MINDSET MONDAY – Getting Committed to a BIG SCARY GOAL
I am so excited to announce that we are having our first ever NEW YOU PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY on 29th November in Dublin, in the amazing Clontarf Castle. Tickets go on sale Tuesday 8th July on our website. FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PARTY CLICK HERE.
In just under 5 months we are going to meet up, and I want to be looking and feeling AMAZING! And I WANT TO MEET YOU, AND I WANT YOU TO BE LOOKING AND FEELING AMAZING TOO!
That means I am more COMMITTED NOW than EVER!
There is no time to mess about.
The date is set…
The hotel is booked…
The money is paid…
Commitment comes in many different forms… are you “so so” committed to your weight loss journey?…. If you are “so so” commitment then guess what type of results you can expect?? Yes that’s right… “so so” results.
The bigger you are INVESTED in something the bigger your CHANCES FOR SUCCESS.
Get invested in your goal date.
- Emotionally – get involved with the banter in our Secret Slimmers community… everyone is excited about the transformation they will achieve in the next 5 months
- Mentally – get your head in the game, start looking for dresses, start picturing yourself in your goal dress sizes smaller than you are now, notice how healthy you look and feel! Get a vision board or put your dress somewhere you can see it!
- Financially – get your big bundle ordered, The 8 week bundle comes with 6 free water flavourings, OR go for my VIP PARTY CLUB OPTION – this option will not be for everyone, you need to have 4 or more stone to lose and you need to have the money to get INVESTED into your COMMITTEMENT but if you meet the criteria this option pulls out all the stops and we will be working on this TOGETHER!
- Physically – Get your time booked off work, get your flights booked, get the hotel booked and get your ticket when they go on sale on Tuesday 8th July.
Tell me what you are going to do to get REALLY COMMITTED to going to the Christmas Party or another Important Event for YOU! What are you going to do this week to get EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY, FINANCIALLY AND PHYSICALLY committed??
The best comment of the day will win a TRIO OF WATER FLAVOURINGS.
Hi!! I am committed! Flights booked and hotel (though a different one im city centre since spending a few nights in Dublin!)
I’m going to buy my ticket tomorrow yay!
My goal weight is TOTALLY ACHIEVABLE by the party date but ONLY if I commit to the plan with my mind and all my food choices.
I will do this because I deserve it. I have 3 stones to lose to reach goal. I have put that weight on after emotional eating and I am working out ways to recognise when I am tempted to do that and learning to make the right food choices and to deal with those emotions in a more appropriate and helpful way.
And the best thing is that I’m making friends at NY and SS on the way who I shall get to meet in November.
Bring on the party!! I’m sooooo there! x
Woohooo 🙂 Melanie I am buzzing to meet you!! It is going to be AMAZING 🙂 XX
Emotionally I’m picturing myself Slim breaking my old habits on this plan and seeing myself in. Positive light.
Mentally setting myself small targets, working down the scales with what I feel are achievable and some weeks smashing that target
Financially. For every pound I lose I matching it with 2 pound to save to go towards. A new you hair style. To match the new me. I habe already started and seeing my money pot filling up is great.
Physically I am coming to the party I’m coming by myself which will be an achievement in itself but I fell I no people already from
The group and we are all friends together sharing our very special journeys, look forward to getting my ticket. Tomorrow.
This post excited me so much. The Christmas party has became my motivation for sticking to this diet 100%. When I saw the venue I knew that this was going to be extra special and probably one of the biggest milestones of my life.
Commitment for me this week has came through a couple of different avenues, I have became accountable – I am interacting with people more, both online and at home, I am telling people why I want to do this and the consequences of not doing it.
I am selecting a dress – I know this might not sound like much but I am stone broke, buying a dress will be a big financial commitment for me because I want it to be really special, I want to stand out for once and not be the one hiding in the corner. There are loads of “what ifs” around this – what if it doesn’t suit, what if I don’t lose enough weight – it will fit! It will suit! I shall go to the ball!
Emotionally – well I am shy, you probably wouldn’t think it but I am extrovert to hide it! I want to get to know each and every person that will be going because I want to leave knowing as much about people as possible and having made as many new friends as possible.
