Lesson #7 “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”
Lesson #7 “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”
[box size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
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It can be very easy to get overwhelmed with the worries of life. Worry is a big reason that people are overweight, by comfort eating over the stress of things that might never happen!! So we all need to learn how to chill out a bit more and be less stressed, and less worried about life and all the stuff that is happening!
I have had my fair share of worries in the last year…. but the last couple of months I have really just chilled out and got a new perspective on life and on my worries. I feel like I have learned a lot about myself and about how to deal with stress and worries.
You know, I am fine today, I have had to deal with a lot of crap in my life and I am fine today! As you are too! We have gotten through all the bad days, and we are still here! 🙂
So if we have got through everything else in the past, why should any of today’s small worries even cost us a second thought. They probably will never happen anyway, and if they do, well we will figure a way to sort it out just like we have been able to do with everything else in our life!
Bad times come and go. Just like Spring always follows Winter…. any hard times will pass and brighter days will be ahead.
Life is rollercoaster, the story of everyone’s life has ups and down’s! So just enjoy the ride! See life for what it is, an amazing adventure!
Most of our worries can be solved by following Lesson 1 “Change how you look at things, and the things you look at Change!”
So next time you feel worried, don’t open the fridge door… just open your mind and heart, and realise that there is no point in worrying!
Go for a nice walk, count your blessings and just appreciate how amazing it is that your life is pretty amazing and you have got through all your past worries just fine, and whatever life throws at you, you will get through it!
Remember, that most of the things we worry about never happen! So the next time you feel the emotion of worry come up in you, make the decision not to stay in that place and not to comfort eat, but it realise that there is no point in worrying, and every reason to get out and live life feeling healthy, happy and proud!
Have a happy day!!
Love Julz xxx

Brilliant insight Julie-Ann. Worrying can make a person so unwell. I’ve had to do much the same ie learn not to sweat the little things… Energy is precious so why waste it with worry.
Thank you Patricia <3
Love this - Energy is precious so why waste it with worry.
Yes if you are worried it overclouds everything and stops you from being your best!! x
so true julie i have spent so long in a deep deppression about my weight marraige break up looking after the kids trying to be there for them i forgot about me.but since finding the plan i have learned not to stress to much about the things that happen,because im happier in myself im lesrning to stop wasting time stressing the little things and enjoying life again xxx great blog julie xxx
Love your whole attidude to life now Pauline!! You just have a great outlook, I love it x
Love today’s blog!! I’m not a worrier by nature and live by some of the statements above like ‘life is a rollercoaster’. I also tell myself that ‘this too shall pass’ and I’ve ‘got to roll with it’. This works for me and has got me through some tough times 🙂 x
Thanks for the comment Clare 🙂 Life is a rollercoaster! 🙂 Enjoy the ride eh! xx
Totally agree. Worry is exhausting and drains all the energy from us. It is difficult to control our minds but it is perfectly doable. Focussing on the positive is much more productive. Thanks again Julz xx
Thank you Christina!! I hope you have a happy worry free day xxx
Totally agree!!! It’s like the saying: ‘Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere!’. I’m a constant worrier I know, I always keep thinking and over-thinking what if etc, but I have to stop this and live in the present and enjoy the wonderful things that I have. Like lovely home, loving fiancé, great job and super friends. Time to appreciate things!! I have started meditation and self-hypnosis to help me with worrying and to help me to stay in the present. Thanks Julie-Ann. xxx 🙂
Thats great that you are taking positive action to overcome your worryinng Monika xx Good happy days ahead for you! xx
Great blog as always! I Love this quote it is my daily mantra!!! I am a bit I a worrier and I suppose that’s why I repeat it over and over. Life I for living and I firmly believe that if I always do, what I always did, I will always get what I got!!! 2014 is the first chapter of a new beginning. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Xx
Don’t sweat the small stuff!! Love it Aimee!! You have a great attitude, thank you for all your support so far!! I appreciate you x
Love today’s post Julie – Ann. I stress out over so much & get so worked up sometimes & poor hubby has to take it. Don’t know how he puts up with me sometimes!!!! but he’s v understanding & knows life was tough for me from teenage life onwards. I was bullied & teased on the school bus for being just slightly bigger than my friends & around this time my older brother had bad problems & i was overlooked so that’s where my problems with food started. Unhappy have some food !!!! So as adult problems came & went over the years i dealt with it the only way i knew – have some food. But I’m learning that i can cheer myself up in other ways other than food & not to worry so much & stop stressing . So yeah – don’t worry be happy ! ( sorry for rambling on a bit )
Dont worry be happy!! Everyday is a new day and a 2nd chance to live life the way we choose to! Thank you Bernie xx
I find I cope best by asking myself what’s the worst that can happen?
Most of the time it’s never as bad as it seems, even if the worst does happen!
It’s such a negative emotion and I try my best not too. I try and see the positives in a situation to keep me sane/happy 🙂 xxxx
Yay!! Love to see a comment from a VIP! THANK YOU! You are one strong determined Lady Gillian! I love the fire you have in your belly to go for everything!! xxx
This is so true, I have had a lot of worries in the last 6 years and have usually eaten to cover the emotions it doesn’t help, so have to deal with the emotions first – I have overcome so much already been through an abusive relationship, my son has Tourettes and ADHD and have had to battle so much for him, but I realise now that rather than worrying about what may or may not happen, I will survive anything so I am stopping worrying about what might happen and just deal with things as they come up – will not let food consume me anymore
Great Kathleen, you are such a strong lady!! xx
Brilliant insightful blog Julz. Yip been THERE done THAT. My life certainly hasn’t been a bowl of cherries and yes the old me BEFORE New You would fill the VOID….HURT…PAIN…WORRY … LOSS…STRESS with FOOD not just any old food junky carbs and wine….helped or seemed to for 5mins..and I would get fatter and fatter and more self loathing. Health went down hill too…..I can honestly say being on the plan hasn’t just been about losing weight. I have LEARNED being in CONTROL of MYSELF is wonderful….I don’t sweat the small stuff….always had plenty real worries to deal with.and sure this old world ain’t finish with me yet. There are plenty inspirational people in this group. Who never cease to amaze me. Really strong people. You say it all the time…it’s the MINDSET….and you and the rest of Team New You have guided me every step of the way on my journey. Thankyou 🙂 xx
Oh Ann, you have such a strong inspiring mindset! I always read to love your comments, they are filled with so much passion and conviction! I love that you have got that fire for life!! Keep it lit! xx
Fantastic Julie-Anne, I have wasted so much time in the past worrying about things ! Much better to channel this into positivity, xxxxxx
Yes and you are such a beautiful wonderful person Jasmin!! Meeting you at our photoshoot was awesome, you definitely have a happy aura!! :)x
So True.
When my husband see’s me getting down he tells me to go & count the chimneys!
Aparently its easier to be happy when you look up & you look down more when you feel down.
Lets all count the chimneys!!!