Lesson #6 Success needs Scheduled
Lesson #6 Success needs Scheduled
[box size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
When you are working towards a new goal, this is a process of lots of little steps, going back to Lesson 2 – “Ordinary things consistently done create Extraordinary Results” – you need to have the organisation skills to plan these ordinary things, to get the extraordinary results! Success needs Scheduled, all those wee ordinary things are not just going to happen by themselves, they might be ordinary, but they take planning and dedication to do them day in day out. So schedule your success, by scheduling all the simple ordinary things you need to do to achieve your health and weight loss goals.
You might be thinking that you do not want to schedule your life, maybe you are a fly by the seats of your pants, kinda person! That’s cool! Then schedule in some fly by the seat of your pants time! Time that you can do whatever takes your fancy! But also schedule in the stuff that is going to set you free, build your self esteem, build your health, grow your confidence!! Do not ignore this stuff and leave it to chance! If it is important to you schedule it, and you will feel free!
If you want to have a successful life change, so that you can lose weight and keep it off, then here are some examples of things you need to start scheduling
- You want to get fitter, but you do not even know where your walking shoes are? – Get off the sofa and go and look! If you cannot find them by tomorrow morning, get a new pair and go walking the minute you get them.
- You want to go to the gym, but your gym bra is lost? – Go and look for it, and then go to M&S tomorrow and get yourself a good one, because the gym is going to be a place you visit often and you are worth it! Infact buy 2!
- You want to start total food replacement, but you forget to bring your shaker to work? – Every night pack your bag, in work keep a few bars in your drawer, or in the glove box of your car, make sure you plan ahead so you do not get caught out.
- You want to get up early, but you watch TV late at night? – Plan your evening routine, to build in everything you need to do, save your favourite TV shows up to the weekend, so you can get a good sleep every night and wake up early.
- You want to a skin care routine, but you keep forgetting?! – Get all the creams out, and set them beside your beside table, every morning and night they will be there infront of you and it will make it easier for you to build in the habit.
- You want to drink 4 litres of water a day, but the day goes by without you sipping for hours. – Set a reminder on your phone every hour to drink more water! Get 2 litres of water and set it infront of you and make it your goal to drink it before lunch time. Do the same in the afternoon. Plan out how you are going to drink your water.
All the things you want to do, take some organisation and planning, if you want to see success then start to schedule it.
[box type=”tick”]Pick one thing this week that will make the biggest difference to your weight loss journey and then schedule it in! I would love to know what you are going to schedule in for your success this week! Please share with me in the comments secti0n below.[/box]
Okay, you have given me a wake up call, especially with the fitness bit!! I have been going on about joining a gym, doing classes for ages!! No fitness wear, no trainers, no gym!!! Well today it stops and I will get what I need to get going TODAY!!! Thanks for the kick Julie-Ann. Xxxx
OK!! Great post here when you have done it and let me know!! Woohoo xx
Going to my first Zumba class next week and starting Fit Steps too!! Very excited. Get my trainers and stuff tomorrow. I am really doing this!
Brilliant inspiring blog Julz…YES it is ALL in the planning. Since being on the NY Plan I have started a skin care routine…night and morning…do it religiously…mind you should of started years ago lol…have my litre bottle at my side at home in the car and sip sip sip…once I have done 3 I know that that and my teas and extra water in my shakes are extra and most day have a 4th lol….bought my jiggy jiggy machine and Jim has got it set up this morning…so going to do that EVERY DAY…while watching some mind numbing tv lol….Organisation is key….always have the spare bar or snack in your bag…saves you being tempted….have a great day guys and looking forward to tomorrows blog. xx
Loving your organisation Anne 🙂 See you tomorrow you sexy lady! x
Fab blog…the late night tv point rings true with me!! I’ve been recording my late night shows recently and watching them the next evenings 🙂 But this week I’ve put in a new order and when it arrives on Wednesday I am going to sort it all into freezer bags. I’ve got a heap of products at home too so will sort them all into bags of 4 products so I can grab one each morning. I did this before and it definitely helps to stay organised and on track x
Oh yes!! I love this organisation tip!! Way to go!! Organisation is the key to us all getting to our goals x
Since joining the plan I’ve got up and gone to bootcamp every weekday morning at 6am. Some days I get out for a walk too. Today I had my body fat measured again and although I’ve only lost 12lbs, I’ve lost 4.5% body fat. Delighted!!
What I’m not so good at is keeping up with my water when I’m at work and then I end up having to drink it all in the evening. So, I’m going to be better organised and drink it evenly throughout the day. I’ve set a reminder and have a 2 litre bottle on my desk. Thanks Julz xx
Wow!! Well done on your exercise, you are KILLING IT!! That takes some determination. Next habit is the water… then build in another one and then #BOOM!! You will have transformed your life inside and out!! x
Hey Julz,
Thanks for a great blog! I am scheduling my meal times this week so I have a breakfast (hot shake) when I get up around 10am (I’m still off work due to the surgery on my leg to have the metal plate removed so I do get up late ish), then lunch around 2, 3pm of nom noms, then dinner around 5,6pm of more nom noms (I make 2 packs for these, porridge and shake)and then a meal for dinner around 8,9pm with my fiancé. So I want to be regular with my meals and into a routine, that really helps. I do exercise at home with my upper body every day with weights as I still can’t put too much weight on my leg, but will be starting on the gym in January. Thanks Julz and have a great day!!! xx 🙂
Hey I didnt know you had another operation, hope you have a fast recovery, scheduling your meals, and your physio will help you a lot I am sure. Take care hun xx
Thanks Julie-Ann, yes, had another surgery in Sept to have the metal plate removed as it was uncomfortable and painful at times, recovering nicely but still off work as can’t walk too fast or for long periods of time, I’m very happy with the progress though. Starting on physio soon so it will get lot better. So far so good, looking forward to slimmer me for Christmas. xxx
this week i vow to walf for 1 hour every morning and another in the evening ive gotten very lazy regards my walking so from today i will be walking two hours a day this morning done already x
Good Pauline!! How about you post us a photo of you out walking everyday! xx 🙂
I think organisation is key – have bought a plastic set of drawers just for my New You stuff and have organised everything so its easy to find what I am wanting for the day – there are a couple of things I am going to start to do so will be organising them into my day – I need to start taking care of my skin especially as I have a lot to lose and likely to get loose skin so will be buying some bio oil tomorrow so that I can start looking after it all properly and from Monday next week I will be scheduling in some walking (can only do it when my son is in school as he has problems walking too far)
Great Kathleen! Schedule in all the ordinary things and extraordinary results WILL happen!! So easy and simple! But so life changing!! You are killing it x
Hi Julie-Ann, am going to leave out my 2 litres of water so I can have it by lunch time, and then again for the afternoon, Good Idea. this will bring it more to my attention… the gym well that’s for another day as I have a bulging discs? but I am going to find some sort of class..x
I do pilates 🙂 Try it I love it x
I love Zumba !!!! Now I have it regularly scheduled into my week, I am excited to go, and even on the days I feel a bit tired,if I go, I really feel so much more alive and invigorated afterwards ! For me it’s about organisation, getting home from work in time to go, and having my kit and trainers at the ready ! Plus, it makes me up my water intake with all the jumping around !
Yes jasmin, it is all about being organised!! I am excitetd when i wake up on a monday, wednesday and friday as i know that is my pilates days! x
This is so true! If you are organised then you are less likely to fail or blip. I try and plan my day the night before food wise! Great post x