Be a candle, or the night. – YODA | Thought for Thursday
Thought for Thursday
“To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose.
Give off light, or darkness, Padawan.
Be a candle, or the night.” YODA
You choose your life, your happiness, your health and weight. Face the truth of your weight, and choose to be the candle… choose to be LIGHT. Only so much of what happens in life can be attributed to fate and the decisions of others, this Thought for Thursday blog will show you just how true this is. Today’s is not the day to go on a diet as I have a business lunch, I should not start the diet today as I have my nieces / nephews communion to got to at the weekend and I will be expected to eat, I don’t think I can do this as it is a ritual for my friends and I to go for a meal and a few drinks at the end of the week. These are some of the most common excuses I have made and have heard others make and these are definitely the darkness in this story.
Life is all about making choices and trade-offs, I can assure you that if the meal at the business lunch, communion or weekend social gathering was going to make you sick then you would find a way to deal with this and move forward. The reality is the simplicity of making an excuse is what keeps you making the same decisions. It may not even be that you think of a diet as being hard but think the social awkwardness of being open about your goals is something that is frowned upon. If this sounds anything like you then there is one simple question that you need to answer. Who is it that you are doing this for? The company, your family, your friends?
Now that you have the answer to this question the next thing to consider is who is going to get you to your goal, again is it the company you work for, your family, your friends. This is not to say that you may not get support from them but there is really on person that holds all the power the person who will be your light.
Today’s Task:
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]How have you been your own candle?
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Kind regards
Stopping and refocusing on my reasons for starting the plan! When things are difficult it sheds light on the situation and brings clarity 🙂
Hi Baz, so well put and so true -we all need to do this at times just to keep us on the straight and narrow!
Thank you NY for clarifying my mind so that I am able to do the NY plan. For the first time in years I feel I am in control of what goes in my mouth and that is thanks to the 4 a day. There is nothing to nibble on as my biggest problem was sitting at the computer having coffee and biscuits constantly and still having my meals. Thanks again and keep up the good work xxx
Hi May, thanks for supporting the blog. I am so thrilled to hear that you have found your footing with regards to the diet and over time these habits are going to become long term and if you look after them they will ensure you stay on track long after you have finished the plan!
i realised that I can change the way I look , feel and react to anything and everything .I choose to stop hiding behind clothes and making excuses not to have a social life.the support of NY and ss group keeps me focused and believing in myself .x
Thanks for the support Melody 🙂 I am so glad to hear that our support system is having such a positive effect for you!
It’s all about making the RIGHT excuses. As in cancel you dinner with friends or make new plans that don’t involve food. If I made an excuse not to do new you cos there was something coming up I’d never start!! lol
Hi Carolyn, this is so true and it is amazing how easy it is to make the wrong excuses but if you keep making the right ones soon enough it becomes a valuable habit 🙂
Thanks to New You, and the constant support and encouragement of my lovely family and wonderful secret slimmers, I have sailed along on my journey to a slimmer me . I may have taken the scenic route at times , but I know I am ultimately responsible for what goes in my mouth . Nothing is going to prevent me getting to goal this time . So far , 5 stones gone 🙂 2-3 more to go ! Love New You…. Thank you for helping me realise my choices and getting my life back 🙂
Hi Jasmin, that was a fairly stern way to look at it but again very true and that ownership is going to keep you on track. Well done on such amazing results so far – cant wait to see the end result 🙂
You don’t understand what perfect timing this post was for me! I am struggling badly at the minute with the plan but have even found myself slipping away from SS “in case I let them down”, it’s like it’s always been for me, I fear so much letting people down, I lose sight of the fact that I’m doing this for me and not for anybody else. I now need to get my head back to where it should be and kick fats bum.
Woohooo Brid 🙂 I am so so happy you said this, you are 100000% right this is for you and when you get slimmer, lighter on your feet everything else become far less of a chore. Keep making small improvements in your life and get in an upward spiral rather than going the other way! Keep it up – YOU WILL GET THERE!
This seems more than applicable today as I begin what I hope will be my second lasting journey on this plan. I started about a year ago, came off, and have since put all the weight I lost back on. After numerous failed (and pitifully half hearted) attempts to start again, today is the day that I re-light that candle and keep it lit.
I think this is awesome Kim and we are here to make sure it happens. This is the one candle that gets brighter the longer you let it burn and make sure you use us for support when you next hit your goal as we want to make sure you keep it off 🙂
Im my own candle by making myself accountable…by doing this Im hopefully lighting the way for others in the group 🙂
Keep it up Sarah and thanks for all the support! 🙂
For me the time is now. I have spent most of my life on a diet and with each stone lost I put another 2 one so this is it. No excuses. I have found a way for this to fit into my lifestyle and I will plan for any situations ahead. I made my pledge in my journal and for some reason this time everything has clicked. While this is only Day 12 for me, I feel for first time in my life that I can do this. Ellie’s Webinars are great and for me they give me that push to keep my candle lighting. Thank you all at New You. Jen x
Very powerful words Jennifer and I know it will see you through to the end game. If you ever need a bit more of a push make sure you get in touch with us and we will do everything in our power to make sure it happens for you!
