Are you determined to lose weight with a Ketosis diet?
[highlight]So you want to lose weight with a Ketosis Diet? [/highlight]
You want to be slim, healthy, attractive, full of energy, be able to go into any clothes shop and enjoy choosing any outfit, you want to see jaw’s drop when people you haven’t seen for a few months set eyes on you, you want to add some sparkle back into your love life, and you want to look in the mirror and think… Yeah! I look Great!
When you get to your goal, it will be AMAZING. We just have the small task of losing weight first of all right?!
Yeah, this is where some determination comes into play. No matter what goal you set out to achieve, if you want to get to your goal, you need to be DETERMINED.
You might want to be slim, but if you don’t want to go on a diet and lose weight, you are not going to achieve your goal. Just as Dolly Parton says, “If you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.” So yes if you want all the amazing benefits of being slim and healthy, then you do have to make some sacrifices to get there. It is the way the world works. You get what you work for.
If you don’t want to lose weight, there is nothing any one can do for you, and even though Ketosis is an amazing way to get fast motivating results, if your heart is not in it, and you don’t want to give it a go, then it is not going to help you.
On the other hand, if you are determined to lose weight with total food replacement, then there is nothing or noone that will stand in your way.
LIFE happens to us all.
Yes we all have stressful days, we all have wedding invites, birthday parties, and weekends away, so negotiating life and total food replacement can be challenging at times.
But if you are REALLY DETERMINED then there is no negotiation. You will do and you will find a way, not an excuse.
Now your journey might not be perfect, you might take a break, have a bad day, or whatever…. but it is better to be taking imperfect action that sitting around waiting for perfect plans. Don’t let your social calendar stop you from losing weight, if you REALLY want to lose weight, if you know in your heart you will be happier and healthier when you lose weight, then stop letting events slow you down and make you feel stuck. You can still enjoy a good social life with total food replacement, and you will be everyone’s favourite person for driving on nights out!
DETERMINATION will keep you on track. Everyone will come against temptation, a hard day, an emotional day, an argument, or a sad event. DETERMINATION is the thing you need to stay on track whatever happens.
[highlight]Visualise yourself at your goal, get clear on what being slim means to you. How will your life be different? Do the wheel of life exercise and see what it means to your life. The clearer you are on WHY you want to lose weight, the more DETERMINED you will be.[/highlight]
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]If you are feeling ready to start your journey to a new you, check out our GETTING STARTED PAGE. Once you order you will also get membership of our SECRET SLIMMERS group on facebook to get more inspiration from over 400 people to help you STAY DETERMINED.[/box]