Customer Angela’s Non-Scale Victory: “I Reversed my Diabetes & Achieved my 500km Goal!”

What an amazing non-scale victory for customer Angela. As well as losing 4st 7lbs, she reversed her diabetes (which meant she could stop taking medication after 9 years) and racked up an amazing 500km by walking, swimming, cycling, hiking and running.
Here is her inspirational story…
Back in December 2022, during a doctor appointment, he said I had to begin taking stronger medication for my diabetes. I had also developed a fatty liver. I was shocked and realised, I really had to do something about my weight.
I did some research and found the New You Plan. I started my New You journey on January 24th 2023. It wasn’t long before the weight started to come off and fast. I check my blood sugar levels daily, and from day 5, they had dropped.

I was back with my doctor for a checkup in March, which revealed that my sugar levels were almost in normal range. I still had to take medication, but this meant that I could avoid the stronger ones. In June I had another appointment and my doctor was in shock. I had lost 3st 6lbs, my fatty liver was gone and my blood sugar levels where now in the normal range. This meant that after 9 years of living with diabetes, I could completely stop my medication.
Along the way I noticed that losing weight gave me the ability to be more active but I found I was lacking in motivation. At the end of May I found a challenge from The Conqueror, where I would get a medal, if I reaching a self-set goal.
I set myself a goal of completely 500 km till the end of 2023, which seemed huge for me. For the next 7 months, I went for walks, swam, rode my bike, hiked and finally, I even started running.
I continued to lose weight and by the end of September I had reached my goal, losing 4st 7lbs since January.

I also achieved my 500km goal early on November 19th.
I DID IT. And I am so proud of my achievement and my medal.
£100K GIVEAWAY – Get Motivated To Make 2024 Your Year Of MORE!

💪 Make 2024 Your Year of MORE with the New You Plan £100,000 giveaway! We’re giving away 100K in cash and products in 2024. Your journey, your story – win big with The New You Plan’s £100,000 Transformation Challenge!
We’re giving away £7,000 cash every two months for our absolute favourite glow-ups this year! And the grand finale? An epic £10,000 cash prize for one overall winner! Plus, if you’re a runner-up sharing your story, you’re in for a treat with thousands of pounds worth of awesome products!
£100K GIVEAWAY – Get Motivated To Make 2024 Your Year Of MORE!

💪 Make 2024 Your Year of MORE with the New You Plan £100,000 giveaway! We’re giving away 100K in cash and products in 2024. Your journey, your story – win big with The New You Plan’s £100,000 Transformation Challenge!
We’re giving away £7,000 cash every two months for our absolute favourite glow-ups this year! And the grand finale? An epic £10,000 cash prize for one overall winner! Plus, if you’re a runner-up sharing your story, you’re in for a treat with thousands of pounds worth of awesome products!
🎉 If you are ready to commit to making 2024 the year of more, click here to get all the details & download your I AM IN poster today!