Lesson #3 “You are more than a number on scales”
It is so easy to get caught up in the mindset that you value yourself based on the number on the scales. I really think you need to be very careful when you feel these thoughts creeping in, and make sure that you turn your attention immediately to all the things about yourself that make you special!
[box size=”large” style=”rounded”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! 🙂 You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
Maybe you are a great friend, a great daughter, a great parent, a great business person, one of the best in your work place, maybe you have a great marriage, and you help a lot of people, or you love animals, or love gardening, or love painting! Maybe you make people laugh, or you are a shoulder to cry on! You are a lot more than your weight, so recognise what is good about you and celebrate that.
If you constantly beat yourself up for being overweight it is going to be much harder for you to lose weight.
I have had a lot of these emotions, especially owning a diet company and then putting on a lot of weight in my pregnancy, I felt like such a failure, and really could have beat myself up quite badly at times, but I soon realised that this was a really bad thing, and I just reminded myself everyday of all the things that I could do that I was proud of and also counting my blessings everyday. Feeling grateful for who I was, for what I do, and for what I had. This helped me feel better about myself, and made my weight loss journey easier, as I felt I was moving towards a better version of myself, rather than just beating myself up and feeling like a failure.
So my lesson for today is this; don’t beat yourself up for being overweight, but build yourself up by recognising who you are and why that makes you special, and knowing that you deserve to be slim, healthy and happy in your own skin, and know in your heart that day by day you will get to your goal, and that you are going to enjoy the process and relish in the results!
Great blog entry today Julie!! That is so true, we do need to remind ourselves of who we really are and what good qualities we have and not just focus on the weight we see in the mirror!! thanks Rosa
Yes 🙂 We all need to do that Rosa 🙂 Thank you for your comment x
what makes me speciali am a great mam a great daughter sister and friend at least thats what everyone tell me ha ha.i do take a lots of time to make sure everyone is ok and often neglected myself hence the weigh gain bit now that i have the new you plan in my life ive tyaken it back and i look after me now too xxgreat blog julie xx
You are very special Pauline!! I am so glad that you feel in control of your life again 🙂 x
great blog today – its so easy to get caught up in the number. I have a son who has Tourettes, ADHD, and a developmental disorder and I fight for him every day he is turning into a lovely young lad and I know a lot of that is down to what I have done as I am a single mum and he doesn’t see his Dad – I often used to think I was stupid and useless but recently I realised that I am far from those things and have achieved so much over the last few years
I am so glad that you are changing your self talk Kathleen! You are doing great! x
Great blog and one I am sure we can all relate to. I know I am a good person but this is a daily battle reminding myself of who I am and the good things rather than just an overweight person!!!
I am a kind, generous, loving and loyal mum and friend. I am not my weight, there is so much more and it is beginning to come out now. I am treating myself which is lovely and reinforcing such positive things.
We are all special and deserve to shine. Love and sparkle to all. Xxxx
Love and sparkle to all!! I LOVE THIS 🙂 XX
For year’s I’ve accepted responsibility for everything. Everything that went wrong that is. It was always my fault. No matter what. And always my responsibility to fix things. For everyone else. Now it’s my turn. Not to the detriment of everyone else, but not to the detriment of me either. Thanks Julz, love reading your posts xxxx
Great attitude Christina!! Yes we all need to look after ourselves xx
I can associate with Christina’s message as I too sometimes feel like this. I didn’t realise the positive things about myself until I read your blog Julie Anne. Thank you xxx
Oh I am so glad that you are seeing the positive things in you! Now let them shine and step into a better brighter version!! Im so excited that you are on this journey with me Roisin 🙂 Thank you so much for this comment x
We’ve all had knock backs and hard times in our lives – we just begin to think it’s our fate to be unhappy – that we don’t deserve any better !
Think we are coming to a point in all our lives where we can make changes to achieve the thing that will make us happier !
Yes Anne! That is why I love our customers so much as we are all at that place of looking to improve and make ourselves happier and healthier!! It is inspiring x
This is so true need to think more lkie i deserve tobe thin healthy and happy!