Day 11 – Focus Friday From Montreux, Lake Geneva
Welcome to Day 11 of our SUMMER HOLIDAY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE. Today is Friday and we want to help you get super focused so that you have a great weekend and move closer to your goals and make good progress with your personal transformation.
Today we want you to fill in your SUMMER EVENT CALENDAR. You can download this, fill it in and put it on your wall, somewhere that you can see it. if you cannot print it out then you can make your own with pen and paper.
It is really important not to underestimate the change you can create in a few short weeks of total dedication to yourself and your transformation. This really can be an amazing summer for you, as long as you take it day by day, and do your best everyday.
When we have mini goal dates throughout our weight loss journey it can be so motivating. It gives us something to look forward to, and a goal to work towards.
So what have you coming up over the summer months? Any weddings? Communions? Holidays? Reunions? Seminars? Work events?
These are all great motivation, and it is a good idea to have a calendar somewhere you can see it, and your goal outfit! Do you have a dress, jacket, pair of jeans that you want to be wearing this summer? Hang it somewhere you can see it!
It is Friday, so we want to make sure you have a good task for the weekend, to help you get that FOCUS FRIDAY FEELING 🙂
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1.) Download the SUMMER EVENT CALENDAR, print it off, fill it in and put it somewhere you can see it everyday! Write below what your biggest summer event is, what your want to be wearing at that event, and why it is important to you to achieve this!
2.) You know that dress, those jeans, that jacket that is at the back of your wardrobe and you wish you could wear it?? Well today, get it out, and hang it somewhere you can see it. Please take a photo and post it on Facebook.
All photos are guaranteed to have their name in the prize draw for Tuesday, we will be giving away another iPad mini!! Woohoo!!
The best comments from today will also be placed in a draw! I look forward to reading your comments and wish you all good luck with our prize draw and hope you have an amazing weekend! Big love to you all xoxoxo
Can’t wait to see your photo’s of your goal outfit!! Woohoo 🙂 xx
My biggest summer event this year will be my birthday, i plan to wear a new very fitted dress,i will be going out to dinner with my OH and this year it will be different to all the other birthdays over the last 10 years,i wont need a long jacket to hide the lumps and bumps, i made a promise to myself last year that my next birthday would be different and that i would be proudly able to wear a dress on its own, i want and fully intend to keep my promise to myself..So it is very important that i achieve this for ME.. AM WELL ON MY WAY TO MY NEW TRANSFORMATION.. XX
Love this goal event! And what a motivating reason! I hope u will be able to show us a picture of you at your goal xx
Summer event calendar is completed, and photo will be on Facebook now…
My dream outfit photo will have to wait until I get home tonight though 😉
Great challenge today, feel sooo motivated! Hoorah!! 😀 xxx
WOohoo!! 🙂 xx
Biggest event is 6th June. Going to see a musical theatrical in London. Want to be able to wear a dress I can’t fit into at the moment. Il post the picture of the dress. I have a ULTIMATE goal of skinny jeans of a size 10. With the NY summer challenge il continue it until I’m a healthy 10/9stone. Was 14.5/6 now 12.13. It is possible!
Wow! Orla you are doing SO well 🙂 Great to see your motivation and belief in yourself! I cant wait to see your photo xx
I dont have many events this summer… but it will be my daughters 4th birthday 2nd august and a family event on 7th august… i want to be wearing a size 12 maxi dress or skinny jeans looking fabulous and sexy, knowing when my daughter was born i was a size 26! Im soooo close and im going to do it! X i feel amazing… and thats all down to new you x
Be lovely to have your photo taken at your daughters bday and look and feel amazing 🙂 xxx
My big summer event — I actualy have 2 events.
1- My daughters communion is tomorrow and thanks to NY i have lost 3stone so far and am confident enought to actually ware a dress instead of black trousers and black baggy top which is a hugh achievment for me because i never ware dresses .
2- My sister is getting married in August and i want to b able to buy a really fancy looking dress that i look awesome in and i know with NY i can make that wish come through 🙂
Awesome!! A big congrats on your achievement so far hun, and with your attitude and determination I know you will be rocking an amazing dress in the summer too 🙂 Well done xx
My biggest event will be my 8 years wedding anniversary on 12th Aug. I was a size 14 then. I would love nothing more than to get back to this size (or smaller) and to celebrate, book a wee break away for me and the husband. Im currently a size 18/20 and have tried every diet going. I want to show my husband that I can do it and make him proud of me. I want to be able to fit into a little black dress and look fab both for myself and for him.
Aww Lorna 🙂 Really hope you enjoy your transformation with us and that you feel like a million dollars in August xx
Hi Julie-Ann,
Lovely postcard from where you are, love the views!!
