39 Life Lessons in 39 Years in 39 Days! – Please follow me on this journey!

In 39 days time, I am going to turn 39. I am excited 🙂 I am really looking forward to my last year in my 30’s and I am going to share with you over the next 39 days, 39 life lessons that I have learned in 39 years.
I am going to spend my last year in my 30s investing in myself, so that when I turn 40 I look and feel better than ever before in my life. My 30s have been great, but I have had 2 very hard pregnancies that have taken their toll on my body. Now this year I want to get strong and fit so that I can step into my 40s feeling healthy and proud. I feel excited about what my 40’s have in store for me! Infact I am considering a great prize for the Slimmer of 2015 which COULD involve one or two lucky customers joining me for a VIP photoshoot in Las Vegas! I haven’t decided 100% on this yet, but I really want to mark turning 40 in style and I just LOVE VEGAS 🙂

I remember when I was 29, I was dreading turning 30! I just couldn’t believe that I was going to be 30, my 20s where over and I felt like my life was passing me by and I wasn’t really living the life that I wanted to live. When I was about 28 I started to study personal development, and I am a total self confessed personal development junkie! Mindset is the key to everything, especially dieting and losing weight. It was studying personal development that really helped me to understand how I could change my life by changing my mindset towards my life, and this has helped me to lose the weight that I gained during my two pregnancies.
Turning 30 was not as bad as I thought it would be, I was actually glad the day after my 30th birthday that I had crossed this life milestone! When I turned 30 I was single, living alone, lonely, I hated my job with a passion, I was smoking like a trooper and drinking way to much, and generally just not in a good place. I have learned so much over the last decade, I don’t smoke and rarely drink, I am happily married, live in a happy family home, have 2 gorgeous children, and a growing business, and I get to spend my days helping people to make their dreams come true, which makes me very very happy 🙂
Even though my life is certainly better now than it was 10 years ago, I have had a really hard time with my health, with both of my pregnancies giving me painful mobility problems, that meant I spent a total of 2.5 years basically in pain and struggling to walk. Isabella was 9 months old the first time I was strong enough to go out with her on my own. It has been very frustrating dealing with my mobility problems, but again I know I have got through it all and came out stronger because of how I have learned to look at life and challenges.
My birthday is 30th November, and I am excited to spend my birthday weekend with the most inspirational, funny, and strong women I know, our customers! We are having our first ever new you plan workshop and red carpet Glam party on 29th November in Clontarf Castle in Dublin. I hope that you will be there! There are still tickets available (click here to get yours), as we upgraded the room to the great hall, which is an amazing, beautiful, classy venue! And with it being Christmas time it really is going to have the WOW factor, with lights and trees everywhere!!! OMG I really am so excited 🙂 Clontarf Castle recently won an award for being the best hotel event venue in Ireland! Only the best is what I want for our customers. Clontarf Castel is the perfect venue for those who deserve to be treated for all the hard work and dedication of 2014.
This workshop and party is for everyone, so even if you are just new to the new you plan, or if you have been an on/off customer for a while, or whether you are at goal! This event is for you! It is a celebration of BEING ON YOUR NEW YOU JOURNEY, no matter where you are on that journey. It is also a commitment to yourself that you are staying on this journey, that you are no longer going to hide away from the world, that you are going to INVEST in yourself, learn new skills and take this journey seriously because you are worth it and your health and happiness is important. Plus I would really like you to come and help me to celebrate my birthday and turning 39 🙂
As my 30’s have been a great decade for me, but they have also been the hardest, I have spent 2.5 years virtually housebound or bedridden with very painful mobility problems caused by both of my pregnancies, I have gained a lot of weight with both my pregnancies, at the time I felt this was a disaster, my weight issue in life before my pregnancies was that I was a size 12 and I wanted to be a size 8, but now I know how it feels to be a size 20 and want to be a size 12. Both are frustrating in their own way, but having the experience of both, has meant that I have been able to help more people because I GET IT. I know the pain of both, and I have got through it. I am currently on my weight loss journey losing the weight I gained in my 2nd pregnancy, my daughter Mimi is now 8 months old.
I know I am going to finish my 30s strong, I thought I would share with you the life lessons that I learned to really turn my life around and help me to lose weight, and the mindset that has allowed me to lose weight after both of my hard pregnancies. If even one thing I share with you changes one persons life then it will be worth it. Everyone has different lessons they learn in life, I am constantly learning, and by writing this I am far from saying I know it all, infact the more I know the more realise I do not know. This is basically a collection of 39 mindset shifts that I have made that have helped me to get through the challenges of life better.
So I hope you will follow me on this journey of 39 days until I turn 39, and I also hope that you will join me in Dublin in Clontarf Castle on 29th November to celebrate my birthday with me! We have lots of people flying in from all over the UK and driving from all counties in Ireland 🙂 It is going to be a great party!!
