!!! Can’t wait to we celebrate at the end of May!!! π
Julz xoxox
[…] y was Day 1, and our daily message was to take this weight loss journey ONE DAY AT A TIME, and focus on doing 5 simple things every day, that when done will ensure your success!! You can check out the video and 7 day journal download from Day 1 here. […]
Sorry very late posting!! For my first day of the May challenge I took my first driving lesson in three years, something I’ve been inspired to do since starting new you. Losing weight has inspired me to get out there and see the world!! To inspire others I also uploaded an after photo that I’d taken. The response from everyone was fantastic and pushed me further!!
I have been on the plan 1 week and have lost 11lbs I just can’t believe it. I was a binge eater I found the plan very easy as I didn’t have to think about food and needed a kick start to get me motivated. I intend doing the 21 days to change my old habits. I am back walking, drinking 4 liters of water a day and not thinking about what I can shove into my mouth next . For the first time in my life I feel free of food. I did my work sheets and watched the videos every day to get me motivated and it worked I’m starting week 2 will let you know how I get on.
Julz, I am on day 1, so listened to the day 1 video this morning. I think it mat have gotten through to me. I want to have a successful day, but I always feel like this until about 3pm, like yesterday the wet weather gave me an excuse to eat badly. I have to take control now. My weak points each day are 3pm and 6pm and then the whole evening. I am going to read your website, blogs etc. at these times.
Thanks for the insspiration, Edel.
Hi Edel!! You CAN do this!! Great idea to read the blog, as this will keep you focused on sticking to your goals, and stop you thinking about food. Watch the day 2 video as well as we are focusing on getting REALLY CLEAR ON YOUR WHY, and when your WHY is big it means it is easier to stay on course!!
Keep going honey, and get involved with our amazing community who will lift and inspire you at any time of the day.
Julz xx
Julz, I know its day 2 but Im just catching up on your day 1 video. Was sitting on the coach and hubby came in with a huge bar of Milka and started munching, I thanked him for his support!!! we had a good laugh he didnt even realise what he was doing and best thing ever it did nothing for me, didnt bother be an iota, couldnt have said that 3 weeks ago I would have been begging him to go out and buy me a bar. Also looking at the dog beside me and going to head out for a walk with him after I listen to day 2, as you say even a short walk is better than sitting on the couch. Thanks soo much love your accent, my dad was from the north so it reminds me of him which is always nice x
Awwww Margaret xox Glad you like the video, it is always hard to hear your own voice! So I am glad you and understand me and that my accent brings good memories to you. Glad that you are settling into the diet and finding it easy, it amazing what a few weeks can do to your mindset and habits, they do say it takes 21 days to change a habit and I definitely think that is true! Good luck with the rest of your journey, and I hope to see you post here every day.
Much Love,
Julz xx
Awwww Margaret xox Glad you like the video, it is always hard to hear your own voice! So I am glad you and understand me and that my accent brings good memories to you. Glad that you are settling into the diet and finding it easy, it amazing what a few weeks can do to your mindset and habits, they do say it takes 21 days to change a habit and I definitely think that is true! Good luck with the rest of your journey, and I hope to see you post here every day.
Much Love,
Julz xx
[…] Day 1 – print off and keep a journal of your weight loss journey this monthΒ http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/day-1-new-you-plan-weight-loss-challenge/ […]