Now or Later? Now or Never? When?
Are you still waiting to start your diet? How long have you been putting it off?
Please take a moment to think why this could be….
You really want to be slim and healthy right?
So why are you putting off doing what it will take to see and feel the results in your body and health that you really want to have?
- Is it Fear?
- Is it overwhelm at the amount of weight you have to lose?
- Can you just not get motivated?
- Is it just simply disorganisation in your life?
Whatever your personal reason for putting off getting started on your diet, there is a solution for each and every one – and it all has everything to do with Taking Action Right Now.
The time is NOW This is the time you stop giving yourself an excuse or a reason on why it can wait. You’ve done this already… it’s only working against you, holding you back and making you feel miserable and uncomfortable.
There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow. There is only NOW. And now determines the tomorrow you will have.
Right now is the perfect time to….
Confront your fears
You can’t change what you do not face. Pull out a journal, start asking yourself WHY – keep doing until it hurts and start writing, you will amazed at what you uncover.
Break your BIG Goals down into Mini Targets
It’s more manageable and motivating to set daily or weekly goals, measuring along the way to ensure you are on track, catch slip ups and continue making progress. Write it down right now – what can you do for the next 3-5 days that will get you positive results.
Get some organisation around you!
Once you know, tackle the clutter aorund you like you would a short burst workout. Set the timer for 15 minutes and tidy one area as much as you can.
One of the biggest obstacles we face. The key lies in embracing the fact that motivation does not last. This is something that must be revived each and every day. So what can you do? Make a list of your goals and next to each goal you have set – list 3 reasons WHY it is important for you to reach these goals. Another Q and A session with yourself, and one that will only be effective if you dig deep enough and uncover the reasons why you refuse to settle for anything less.
Keep your goals and reasons where you can see them. When you are feeling blah and on the edge of cheating – pull out your goals and read them – read them again, this time out loud – read them again, this time in front of a mirror.Connect with the emotion and desire you had as you wrote these out and get back to reality with what it is you truly want – the short lived feeling of instant gratification OR the deeper feeling of pride for making a choice that aligns with your dreams and goals.
NOW is all we have… don’t let this moment pass, embrace your New You NOW…
Everything you put in your way is just a method of putting off the hour when you could actually be DOING your Dream.
You don’t need endless time and perfect conditions.
Do it now. Do it today.
[quote]“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” – Earl Nightingale[/quote]
What are you going to do Right Now that will move you one step closer to reaching your dream of having a slim healthy body?
The New You Plan can give you the simple nutrition to make weight loss simple and structured so you don’t have to think about to food to shop for or buy, you can have time to break old habits and addictions to junk food and processed foods. Use this time to FOCUS ON YOURSELF, and building healthier habits and lifestyle choices into your daily routines. With our online support you will get 24/7 friendship from our amazing group of dieters.
Give yourself the gift of a new you this year, start your journey NOW… don’t put it off another day, it is going to be an amazing Spring and Summer for our customers.
If you want any help please feel free to call Grant in our office who will be able to answer your questions.
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