I faced this problem yesterday and chose to eat food off plan rather than ‘come clean’ and explain what I was doing. However; after some thought and reflection, I’m going into the same situation again next week with a different mind set, I’ve come out of the exerience stronger and more determined than ever. I am going to abstain from the food on offer and stick to plan because I’ve come to realise that how I choose to lose the excess weight is my own decision; it doesn’t impact anyone for me to be on the plan but it impacts hugely on ME to be off plan … so I’m going to do what’s best for ME for a change! Good luck everyone, we can do this together 😀
Hi Yvonne, I don’t think I realised at the time I wrote this blog just how much of a hard truth I was putting out there. But what you have said here is so true and if you can hold onto these thoughts you will make sure you keep the right kind of power over yourself!
I finally decided I was doing this for me and for the first time didn’t put it off until Monday or tomorrow. Even though I’d already eaten before my bundle arrived I started that day and not the next! I’ve never done that before and it was ALWAYS next week or from 1st January or from tomorrow. xxx
Hello Dawn, thank you for the support as always 🙂 You have completely cracked it and we are all so proud of you.
i decided to be my own light in this journey on one but me can light my way,i have great family support and new you and my fave virtual family ss who are also lighting the way for me i was always il start tomorrow,but the minute the box arrived i was on it never looked back since be your own guiding light on your weight loss journey xx
HI Pauline, you certainly have become a light and I have really enjoyed following your journey. You and Dawn are peas in a pod lol thank you for all the support and good luck with the last bit of your journey 🙂
I am doing this for me and no one else. I’ve taken 100% accountability. If I blip it is me doing so not any circumstance/person but my reaction to it! No blips so far as I know I’ve no one else to blame but me. I want to get to where I have always wanted to be! This is my time!! Love NY and SS. No one can change me but me!! X X X
Thanks for the support Janet, this way of looking at it can seem very hard and cold but at the same time it is a fact of life that were are the authors of our own fete and you seem to be writing a masterpiece. I cant wait to read the ending 🙂
I have stopped making excuses for my weight gain, stopped pretending I weighed less than I did, that my clothes had shrank in the dryer! And realised my unhappiness about my weight had led me to eat more until food had become the enemy and I hated the person I see in the mirror. Only I can change that with the support of the plan and this fabulous group, I’m only on week two of my journey with a long road ahead but this time I have the determination to success and stop being the lady in the corner which I have become, too embarrassed to see photos ofmyself!’
Hi Belinda, I am sure we can change all this and if we do it right I am hoping that we can help you to become the master of your own creation. Bending life to your will rather than the other way around. There is so much you are in control of if you take the time just to realise how powerful you are!
I always do and did everything for everyone else, but realised why I didn’t do anything for me. Excuses which always rallied round my confidence. Wouldn’t wear this, wouldn’t go there can’t eat that.Finding new you has made me put me first, this plan is for me. Am doing this, and am doing it with a great gang who understand each silly little excuse and blip without having to explain thks ss and New You.
Thanks for the support Frances and I am so happy to hear that you know how important it is to do things for yourself every now and again. Making yourself happy is the best way to improve the lives of those around you if you can get the balance just right. Good luck 😉
It happened very early on in my journey when my friends were organisig a night away – dinner and drinks and I actually came onto ss’s (probably the first time, now I’m addicted to these guys!) and I asked for advice as I wasn’t long enough on the plan and didn’t want to tell them in case they thought “here’s Shonagh with another diet but I was told to go, tell them and stay on plan (I was hoping to hear ‘just go and stuff your face, sure it’ll be grand’) and I went and told them and even though I was only 19lbs down at the time, I went out feeling great about myself because I knew I was heading in the right direction and doing something about it! So e now, even if I struggle, I remind myself that I am doing something about it and I’m doing it for me! It gets me through… AND I think back to how good I felt that night at 19lbs down and look at where I am now at 45lbs down and I plough on and keep the candle lit (sometimes I may need to relight it!!) 🙂
It’s me again still here …
I have been my own Candle but New You have guided me over the past 372 days with their own light & positive support . I have been like a different person since discovering New You .
My light flickered and almost went out for the month of May , so I couldn’t find my way for a while , but today is day 2 and I can see the light again 🙂 I am happy and confident again 🙂 🙂 and just as determined this change is for life xx