Thank you so much for organising this guys, I just can’t wait, you have really given us all something to aim towards and most importantly the proper tools to aim with.
Forever at your mercy xx
i am totally committed to my goals , i have mini goals and my major goal weight to achieve . as i have a total of over 10 stone to lose , i have broken it down to mini goals of weight , dress size and health changes .
i had to get into the right mindset to start the plan and always remember . by visual reminders , of that commitment .( posters , beads / stones in glasses , charts etc….
my financial commitment is made as i have a very limited income ( hence won’t be able to attend party 🙁 ) so every penny i have spent on the plan is all i have for food for the month – blipping is NOT an option .
I have told friends and family who are important to me , that i am on the plan and all have said how proud they are of the changes in me , so – no pressure – but i want to continue to make them all proud .
the health benefits already make me want to continue with my journey as i eel so much more alive than i have done in years , and i finally have hope for the future .
i will NOT stop until i achieve my ultimate goal and maintain .
i vow , to myself , that once i have reached my attainable goal – I WILL NEVER BE THIS/THAT SIZE AGAIN .- i will have learnt lessons in healthy eating , portion size and not seeing food as comfort or reward .xx
For every 1lb I loose I put £1 in a jar so can buy new smaller clothes and I’ve got my eye on a pretty dress
I have booked flights and hotel! Will purchase ticket as soon as they are available!
I had my goal dress bought for my school reunion before I went into hospital and couldn’t go so haven’t worn since I’ve had surgery and been at home as I have nothing to look forward to!
Julie-Ann arranging the party has given me something else to aim for and I remotivated to lose my final 21-28lbs to get me to goal! So I’m back on the plan this week!
Onwards and downwards 🙂
Baz x
Wuhooo love this post! I’m so motivated today and even more so after reading this!!!
21lbs to go…I’m going to get it done 🙂
Motivational older pictures of me everywhere to remind me of what I WILL be in such a short time.
i’m committed to not letting people put me down any more i’m beautiful and i’m going to show them all the doubting Thomas’s that this works and that in itself is pure determination ive my 40th birthday and i’m heading to spain on the 22 of September with 2 friends and i’m going to be the size 10 and 12 that they are and ot the 18 I am tankini here I come 🙂
To ensure I stay committed to get to goal I am gonna keep ordering in advance so then I will not want to waste money spent not finishing products plus I will always have a variety of products to ensure I don’t get board….I also have got my goal dress down from the loft at the moment it doesn’t go over my thighs but it WILL!
after falling of the band wagon thanks to my controlling ex. i realised the only person i was hurting was me. so im taking back control because i deserve it and im on focus with my mind set. its the first step to being the happy mum i wanna be. i wanna be happy, slim and healthy to watch my boys grow up and undertand healthy eating. and just maybe meet that special someone. my aim is to be happy and love myself so someone can love me. i intend on doing this with new you, supportive friends and family and most of all a new mind set that knowone will knock me down and exercise/toning up is all included. bring on the new me. where i can look at my ex an say look what ur missing. happy days to come.
HAPPY DAYS TO COME INDEED!!!! Go on Angel!! Im rooting for you 1000000% xoxoxoxo
Well , this week and every week now until I get to my ultimate goal are all about mindset and keeping motivated …. I can picture myself in a lovely dress this Christmas, instead of hiding in the corner Ina sack !!!!
The thing that keeps me most motivated is the health benefits of my weight loss to date (5 stones and 3 pounds ) ….. Having been diagnosed witha blood clotting disorder 2 years ago, and having developed DVT’s in my leg, I knew it was time to bite the bullet and get healthy…… And bit by bit I have achieved this ! 2-3 stones to go, and I willbe exactly where I want to be !! So close now I can smell it !!!!!!!!!
Sadly won’t be able to make the Christmas party, …… Got 2 at uni at the moment to fund, and my youngest needing a car very soon…. But I am kept motivated by my families constant support and encouragement ! I can safely say New You has changed my life .
I am committed, I am already paid up to another party in the UK on the exact same night, do although I cannot be with you, I will be using every excess oz of me to pour myself into my dream of being at that party in a stunning size 12 slinky dress.
