Customer interview: “I lost 6 stone with The New You Plan & I’m loving the new me!”*
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
We love hearing how The New You Plan has changed people’s lives so we were delighted to find out that Sonya has lost an incredible 6 stone and dropped 3 dress sizes! She has found a new lease of life and has regained her passion for horse riding, as well as re-establishing her love for fashion. Here, she shares her incredible journey.
So Sonya, how much weight have you lost?
I started at 17 stone 8 pounds and I only know that as I had to ring my GP to find out what I weighed as I refused to weigh-in at home! I am now 11 stone 11 pounds and I aim to lose a further 2 stone.
How many dress sizes is that? Have you recorded your inch loss?
I started at a dress size 20 but was squeezing myself into big size 20s and refusing to buy the bigger size I needed. I am now a size 14 so I have lost at least 3 dress sizes and I am delighted! I haven’t recorded inch loss but I might do that for my last 60 days on TFR just to make it more interesting!
Tell us when you started the plan? What was it that finally led you to getting started?
I started when I was ready to accept change and when it became more difficult to stay the same than it was to change. The GP would not prescribe the contraceptive pill because of my weight, age and blood pressure. The nurse that saw me was quite shocked that I had gained two stone in one year. That was the first time a health professional had said anything to me about my weight and seeing her genuine concern and reaction to the figures on the scales, I decided it was time to take myself in hand and look after myself better than I had been doing.
What were you hoping to achieve from The New You Plan?
I have achieved weight loss but I am hoping to achieve discipline and moderation around food. I have used food to medicate my way through periods of grief and have come out of the other side, but at a cost to myself.
How has The New You Plan has changed your life?
New You has been a revelation. The products are far better than other TFR plans. They taste good! The plan is accessible, easy to order and follow. I run a business and have three children so I am always short on time. I very much appreciate the ease at which I can order the food packs, the speed of the delivery and the convenience. I would have to make time to attend a class with other plans and whilst I would hope to make that commitment, sometimes life gets in the way and good intentions go out of the window! New You will always be a way of life for me now. I have lost nearly six stone in weight and I feel like a new person. I was always outwardly confident but now the inner confidence is there too.
Is there a particular of piece of clothing that you’ve been dying to wear?
I have spent the last 10 years in trousers so I have a passion for dresses now. I have been sensible about spending money on new clothes as I appreciate I want to be a size or two less than I am now so eBay has offered up some great bargains to get me through this transitional phase. I now really enjoy looking at clothes and wearing completely different styles. No more big, baggy and black for me anymore. Today, I’m wearing a double layer chiffon dress with long bell sleeves and ruffles down the front. I’m finally having fun with clothes, which is something I didn’t think was possible. I pretended to myself, and others, I wasn’t interested in clothes but that was only because I was very large!
Our customers love the support from Secret Slimmers. Have you got in on the action?
Secret Simmers is amazing. I love to read all the posts and spend too much time catching up with everyone’s progress at the end of the day. It’s such a lovely, helpful supportive forum where anyone is free to ask any questions, seek guidance, offer support to new starters, all safe in the knowledge that no question is silly and all you will receive by way of reply to a post is lots of encouragement and love. Some of the posts are also hilarious. Secret Simmers is a great weight loss tool. There are lots of activities to participate in which are a great idea. Saturday Selfie is brilliant. It helps build new starters with confidence and gets them used to having photographs taken rather than avoiding the lens.
I hope you’ve found great support in our customer service team?
The customer service team are beyond fabulous.
What New You Plan meals and snacks can you not live without?
I have to have Bars. They are so great at lunchtime for those on-the-go days when I can’t take the Shaker Bottle for Shakes out with me.
Have you tried any of our Water Flavourings? Which is your favourite?
The Berry Blast Water flavouring is fantastic.
Do you have any tips for staying on track? How did you stop yourself blipping?
Distraction is the key to avoiding blipping. If I am in danger I change what I am doing so I take the thoughts out of my mind. I seem to have changed my habits so I don’t feel like blipping like I used to – i.e. not watching TV in the lounge. That’s where I have previously done the most damage to my waistline.
We hear all the time about the amount of energy our customers have on the plan. Has this had an impact on your exercise?
I have taken up horse riding again. I rode for years and stopped when I left home and went to university. I have wanted to get back into it for a long time but couldn’t because you have to be a certain weight to ride at an approved riding school. I now ride twice weekly. I cycle to our local shops and enjoy a new level of energy which is great for keeping up with the demands of a busy work and home life.
Tell us about your re-feed journey. How are you keeping that weight off?
I haven’t started the final refeed yet but I am preparing. I have purchased the refeed diet plate and I am educating myself on nutrition so I can give myself the best start possible to maintaining my weight loss. I still have another 2 stone to go but that will only take 8 weeks! Isn’t that exciting!!!
I’m sure there are loads of people reading this who just haven’t taken that leap of faith yet. What advice would you give anyone considering starting their New You journey?
Start when you are ready and start it for you. Weigh, measure and photograph yourself at the start and continue do this weekly. It’s a great way of seeing your progress. Another good tip is to remove as many carbs from your intake as possible the week before you start. It will make the journey into ketosis much easier and getting into ketosis is the key to easier weight loss. And join Secret Slimmers!
Be determined to do one pack at a time, then one day at a time and you will soon have completed a week and be rewarded with a fantastic first week loss. Then you will be encouraged to start your second week and by the end of that, you will probably have lost a stone or be close and then you get into the swing of it and before you know it, people are commenting on your weight loss and how great you look. Get used to that. It happens a lot and can be quite funny!
Want to start your own New You Plan transformation?
Make this summer YOUR summer with The New You Plan 6 Week Summer Slim Down Bundle.
Join Julz in really making the next 6 weeks count and embark on this journey to a brand New You together!
With this amazing 6 Week Bundle, you’ll receive a total of 28 meals and 2 snacks per week (that’s 168 meals and 12 snacks in total), for the discounted price of just £199.99, saving you a phenomenal 64%. That’s the small price of just £4.76 per day!
What’s more, you’ll receive FREE New You goodies worth an incredible £214.93. Inside your specially packed box, you’ll find:
- A New You Blender Bottle worth £5.99, for mixing up those deliciously creamy shakes
- A BMI Measuring Tape worth £5.99 so you can record those loses in inches
- 3 Water Flavourings worth each £6.99 to give your water a burst of flavour
You’ll also receive access to our online coaching section, which includes access to all our amazing videos!
With this bundle you’ll receive motivation like never before! Purchase today and get your 6 week downloadable manual to keep record of your amazing weight loss. What’s more, EVERY DAY for the next 6 weeks, you will receive a motivational video from Julz, straight to your inbox, the perfect way to kick start each brand new day! Julz will be there with you every step of the way so you can take part in this journey together!
Many of our customer say they SAVE MONEY while on the plan! For less than £5 a day you will be able to drop 1-2 sizes and start every day feeling motivated and inspired to create your transformation!
PLUS… Update your weekly weight in results on our blog and your name will be entered into a prize draw to win a £400 shopping voucher in September, perfect for shopping for clothes in 1-2 dress sizes smaller!
Shop HERE today!
well done sonya,you look amazing and well done doing so well while working and having 3 kids fair play to you,great to hear you are riding again i love horses,have a lovely evening well done again fantastic transformation xxx