Lesson #2 “Ordinary things consistently done create Extraordinary results!”
Lesson #2 “Ordinary things consistently done create Extraordinary results!”
[box size=”large” style=”rounded”]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! 🙂 You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
This is one of my favourite quotes and I always remind myself of it every time that I feel overwhelmed with a task or with my weight loss journey. I have been to a couple of Keith Cunningham events and he is a great speaker, I love his voice! Could listen to him all day long.
I think this quote really relates to losing weight. As doing a total food replacement diet is the easiest diet in the world to do, their is no cooking, counting, points, it is simply have 4 meal packs, drink 4 litres of water. What you need to do is so simple, so easy, but if you do it every single day, the results are extraordinary.
I think when you get this, you can actually achieve anything. There isn’t really anything that hard to achieve. All big accomplishments are simply a matter of lots of basic mini tasks done one after the other until the goal was achieved. The result is extraordinary, but the steps that had to happen to get there are just ordinary.
It is so easy to fall into the trap that things are too hard for you, that there must be something more to how to achieve things, but really everything is very simple. You just need to approach it from a positive mindset, change the way you look at it, just like I wrote about yesterday in lesson 1.
You just need to say, I am going to start today, and I am going to do one day. Start small and start now. Then do the same thing every day. Day at a time. Be consistent.
You need to know that by doing the simple basic things, you are not going to change dramatically over night, you are not going to wake up tomorrow and be 1 stone lighter and look like a super model. But if you do total food replacement for 90 days straight, you can be pretty sure when people see you their jaw will drop! The results WILL be extraordinary, but not in 1 week or 2 weeks, it takes you to be committed to doing the simple ordinary things everyday and you need to be consistent, you need to follow the simple ordinary process every single day. Don’t try to mess with it, don’t keep asking Can I have this? Can I drink that? Can I eat this? Just get on with it, keep it simple, keep focused, and believe that the process will take you weeks or months and be proud of your daily achievements the results will look after themselves.
So when you are looking at your weight loss journey and you feel overwhelmed, have a vision of yourself looking the way you want to look, get a vision that excites you, see yourself living healthy, being healthy, being active, stylish and confident. Then just start small and focus on the simple process, 1 day 100%, 4 packs, 4 litres of water. Once you get settled into that, then add in walking every evening, then add in pilates classes, then get a new hair style, then get the C25K app and make it your mission to run 5k. It all starts with a vision of who you want to be, a simple action plan that you start today. Not tomorrow. And not something you do one day, and then not the next day. It is about being consistent and just doing the simple ordinary things that will bring you closer to where you want to be.
This quote “Dream Big, Start Small and Act Now” is from Robin Sharma, who I have been learning from all this year.
[highlight]Please leave a comment today, tell me how you have at one point felt overwhelmed and how you have been able to achieve successful results by taking small action steps everyday.[/highlight]
Thank you all so much for your support I have been really touched by some of the comments here on the blog and in the secret slimmers group. Please keep the comments coming and join me on this journey! Also if you have anything you would like me to write about please do let me know!
Julz xx

Hey Julz,
A great 2nd day post blog, thank you! So funny, that’s exactly what my fiancé keep telling me, that I overcomplicate things when things are just much more simpler than I think. He’s my rock and my motivational speaker, so I have taken more advice from him on board. I have now successfully completed 2nd full week on tfr, before I just felt that I couldn’t do it, it was too hard, I felt deprived all the time. Now I take one day at the time, have few visual and word charts, graphs and app going which really helps. I keep trying my clothes on every week and can’t believe how fast I’m losing the weight. Something has clicked, I realised that it’s just so simple to follow this plan, the easiest diet ever, also I’m getting married next year and I want to be slim and fit. I now have set my long term goals but I’m concentrating on here and now, practising mindfulness and it’s really helping as I don’t feel overwhelmed anymore. Thanks Julz and keep them coming, looking forward to tomorrow. P.S. you are doing great!! xxx
Yay 🙂 I am so glad to hear from you and know that all is well in your world. You definitely sounds like you are in a good place right now! When you just focus on the simple process it makes it easy. Im glad you are in the zone and being mindful in the process 🙂 xxx
Thank you for your support x
Lovely words , been waiting all the day for the blog , if evryday i read your blog Julie , am sure i will be 100 % for 39 days that for sure, you are amazing and inspiring so many of us,your word makes it easy to commit to the diet , thanks for being you:)
Thank you for sharing your journey with me, and for following me on this blogging journey too! Your support means so much to me! I cannot wait to meet you at the party 🙂 x
loving this julie you have pretty muxh hit the nail on the head here its about taking one day at a time,counting small steps which will then join up and become a com,plete journey.i have at times felt totally overwhelmed by my weight i though i will never get this off but you know what here i am almost 6 stones lighter all thanks to you nd your fantastic team and ss without you all im my lives i would still be struck in a miserable sixe 22 or passibly more body and for that alone i am eternally grateful thank you for deciding to share such an intimate journet with us all as our personl battles are sometimes hard to share in public so i applaud and thank you julie xxx
Thank you Pauline, you have achieved so much with your weight loss journey and overcome hard times, you are inspiration to me and many others! Thank you xxx
Hi Julz….great words of wisdom. This has always been the way I have travelled my NY road. 4 and 4 you couldn’t have made it any easier for us.My boss was speaking with me today and he found it hard to believe I am 7st lighter than a year ago. He was pretty impressed and I gave him and others on my page tbe NY link for info. I never get tired of singing NY’s praises from the product..to the team…to our amazing group. I tried on dresses today for the xmas event.Styles I would never in my wildest dreams thought I could wear. Not quite there yet….but I will be. To be truthful the styles were too youthful for me…..you’ve created a monster lol…I cannot wait until we get the proper recognition for this being a healthy approach to the problem of obesity UK’s 64% Over weight.was the figures being quoted today. I have spent the last year having to justfy my lifestyle change. I look and feel better than I have in years….just need to remember….NOT to dress mutton up as lamb lol….look forward to tomorrows blog :-)xx
Anne you are soooo right!!! Everyone is preaching a message that is keeping people stuck as they are so overwhelmed and results are so slow. Recent studies show that losing weight fast does not mean fast weight gain if new lifestyle and diet changes are adopted! I love your transformation, you are one sexy lady 🙂 Cant wait to meet you and thank you for your support it means the world to me x
Great second post Julz
I have been overwhelmed so many times during my battle with weight over the years – and I have always come up with excuses why I can’t do it and why I fail. This time I have decided to take one day at a time, if I have a bad day, it doesn’t have to turn into a bad week, and then a bad month.
