New You Fast Focus & Fresh Focus Diet Meal Plans
New You Fast Focus & Fresh Focus: Choose a plan that’s right for you!
At The New You Plan, we understand that different lifestyles & habits mean that people like to diet in different ways. So with this in mind, we have created two meal plans: New You Fast Focus and Fresh Focus Diet Meal Plans. Find out which of our plans is most suitable for you.
What are our plans?
FAST FOCUS gets FAST results for FOCUSED people.
√ A very simple to follow diet meal plan, you take 4 New You meal packs a day, every day and drink water.
√ You do not eat any other foods.
√ After a few days you will not feel hungry and your energy levels will increase.
√ Your body will switch to a natural fat burning mode and the results are so exciting that motivation to stay on plan is so easy.
√ This plan is perfect if you want a jaw dropping transformation in a short space of time.
FRESH FOCUS is perfect for people who are focused on creating their New You but total food replacement does not suit their lifestyle.
√ This plan gives simple structure some days.
√ We recommend a minimum of two days a week following FAST FOCUS. If you want to lose more weight then have more FAST FOCUS days in the week.
√ If required you may have one optional CHEAT DAY a week. This plan is perfect if you want simplicity and flexibility.
What weight loss results are expected?
FAST FOCUS is for fast weight loss – get motivated with a dramatic transformation for a fast New You!
FRESH FOCUS is for moderate weight loss, perfect for maintenance after a FAST FOCUS approach.
How long can I do it for?
FAST FOCUS is recommend for a minimum of three weeks to kick start a healthy lifestyle. However, for full benefit, we recommend a minimum of 66 days (as supported by research in The European Journal of Social Psychology in association with University College London (2010)). By completing The New You Plan for a period of 66 days, you will form positive habits. By following The New You Plan repetitively you will not only be promoting positive behaviour and achieving a normalised habit but you will also see increased confidence and self esteem from increased weight loss. After 12 weeks (as recommended by NICE) move to FRESH FOCUS for two weeks before recommencing FAST FOCUS.
FRESH FOCUS can be followed long term for weight loss and for maintenance. You can switch between plans at any time.
Who is it suitable for?
FAST FOCUS is ideal if:
√ You are really struggling to lose weight
√ Your weight makes you feel uncomfortable
√ You have a lot of weight to lose
√ You want to see fast, motivating results
√ You feel stuck in a rut and need big change
√ You are addicted to the wrong foods
√ You are 100% committed to change
√ You need a kick start to a new lifestyle
√ You want a simple and easy plan
√ You don’t want to calorie count
√ BMI is over 26
√ No health problems
Follow FRESH FOCUS if:
√ You are focused but want some flexibility
√ Your weight does not hold you back
√ You want a long term healthy eating plan
√ You love the simplicity of some fast days
√ You want to eat fresh foods some days
√ You want the option of a cheat day
√ You do not feel addicted to junk food
√ You do not need big results to stay focused
√ You don’t want to calorie count
√ BMI is over 20
√ Gym goers who want to lose fat but build muscle
What are the benefits?
√Breaking bad habits
√ Stop using food as an emotional crutch
√ Break addictions to bad foods
Feel the benefits of ketosis:
√ Lack of hunger
√ Lower blood pressure
√ Drop in cholesterol
√ More energy
√ Clearer thinking
√ Weight loss
Benefits of fasting:
√ Speeds up the metabolism
√ Improves your eating habits
√ Improves your immune system
√ Helps clear the skin and prevent acne
√ Improves your brain
√ Fasting reboots your immune system
√ 100% recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals
√ Fasting 2 days a week turns on a gene that removes hunger on other days
√ Flexible for lifestyle – if eating out you can order salads, chicken, fish
√ Speeds up metabolism
√ Improves your eating habits
√ Improves your immune system
√ Helps clear the skin and prevents acne
√ Improves your brain
√ Fasting reboots your immune system
√ Proven protection against disease
√ More energy
Sample menu
With FAST FOCUS, everyday is a FAST DAY, meaning you take any 4 of our total meal replacement packs a day. If you are over 17 stone add in 1 snack everyday. If you are under 17 stone then have 2-3 snacks a week if required.
Sample Meal Packs:
- Breakfast – Shake, Porridge, Pancakes, Omelettes, Meal Bars
- Lunch – Shake, Soup, Meal Bar, Hot Meal
- Dinner – Shake, Soup, Hot Meal
- Supper – Soup, Hot Shake, Pancakes, Bar
With FRESH FOCUS follow the FAST DAY plan (4 packs a day) at least 2 days a week. You might do 5:2, 3:4 or even 6:1. This will switch on your weight loss / appetite gene. Research has shown that intermittent fasting causes beneficial changes in your bodies risk factor for age-related disease. It is also suggested that intermittent fasting can rejuvenate the immune system and could reduce the risk for certain types of cancers (Cell Metabolism: Clinical and Translational Report (2015)).
On FRESH DAYS you will eat FRESH HEALTHY FOODS following these rules:
1) No white starchy carbs
2) No sugar and very limited fruit
3) No bad fats, only healthy fats
4) Lots of fresh vegetables, protein and whole grains
5) Optional 1 cheat day a week
6) Women advised to consume no more than 2000 calories on fresh days
7) Men advised to consume no more than 2500 calories on fresh days
If you want to follow our Fresh or Fast Focus Plan, click here to get started. Not sure which plan is right for you, email: [email protected] or call: 028 3833 0720 and a member of our team will be more than happy to help you!
If you would like to know more information please contact us and we will get back to you ??
Tel UK: 028 38 330 720
Tel ROI: 048 38 330 720 (local rate)
Tel Overseas: 0044 28 38 330 720
Email: [email protected]
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hi I have type 1 diabetes and I am insulin dependent would this diet plan be suitable for me ?
Hi Louise,
It’s important to note that our plan is not suitable for individuals with Type 1 diabetes. Prioritizing your health is paramount, and managing Type 1 diabetes requires a different dietary approach to ensure effective control of the condition. We strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider to explore the safest and most appropriate dietary options tailored to your specific medical needs. This will help ensure that you can manage your diabetes effectively while maintaining your overall health and well-being.
Warm regards