I will be the belle of my ball!!
i am totally commited to this room booked ,my mind is now on reaching goal before the big day,i am putting 1 euro into a jar from now for every 1lb lost and my wonderful son who is also paying for my room for the event is going to match it to help me buy a beautiful dress worthy of the occassion.i will be rocking a size 10 hopefully by november i cannot wait to meet in person the wonderful people who have changed my life namely the new you team and ss who have become by family too i love all see but a few have a special place in my heart and i cannot wait to meet them all xx
I’m going to get a big jar and put two euros and one euros into it as much as I can
I’m going to check my remaining stock of NY products and order up
I’m going to rest up and get better from this S virus and try to get more active
I hope to be at least 2 stone lighter by the end of the summer
I have written out every single day between now and the NY event and set a small goal for everyday. Other events along the way – 5k colour run August, and gala ball end October and a potential sunny holiday in December! And I look forward to wearing my slimmer clothes and an evening dress that I’ve never worn before. All achieve able as is the 4 stone loss I’ve set myself! And I even weighed today although I won’t do that again till end July.
I am committed but I am still a tiny bit scared as I am at the very start of the journey. Every day I am building my commitment by picturing myself in the clothes I want to wear. I want to break this down into goals of 2 stone at a time as the full amount is still daunting. I want to do this so much this time but still have a fear of failure so I am currently fighting that feeling big time to get past it. Day four over and I am feeling I can really do this. I have enlisted my family and they are doing their own meals and eating before I come home at the moment so I can get a week or two under my belt.
Hi all, i have over 4 stone to loose and the rest of my beautiful life to gain. I will be 100% committed to the plan, the hotel is booked , waiting for the tickets to go on sale by the time my weight is gone forever through the workshops i will be holding the key to unlock my healthy maintainable future.My excess weight happened largely through an accident which in a way also managed to eat through my self confidence and self esteem, but I do have the motivation , drive and commitment to reach my goal, and beyond so I will see all you lovely people on November 29.xxxxxxxx Have a great day all.xxxxxxxx
I am committed to throwing off the weight and emotional baggage of the past. I was looking though some old photos and came to the realisation that my children have never known me as anything but fat. I’m tired of avoiding doing things by using my weight as an excuse. My Mum died at 62 if I don’t do something I’m not going to be around to see my children and my grandchildren to be,. I am scared. But very determined.
For me, I want to do one small thing every week until I reach my goal. I’ve never spent the time looking after my mental health as well as my physical health. New You is helping with the physical side, being lighter everyday makes exercising easier. But for this week my small change is trying to get to sleep before midnight! Tough but doable (I need to put down the book and not read til the wee hours and then be wrecked for the day at work.) Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll be less of a grumpy boots in the morning 🙂
i am mentally, physically, emotionally and financially committed to my Goal weight 🙂
Mentally i have pics up everywhere, on my fridge and on all my cupboard basically EVERYWHERE that Blips live, of my goal dress 🙂
Physically i have given an area to my Favourite flower bed, its called my new you area, and every 7lbs i loose i plant a new flower or shrub!!and i have also started to take a walk around my block every evening….small steps :)lol
Emotionally i have been listening to positive meditations and the law of attraction mp3’s to enhance my new mental slim me!! 🙂
Financially, of course i continue to buy my new you bundle EVERY week 🙂
I am really struggling with myself at the moment. So I think putting a euro away for each lb I lose a great idea! I think that it will then help keep me motivated so when I do lose weight I can then afford to treat and reward myself! (that does not involve food) I would like to lose 3 stone maybe more by the party but seeing as last week was a bad week, I need to take it a week at a time and build my confidence and determination back up so that I realise I can do this!!!! Best of luck everyone xx
I am finally going to fill in the diary and take my measurements. I am going to write out my goals
Such an amazing event to help keep us and me in particular focused! I’ve had a rocky couple of months on the plan, plenty of day 1s and plenty of demons to face to make getting back on track that bit harder but this is fantastic! Felt “The Voice” calling to me today while out and about and I’m not going to lie, I began with the excuses “well what if I only ate that, or what if I just had a small something and then loads of water”…but then I got the email about my ticket being on hold for me and it was just the incentive to keep on walking and headed straight home for my bar and water!
Everyone here is so great and I can’t wait to get to the fun part where we get to discuss dresses and shoes and all things sparkly!!