SHAME has NO place in your Transformation
When you are overweight there can be an overwhelming feeling of shame.
I know this because I have felt it, and I know it because I have read so many comments from our customers who feel it at times.
If we want to create a real transformation, it can’t be built on feelings of shame. Shame might spur us on to take action, but we need to be able to take our story and turn it into something empowering and positive.
I have to admit that I felt a lot of shame when my marriage broke down and I gained a lot of weight. Here I was the owner of a diet company and I had gained a lot of weight with both my pregnancies, and now again after my marriage broke down. It has been a tough journey emotionally and physically.

It has taken a lot of self love and self reflection to let go of the feelings of shame and embrace my journey.
I am proud of the person I am today because I have had to go through so much, and I have grown a lot because of it.
My hope is that I can take everything I have learned from my experiences and help thousands of people because of it. That thought really spurs me on, it gives me purpose.
We are all unique and different. We have all fallen for different reasons, we have all felt pain and struggled in different ways. Each of our lives and stories is unique.
It is up to each of us to find that seed of hope when we fall down that gives us a reason to get back up again and keep going.

We have to believe that everything is working out in our favour, even when it doesn’t feel like it, we have to believe that there is some greater reason to our pain and when we look back on our life it will all make sense.
That is why we have to get back up when we fall and keep going. It is the getting back up that counts. A lot of self awareness and personal growth, comes to us when we fall. Some of our greatest gifts and realisations come to us when we are at our lowest.
One of our customers wrote a lovely comment to me today for International Women’s Day – Katerina wrote; “I love you and I love you even more since going through heartbreak you didn’t even know you needed in order to become the absolute best version of ourself, and finding the person you really want to become.”

Sometimes when you think you’re losing, you’re winning. Some of the worst things that can happen to us, end up being the best things when you look back in hindsight.
Get back up, be proud, and know in your heart that you are worthy of love and that great things are ahead of you.
Much Love,
Julz xo