Lesson #10 “Dance with your Fear!”
Lesson #10 “Dance with your Fear!” Happy Halloween, it is the scariest night of the year but I hope that you are not letting your fears hold you back from living the life that you want!
[box]I am going to be 39 on the 30th November. I am sharing with you 39 lessons I have learned in 39 years, with one lesson a day for the 39 days before my 39th birthday! Phew! You can read the opening post and see an index to all the 39 life lessons HERE. I hope you enjoy reading these life lessons and please do leave me a comment as I will be personally replying to all comments! Thank you for sharing this journey with me.[/box]
If everything was easy in life, we would all have everything we want. The reason we do not have everything we want is because we are afraid! We all have fears, and it the fears that are holding us back from living the life we want. When you can recognise your fears for what they are, and learn to dance with them, and get through them, then you really can achieve anything you want!
[quote style=”boxed”]At the other side of fear is FREEDOM.[/quote]
What are the fears that are holding you back from being the slim, healthy, happy person that you want to be?
- Maybe you are afraid to do another diet and what people will think – “Oh here she goes again! *cue eye roll*
- Maybe you are afraid that getting slim again, will make you attractive again, and in some way you associate that with being hurt.
- Maybe you are afraid of breaking the family rituals of drinking wine and eating takeaways every night and what that will mean for your relationships?
At the other side of your fears, lies what you really want.
So Dance with your fears, recognise them, and face them, and realise that they are holding you back, and it is time for you to release the fears and walk towards where you want to be!
Day at a time you can achieve anything!
[quote]You must do the thing, you think you cannot do.[/quote]
Thanks again for all your lovely comments, today I would love your comments on what your fears where about starting your weight loss journey and how you got through them and danced with your fears!
Julz xx

My biggest fear is failure. I hate not being able to do things. Theoretically that should mean I never fail but the reality is that I always do. I give in too easy. I slip up, I lose will power, I get stressed and try to comfort myself with food etc etc. However, I am a strong woman. I have succeeded at loads of things. I can even be inspiring to others at times (so I’m told). I can therefore succeed at anything I put my mind to if I dance with my fears. Let’s Tango! xx
my biggest fear was always failure i started so many diet to lose weight yiou name them i tried them lost some weight but put it back on ,i was always afraid of being deemed a failure but since atarting new you i have gotten over so many of my fears and i know i can now do anything i set my mind too x
The main fear I have of my weight loss journey is the weekends. I can be amazing during the week, doing the whole plan by the book, losing a few pounds but as soon as Friday hits and the weekly takeaway is delivered then I crumble. This is why I wanted to be in ketosis before Friday so it will be easier for me to not give in and I am!! It’s now 3.30pm and I’ve just had my first shake of the day which means I have 3 products left to have and I snack if I need it. This should see me through the night safely 🙂 x
My biggest fear is getting to my goal weight and knowing how it will be and how I will feel! I want to realise my achievements and see my new me. Before I have struggled and ended up putting weight on. O am ready for it this time and determined.
All a bit crazy really as I would love to feel the confidence to go and meet people and maybe settle down in the future but on the other hand that is a fear I have, of being recognised. Totally nuts but I am pushing myself on and challenging my fears!
Great post. xx
My biggest fear is not being able to cope when I get there,every time I get closer to where I want to be, I let myself down and go backwards,so my biggest fear is never knowing why I don’t allow myself to be happy about myself
My greatest fear prior to starting this diet , was that I might not live long enough to see my three beautiful children grow up. I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder 3 years ago, after a big operation, and then getting 4 blood clots in my leg ….. After many tests and now taking lifelong warfarin, and finding New You, my life has been turned around. I knew I had to do something about my weight, and at a whopping 18 1/2 stones last October I faced my fears and broached the biggest change of my life…. I have never looked back. Now 6 stones lighter, with 2 more stones to go,I have faced up to my fears, and hope that I have increased my life expectancy. I gave NO intention of going back to my big fat place! Xx
My fear is not being strong enough to stick with this. I know I can, I want to but just when I’m almost at my target I give in/ give up and end up back to square 1. I don’t understand why I’m self sabotaging when I know if I got to my target it would be a huge boost to my self confidence and therefore my happiness
I think my biggest fear is how others will react to me when I am slim, I have always been overweight, its been like a safety blanket for a while as I have always been told I was useless and fat so I never felt like I could achieve something, so in losing the weight I worry that I will have bad reactions from people (its an irrational fear that I am now dealing with and going to stop worrying about what hasn’t happened yet)
Thanks for another good blog Julie-Ann. I read them all but don’t always have time to leave a comment.
My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t be able to stick to the plan or that I would get ill being on it. However I couldn’t have been more wrong. I feel better than ever and I am not finding it hard to do or stick to. I feel empowered and feel that if I can do this I can do anything. I was also afraid of what others would say about “another fad diet” but no one is saying anything other than how good I look now and also that they take their hat off to me for my commitment to it.
I am the serial yo-yo dieter. I am determined not to do that again but the fear is there. I also know that is probably what others are thinking, so I mention it first – Just need to keep it off this time!
With the help of New You & all the support I feel I am better placed this time to manage it 🙂