Lesson #5 “Be Congruent!”
Lesson #5 “Be Congruent!”
[box size=”large” style=”rounded”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! 🙂 You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
This is probably one of my favourite lessons! Be congruent.
Being congruent means that what you say, what you think and what you do are all the same!
When all 3 are aligned then this is when you are most happy, because you are at peace with yourself.
When you are weight loss journey being congruent is crucial to your success.
If you are congruent, your weight loss journey will be happy, easy, empowering, exciting, transformational, amazing!
If you are not congruent, your weight loss journey will be frustrating, exhausting, depressing, upsetting, overwhelming and long.
Here is why…
If you are thinking…. “I want to be slim and healthy!”
If you are saying…. “I can’t do this, I am always going to be fat!”
If you are doing… Call the chinese takeaway that night as soon as your hear X Factor or Strictly theme music every weekend.
Then you are not going to be happy as you are at war with yourself. Different parts of you want different things, and this means you cannot be happy.
BUT… If you start to be aware of what you say, and change your “I can’t’s to I can’s” then you will start to feel stronger and more at peace.
If you know your weak time is the take away at the weekend and you plan to have a nice bath and a pamper session and then do your nails while watching your favourite shows you are doing things that support you on your mission.
You will feel happier, and your weight loss journey will be easier and more enjoyable!
And you know what they say about time… “Time flys when you are having fun!”
The results you will get when you are 100% on the plan will be so exciting!
So my challenge to you today is this week to be aware of when you are being incongruent, and immediately check yourself and bring yourself back to a place where what you say, what you do and what you think are all the same.
Have a great Sunday and a great week 🙂
Julz x

PS. Don’t forget that we have the 100% Game kicking off, registration ends Monday 27th October and the game kicks off Officially on Tuesday! The group is buzzing already, and lots of people saying just being part of this group is already keeping them 100% AKA congruent! So if you want to join in CLICK HERE TO PLAY THE 100% GAME – and the last one standing will win a new you goody bag!
This is why I am finally succeeding, I actually feel like I can do it this time and I am not reaching for food to deal with my emotions its a big change for me and one I am determined to keep going – I love how I am feeling now and I am only nearly 3 weeks in – bring on the new me.
Thanks to you and your lovely inspiration
3 Weeks it a great turning point, when you do something every day for 21 days, something magical happens!! Keep going Kathleen, you will be inspiring everyone before you know it! x
Ooh so true and definitely work in progress!! The good news is what I think, do and say is becoming entwined in a positive way. I am determined!!! Xxx
Love it!! You are a success story in the making! 🙂 x
Great post!! Definitely having the 3 in sync with each other is the key 🙂 🙂
Yes!! Life is easy street when all 3 are in harmoney x
Love this post…..so so true. We have all done self sabotague….crazy really……this couple of days have been tough with cooking Jim and Autumn Fayre but I keep telling myself….why WASTE my products…no point of eating them….then blipping….a waste of time effort and money…..plus all these new clothes. Shame to not be able to wear them….so no more Miss Congenliaty…..movevover for Mrs Congruent……and if I don’t stick to it 100%…I am just CONning myself…love how that is the first 3 letters in both words. :-):-)
so no more Miss Congenliaty…..movevover for Mrs Congruent……and if I don’t stick to it 100%…I am just CONning myself…love how that is the first 3 letters in both words. :-):-)
I want to frame this comment, I flippin love it that much lol xx
this is why i am actually sticking to something i am congruent not miss negative (i cant do this)i am finally balancing everything in my life so im happy healthy at the same time so if you are miss negatiely like i was turn it into miss congruent as well its within us all to change great blog julie thank you xx
It is Pauline! It is just simply making the decision to be congruent, and then checking yourself straight away when you go off track, until it becomes easy street!!
Thank you xx
i can do this….i can feel good again..
its amazing how i feel after a few pounds off. i will have at least another stone off.before i go to berlin.
love this group and all the encouragement x
Love you Liz!! I swear to God I am going to hug the life out of you when you get to your goal!! We should meet up for a coffee some day soon? xx 🙂
Yes, congruency! That’s what it is I’ve found. Not sure how or why but I have. Need to keep a hold of it though and make sure nothing or no-one knocks it away. I love the positive feelings in brings and had forgotten it was possible to be this happy. Congruency, that’s it. I’m going to write a mission statement for myself based on this word and stick it everywhere. Thanks Julz x
Christina!! YOU GET IT!!! awesome – its so empowering when you get it! xx