Lesson #4 “Don’t hate on what you want”
Lesson #4 “Don’t hate on what you want”
[box size=”large” style=”rounded”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! 🙂 You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
It is so easy when you are overweight to hate people that are slim and healthy. Or if you are broke, to hate people that are doing well. Or if you are single, to hate on people who are in a good relationship. You get the drift…
When you think about this… you are hating on what you want. If you associate so much negative emotion towards people that have what you want, you are actually holding yourself back from getting it!
So that is not sending a positive message to your brain or to the world about what you want for your life.
So if you can relate to this, this can mean a big change for you…. the next time you see someone who has what you want make sure you say “Wow! Amazing! I feel inspired!”
Then watch and see what happens 😉
Julz x

Check out all my lessons to date by clicking here.
Don’t forget to leave me a comment and share your thoughts on todays blog post x
Envy is a terrible thing indeed. I don’t think I have ever hated people for these things lol…..hated MYSELF for letting myself get into such a mess. Emotionally surpressing hurts and stress and FEEDING these emotions. With YOUR help and the support of my SS familia I am NEVER going back there…yes I fall and falter…..but FAILING is GIVING UP because we have given in. I can’t say I will never be tempted lol….but know with the continuos help and support from you amazing people life us just getting better and better..:-) 🙂 xxx
Yes when you take responsibility and take control then you automatically feel better about yourself! I am so glad that you are feeling so confident about your maintenance 🙂 x
So true! Negativity will bring you down…
Definitely! That is why we always focus on keeping secret slimmers a positive inpsiring community!x
Thanks Julz. Always good to be reminded of the green eyed monster. Actually we should surround ourselves by people that have what we would like to have ourselves. Then we are constantly inspired, as I am by you. xx
Thank you Christina 🙂 That is why I love our secret slimmers group so much, as it is full of postive inspiring people like you! xx
Great post. Basically, if you want it, go get it!!
Yes Aimee! #letsdothis x
I Love this 🙂 The Law Of Attraction Made Very Easy …At Last!! Thank You Julz xxxxx
Woohoo 🙂 Thank you Caroline x
i used to envy my slim sisters so much it got too much sometimes and id think why me but now ive taken control of my life again i think why not me we all have the power inside to get what we used to see as unavailable but now its there we only have to reach out ang grab it xx
Pauline love this comment!! It is so true, all that energy is just working against us, but we can turn it to empower ourselves and think “why not me!” so true – thank you x
Maybe we could look at those people and learn lessons !
How hard they work at their jobs
How nice they are to their partner
How skinny friend can order massive meals but never snacks !
SO True Annie… watch and learn and be inspired!! Those are the people we can all learn from!! Thank you for this comment x