Well, my biggest even for this summer is a concert on 18th of June, almost at the end of the challenge, my boyfriend and I are going to see a great guitarist- Satriani and his band in London and we are staying in a hotel overnight. It’s a big thing for me as I haven’t been to a concert for at least a year and I love going plus staying in London is always very exciting. I have a gorgeous pair of jeans which I want to wear. That coupled together with gothic type of top black, fitted with some black lace on the top. the top is very tight at the moment but I’m hoping to be able to wear it to the concert. The clothes are both size 14 and I’m size 16 at the moment so I’m really hoping that I can wear them as my clothes are feeling loser now so hopefully I can make it. Have a fabulous weekend everyone. Much love. xxx 🙂
YOU WILL!!! I am cheering you on 1000000000000000000% I cant wait to see your photos xoxox
My Big summer event is when my brother comes home from the USA in July 04th havent seen him for 6 Years and we are going to a wedding together. So I love to be down 2 dress sizes so i can look good. I love to be able to go shopping in store for a dress instead of buying online and hoping for the best. Plus I dont want him to say jesus noran put on so much weight.
Plus its my 32nd Birthday in July and i want to get dressed up and go out. As I have gone out since Novmeber I dont fell confident enough. I love my birthday I just want to feel better about myself.
But with the New You Plan i know i will get there 25lbs in 4 Weeks xxx
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel
You can do it Noran!! 🙂 Congrats on your achievement so far!! Keep rocking it xxx
My Bff from College gets married on June 28th …. I have my outfit it is Navy and fushia pink …. tried it on three weeks ago and it did not slide over hips … tried it this morning and its looking good . no more big fat gypsy wedding. !!!
The night of her wedding I climb on the airport bus for Dublin to board for California USA and my baby brothers wedding. July 13th …. I have a beautiful Dusky pink dress and have yet to try it on again …. I do know that I am going to have to have it taken in …..
Originally I was to wear the same dress then in Ireland for my cousins wedding August 30th …… ha ha the best thing is I will be making a new purchase.
This is a fitting challenge for me today as this morning I started to clear out the horded clothes …from all MY SIZES …. time now to weedle out and I have a nice big bag of clothes for charity …. I did think that as we were all different shapes and sizes and moving through the ranks someone should open a swop shop JulZ … then this challenge came along ….. looking forward to a real skinny me ….
When I touch down in San Diego … I want my brother to say WOW LOOK AT YOU … we are very close … but I have stopped skyping him and stopped having my mug in photos as I want him to see for real … When I saw him in 2010 I was 4 stone heavier …. BRING IT ON BABY !! xx
I am going back home to the U.K to see my sisters & the rest of my family and would love to fit into my black dress that I will put a photo up of soon.
My family have not seen me since I started the diet so by July I hope to really shock them with my weight loss x x x
Oh love it Michelle!!! Keep that goal in the front of your mind xx
My biggest event is my Sisters wedding. I was so disappointed with my weight at my own wedding, so to me, this is the next best thing, where I can redeem myself to myself. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin, fabulous and confident supporting my sister on her big day. Oh yes, and I want to be wearing an amazing dress from Coast thats purple in colour would look best on a slim figure – which by the way – is going to be me! 🙂 x
Oh lovely Coast is beautiful for dresses 🙂 xx Good luck sweetie xxx
My biggest summer dates are
1…. My 30th birthday
2….. Holiday with my family (not yet booked)
Want to feel and look fantastic and feel better than I do about myself now x
You will do it Lynn 🙂 xxx
I think the biggest even for me this summer has to be MY WEDDING!! I have a really nice wedding dress that I have to get into! It is important for me to achieve this because I was to look and feel fantastic on my special day!
I have already posted my goal dress on facebook. Havent actually tried it on in a while… going to have to give it a go!!
Good Luck Hannah!! You are going to feel overwhelmed on your wedding day,… I can just imagine the feelings of pride, relief, excitement, and love 🙂 It is going to be a fantastic day, and you will look and feel amazing xxx
Sorry I was out last night so this is a bit late but I wanted to post. I shall be in Spain the beginning of July and my aim is a BIKINI and if I manage it I shall be brave and post a photo. I also desperately want into a beautiful red Ted Baker dress and glamorous jeans from River Island with a diamante waistband both size ten of which I shall post photos of. I shall get into them with your amazing support. Proud of myself tonight. Went out for drinks with my other half and stuck to coffee while he didn’t! ;o) xx
Hi my biggest event this summer will be my daughters wedding in August . I have lost 2 and a half stone so far and by August 4 th I would like to have lost another 2 and a half stone. I will be wearing a trouser suit as I will feel comfortable in that and even though I will have lost weight I still have another 6 stone to go after the wedding which I shall do after a planned break in August . I want to make my daughter proud also my future son In laws mam is an ex bunny girl !!
I don’t have any event this summer, which is why I chose to do my journey this year so I am at my goal by the end of the year ready for a huge year next year! I have a crazy busy weekend ahead as its my daughters birthday so I will have to complete today’s challenge on Sunday
My daughters communion next year is my event I’m aiming for…. But I’m not a dressy kinda girl so I can’t see me in a dress at all… I may change my mind in the New Year! Lol
I don’t have anything major I wanted to get to goal for my anniversary but I would be happy to get to my half goal for the start of the summer holidays, that way I can feel good about myself and I think this will make ours days out better xx