Lesson #8 “Be Happy NOW”
Lesson #8 “Be Happy NOW”
[box size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
How often do you hear yourself or other people say…. When I become…. I will be Happy? It is a common thing to hear….
When I become Slim I will be Happy
When I become Successful I will be Happy
When I…. I will be happy
When I… I will be happy
The thing is, life does not not really work that way, the most important thing you can do is BE HAPPY NOW. Happiness will fast track your weight loss journey, and make it more enjoyable and increase your chances of getting to your healthy target weight dramatically! SO BE HAPPY NOW!
Happiness will make your weight loss journey easier because through your happiness you will boost;
- Immune system, less sick time
- Boost your Focus
- Inspirational Levels
- You develop more grit and determination
When you are on track with your most important goals, like losing weight, when you are making progress, your brain will start to release dopamine, which is a great chemical of well being and happiness. That is why when you are making so much progress with your weight loss journey you feel so good!
What makes you happy?
The problem is that a lot of people turn to food to make them feel happy, to be successful on your weight loss journey and maintenance journey you need to find ways to be happy without turning to food. So what do you enjoy? What makes you happy? How often do you do things that make you happy?
Leave me a comment today and share something that makes you happy that is NOT food! If we can have an original idea in every comment that would be AWESOME! Let’s see how many ideas we can come up with to inspire each other!
Thanks to everyone who is supporting me on this blogging journey!! All your comments are appreciated! xx
Julz x

Loving these posts Julie Ann they are so true. Being happy definitely helps with anything you are trying to achieve & then the more you achieve the happier you get, its great 😉
Thank you Fiona <3
Being with my husband and my three lovely children makes me feel happy, also, walking on the beach with our little dog, going clothes shopping, and getting new makeup and bath bombs ! ….. It’s the little things xxxx
Oh I love the simple things too Jasmin! Life is good 🙂 x
My kids smiling, crisp mornings, working out at the gym and feeling the benefits/muscle burn, friends and family and New You Spicy Noodle Nosh, of course! xx
Love that crisp morning feeling!! Makes you feel ALIVE 🙂
Hi Julie Ann, loads of things make me happy – top of list is spending time with my husband -love to dance we do ballroom and Latin American dancing and it is great exercise. Love playing with our dogs , enjoy doing fun things with our little nieces and nephews. We swim in the mornings and walk very early. I enjoy making pretty things when I get time -both creative crafts and dressmaking. Up there on my happiness list is shopping of course just get a great buzz from the retail therapy!!!!! Love my garden and growing pretty flowers and shrubs. So happy days and even happier as the extra lbs come off. Have a great day and thanks for the blogs. Keep them coming. Cheers
Wow!! What an incredible list!! Love this you are amazing!! Love it!! x
Hi Julie-Ann,
Yes, you are so right about being happy now, I am guilty of often thinking that I will be happy when I’m slim, or when I’m married or when I have a child. But I have been working on living in the here and now and feeling happy and blessed with what I have. Apparently lots of things which make me happy involve spending money like going out with friends and holidays, but I thought about it and came up with list of things which don’t cost anything and make me happy: being with my fiancé, going out for walks,listening to favourite music, watching a good film, cuddling up on the sofa, reading a good book, researching things on the internet, window shopping and studying, all give me pleasure and make me happy. Have a great day!! xxx 🙂
Love it!! yes when you find happiness in the simple things, life is a lot more enjoyable! I love your comments monika, so glad you are taking part in this! x
Babywearing is when I’m at my happiest. Now that I’m at my target weight, I can babywear comfortably. It’s a mini workout getting my big beautiful baby boy up on my back comfortably – apparently burns 240 calories for every 15mins babywearing!!! I feel so blest to be able to do this for my baby and to feel him so close and snuggly to me sends my endorphins into overdrive! Ah bliss! ❤️
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 🙂 Emer!! Sounds amazing!! I love seeing all your photos on facebook, you are really making the most of motherhood, I love you xx
And I’m so blest to have you in my life too Julz!
When my husband comes home…my hairy weans….my beautiful grandchildren….my kids …my siblings and friends…getting that wee wave bye from the wee guy I take and collect from school…that was a challenge as he doesn’t interact with just anybody lol…..simple things like cuddling on the sofa with any of the above watching a movie….cuddled up in the crook of my man’s arm…a wee long lie on a Sunday only day it is possible….our wee road trips and holidays….so so blessed ..spoiling myself….long time coming that one….50 odd years…but boy I’m making up for lost time lol :-):-)
Lovely post Anne, I can literally just feel the love ooozing out of you!! happy days 🙂 xx
the things that make me happiest are hearing my kids say they are proud of me for losing the weight,they can see how much happier and healthier i am.and i love the fact that the bath water swirls around me now it doesnt just sit at the back of the bath because i filled the bath it couldnt move lol its the simple things i like now a nice fresh morning and walking my dog in the park instead of just around the green in front of my house.i am happy and thats about it really xxx
🙂 You sound really happy Pauline, and I am happy for you!! x
I am guilty of thinking this way too, that when I am slim I will be happy. When realistically I am happy , just not with my weight. When I step back and look I have a beautiful little boy whom I adore and love the bones of and I have just landed a great new job, frienda and family I care about and have fun with. So really I let my worrys over my weight over shadow the rest of my life when I shouldn’t, I should be happy now and stop thinking my “happy” is dependent upon my weight loss!!
Great Blog Julie Ann 😉 xx
YES!!! You get it!! Lets make sure we are happy NOW!! xx Thank you x
We start our day with a coffee and a gratitude list, propped up in bed at 6am. It is a wonderful way to start the day! “I am happy and grateful for….” sometimes the list is long sometimes not but is always present. I feel so blessed to lead the life that I do, I love my job and our lifestyle, mostly though I am giddy with happiness being with husband, the love of my life x (thank you for giving me the opportunity to gush, as I don’t usually share this type of stuff!!)
Fab blog… My gorgeous children and having a good old laugh with friends make me happy… 😀 xxx
Living in the moment brings real happiness and appreciating what you have- not always easy but worth the effort to centre myself.
Things that make me happy: My very funny dog Blue playing 2) My 7 year old especially when she is horse riding, sleeping. 3) My cosy bed4) My family 5) children laughing 6) the sunshine 7) doing new you!!
Being on SS!!
Lots really. Feeling blessed. xxxx
another great post – things that make me happy – helping my family, mowing the grass in the sunshine, my son all make me feel happy – life is what you make of it x