What are the benefits of drinking water as soon as you wake up in the morning?

How you start your day sets the tone for the day. One of the best things you can do when you wake up is drink water.
The earlier you can get your first litre of water drank the easier the next 2-3 litres will be.
Why is drinking water so important?
Lets take a look at some reasons why you should make drinking water a focus every morning.
Drink 1 litre of water within an hour of waking up & make hitting your water goal easy!
The earlier you can get your first litre of water drank the easier the next 2-3 litres will be. We recommend you drink 3-4 litres of water every day while in total food replacement and keep this habit going long after. It will help you maintain your weight and look and feel great. If you can get 1 litre drank as early as you can, it really sets you up for a good day. Water is key to good health, weight loss and weight management. This one simple habit could change your life.
Drinking water in the morning makes you feel alert & positive about being on plan.
When you feel tired and sluggish one of the main reasons could be lack of water and feeling dehydrated. Drinking water first thing boosts your alertness and low energy levels. If you feel sluggish, chances are you are going to have a bad day and blip or come off plan all together. If you feel alert, you will feel good about yourself and following the plan. Your success will depend on how good you feel. Make drinking water first thing in the morning important if you want to feel good.
Drinking water first thing in the morning kick starts your metabolism.
According to studies, drinking water on an empty stomach can increase your metabolic rate. This is very important, especially for those people who are on a strict diet like total food replacement. When there is an increased metabolic rate, it means that your digestive system has improved.
When you are burning a lot of fat, your body needs the water to function properly and metabolise that fat. Kick start every day with water and help your body to do its job!
Drinking water first thing in the morning reinforces your healthy weight loss.
As you drink water in the morning on an empty stomach and you released all the toxins and this improves your digestive system. It is much easier to do intermittent fasting and skip breakfast if you drink 1 litre of water when you wake up. You will feel less hungry and shouldn’t have cravings. This can stop you from blipping or having a bad day on plan. Keeping you on track to achieve your weight loss goals as fast as possible.
Drinking water first thing in the morning improves your skin
Since drinking water first thing in the morning helps release toxins in the body, eliminating these toxins from the blood means keeps your skin glowing, healthy, and radiant.
Dehydration is one of the primary causes for the development of wrinkles in your skin, dark patches, and deep pores in the skin. Keeping your body hydrated as the day starts, helps promote a sustained flow of blood to your skin and releases toxins from your system.
We all want to look after our skin, and having a big drink of water every morning helps us to look and feel great.
Start in the morning!
Put a daily reminder in your phone to drink water every morning. If you haven’t been doing this and you start, I am sure you will feel immediate benefits.
Let me know how you get on!
Julz x