I hope that you will enjoy my 39 lessons and you will read everyday with an open mind and an open heart, so that you can be open to learning. I also hope that you will comment and share your experiences everyday with me too, so that I can learn from you.
great blog julie a very interesting read just goes to show how we all our reason for choosing the new you plan and i for one will be proud to share the next 39 days reading your fab blog best of luck with this and also your personal weight loss journey julie xxx
Thank you Pauline 🙂 I appreciate your support and love! You are a star xxx
Hi Julie, looking forward to reading you blog, unfortunately will not be able to join you to celebrate as I will be on a trip to U.S.A with my 16 year old daughter . I would have loved to meet all these lovely inspirational women. Hopefully next time xxx
Hi Maeve, Oh I hope you have a ball in USA! It is my favourite place, I just love americans!! 🙂
Hope to get the opportunity to meet you some day soon. xxx
WOW Julz that was truly inspirational and inspiring. Your an amazing strong woman and the secret of the success of your company is that you truly do CARE about us fighting this battle of the bulge. I have loved being on this journey with you and have met some amazing people. I am so looking forward to celebrating our journey so far at the castle. It is going to be amazing….looking forward to the next 38 days….love reading your blogs and hearing about the family. Hope we are going to get a chance to meet them at the event….feel I know them and Michael with your shares lol…..here’s to tomorrow….and I will never be able to thankyou enough for getting me to this stage in my journey….when I started I only wanted to lose a couple of stones with you and the teams help ….lost a small person and improved my health….and reduced my medicines. You should be proud of what you inspiration has achieved…..now away for my bar and coffee lol….have a good night. xxx
Oh Anne when I see you at our christmas party I am going to give you the biggest hug ever 🙂 Thank you gorgeous lady for allowing me to share this amazing journey you have been on!! xxx Cant wait to meet you x
Great blog Julie-Ann, I can relate to being a size 12 and wanting to be a size 8, when I look back at photo’s of me in my teens I thought I was fat and actually I wasn’t I was a healthy weight then as I got older I found out what fat was but thanks to the new you plan I’m where I want to be, healthy and happy size 10, its now I know it’s when you feel comfy with yourself that matters most, you are an amazing woman Julie-Ann and can’t wait to meet you x
I can’t wait to meet you too Joy 🙂 Woohoo 🙂 And YES Being healthy, and happy in ourselves is what it is all about. AMEN SISTA!!
Thank you for your comment, means a lot to me x
Lovely read Julie. So many similarities to my own life. I gained my weight through having children but was never happy with my weight before then either. Following this plan has given me time for myself for the first time in 8 years. How amazing, and thank you for that. It will be an honour to join you over the next 39 days. Christina xx
Thank you so much! I delighted that you are in a good place now and I really hope that you will enjoy my blog posts over the next month and a bit! Thank you for the comment and support 🙂 xx
Awh lovely words Julz, I look forward to the next 38 days. You are an amazing & very inspirational person. I wish there were more like you. X
Thank you so much Jill 🙂 Im feeling very humbled by that comment! xx
Great blog julz, i read it and really cud feel the pain you went through and still keeping strong and helping people out there , lol in your 40’s you will have a book written ,your experience , will be amazing and I’ll have my copy autogragh ….just kidding, amazing and looking forward for the next 🙂
Hey Nanda!! I cannot wait to meet you at the Christmas Party, I feel like we have been buddies for ages 🙂 Im so excited about turning 40 and I am going all out to make the last year of my 30s AMAZING 🙂
Thank you for your kind words and support. xxx
Awh Julie Ann I can relate to so much of that blog, severe spd,, last two babies back to back, all resulted in been the biggest I ever was and I wasn’t thin before the babies either!!
I too today am in a much better place than I was 10 years ago.
The drive and ambition has got you to where you are today, BUT the genuine care and empathy for the customers has shone through on every level,thats made the journey more personal as you had travelled the road yourself with the plan and could Honestly first hand give support and advice.
I too know what it’s like to be a size 20 wanting to be a 12, and a size 12 wanting to be an 8..
Las Vegas sounds amazing, some photo shoot in size 8 clothes, iv no doubt you will be at your ultimate goal.. Looking forward to the rest of this blog I enjoyed it so much I actually read it twice, keep doing what your doing because it’s helping and inspiring so many people to achieve weight loss goals whether it’s a stone or ten stone.. Lots of hugs, Karen xx
Oh Karen!! Big hugs!! I actually enjoyed your comment so much I read it twice too 🙂
It is great that we can relate to eachother, and sometimes I think that my journey has been so hard , so that I can help others, I like to look at it that way anyway as it gives me more purpose and more determination.
Love you xxx
love this blog Julie. I can relate to every word x
Im so glad Elena 🙂 Thank you! I can’t wait to meet you! xx
Hi, what a great idea to share these 39 days in the lead up to your 40th. I look forward to reading each day about your life lessons and I am sure I will learn and challenge my thoughts along the way!! I am 42 and life dies get better although I certainly don’t feel 42, more like late 20s!!! I am definetly learning how powerful my mindset is and how quickly I can turn things around for the better. Yes I takes work but it is only recently that I have realised how strong I am and that I am in control.
Great post, bring on no2. You are an inspirational woman and thank you fir all you do. Xxxx
Thank you Aimee 🙂 It is amazing how you never feel your age! I hope I always am like that too 🙂 he he!
Thanks for joining me on this journey x
Hi Julie Ann you look fab in the pic. I already sent s reply but it seems to have vanished into the ether. Liked the blog and it aligns closely to my belief in the power of positive thinking. Like you I have had a few very challenging years but out the other side of it now and I believe God sends those trials for a reason and those who come through it are stronger as a result and appreciate life and know not to waste a second of it. I also believe and have experienced first hand the power of creative visualisation and I use that now to motivate myself to make the vision a reality – making the new me happen. Looking forward to your 38 blogs. Cheers
Maura 🙂 Yes I seen your other comment hun! I too love visualisation! I am so glad that you are with me on this journey and look forward to reading all your other comments. I think we have a lot in common 🙂 xx
Julie I am ending 2014 a stronger healalthier person all thanks to. You and the new you team I am feeling like me again. Nothing is going to hold me back anymore xx
I love reading this. It’s so nice to know I’m not alone xx