With so much weight to loose it can seem daunting, I have set myself smaller goals and rewarded myself when I achieve them, a new hair do , a manicure all feel good stuff.
I am here for the duration – it is my birthday 5 days before yours and I will be the lightest I have been in years – bring it on.
Can’t wait for tomorrow’s blog 🙂
Woohoo 🙂 I am delighted we will be celebrating our birthdays together 🙂 Lets make sure we complete this journey 100% and both can be feeling great and proud xxx DAY AT A TIME X
I’m enjoying these lessons, they are very helpful. Great idea. Well done
Thank you so much Rachel 🙂 xx
Hi Julz,
Thanks for that it really hit home!! I have put back on weight and have been feeling miserable at the prospect of the journey!! But broken into small steps it’s soooooo much easier!! Small and easy steps to a bigger goal!!! Love it thanks again!!
Yes focus on the ordinary simple things, the amazing results are a by product! x
So true! Looking forward to reading the next 37 insightful blogs. Have only started since Tuesday and reading your blog yesterday inspired me to be 100% committed today and I plan to re-read this tomorrow morning to set me up for the day! Pack by pack day by day and I know I can do this!
I have spent all evening thinking about this one!! There are many occasions where I have been overwhelmed by the bigger picture!! I without doubt have to work hard to take baby steps and I know if I do I can achieve. My weight has always been overwhelming but this time I am taking small steps, day by day, being kind to myself and rewarding myself in a quest to be happy in my own skin. I have today just gone from blonde to a warm chocolate with auburn and had a make up lesson. Each day I am feeling more positive and believing I myself. Daily I shout down my sabotage wolf but I can tackle it.
Definite work in progress. Thank you Julie, this has been very thought provoking. Hope I haven’t gone on too much. Xx
Love this Aimee 🙂 So good to see that your confidence and positivity is growing! 🙂 I loved reading your comment, thank you x
Definitely one day at a time is the way to go….. I have been this way right from the start ! I never thought I would be able to stick to this plan, but I have, and it really works ! Each day I mark off in my journal, and put a tick beside on my kitchen chalkboard ! This has helped me to get through …… Baby steps……and they’ve all added up to the bigger picture …… 6 1/2 stones gone for good ……. The amazing New You plan has done this for me . Xxl love the daily blog Julie -Anne xxxxxxxxxxxxx
6.5 stone!! Jasmin you are such a beautiful lady and an amazing inspiration! 🙂 I love you to bits!! Thank you so much for you comment today x
I’m loving the blog. I think you are amazing. Super mum & super businesswoman. What a fantastic business idea and you are really hands on. I don’t know what I would do without New You!!
Oh thank you so much Kim 🙂 I love what I do, and I love inspiring others in the process! I am making the most of this weight loss journey so that I can inspire as many people as I can! I am so glad that you like being part of our community xxx
I am excited to start …
Just received my 2 weeks starter pack so will kick off tomorrow
Will try to be cconsistent and hope for best results at the end
Woohoo 🙂 Hey Idy – so glad to have you with us 🙂 I am buzzing that you picked us as your weight loss partner, we are here for you 100% xxx Please make sure you join our secret slimmers group x
I feel overwhelmed by the amount of information there is on weight loss. So many plans, so I know by sticking to this with baby steps, was doing it by looking ahead, but now i have to focus on meal by meal and get through the day like that. I also feel overwhelmed by the support we all get on this site. I can’t believe we are all going through challenges ourselves and end up here as close friends. Things happen, that’s life! But I did feel so alone on my journey, I just thought it was my battle and no one else’s, in a way it still is, but having this secret group and your blogs, you help me.
Michelle I am so glad that you finally feel you are being supported, you can do this! We are all here for you 100% x
Slightly daft I know but I’ve just done a doodle in my journal after reading this
If I think of the amount I want to lose as a giant mountain of earth I need to shift
So I go at it with a JCB and shift loads but I soon run out of gas ! And it soon collapses round me !
Or I start moving this mountain with a shovel – it takes ages but it’s steady and soon a get more tools to help me ( ie charts , apps reading blogs lol and all my other ss to help too)
Then we can soon move this mountain !
Love it Anne, thank you for sharing xx