MINDSET MONDAY – How do you want to finish 2014?
We are half way through the year. How do you want to finish 2014?
It is the last Monday in June! I hope you have had a good month and you are excited about the amazing changes that lie ahead for you, your body, health, mindset, style, looks and confidence in the next 4 weeks!
The change you can see in 4 short weeks on total food replacement is amazing.
[highlight]But when you do total food replacement for 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months… well that is COMPLETELY LIFE CHANGING.[/highlight]
How do you want to feel at Christmas time? How do you want to finish 2014?
If you have several stones to lose, then you have a BIG DECISION to make now.
Do you want to carry this weight with you, into 2015?
Do you want to really give the 2nd half 2014 your all and make sure this is the last year of your life that you spend WISHING you were slim.
I have just completed my first month back on the plan. I lost 21.5 pounds, dropped a jean size, lost 31 cm, and feel a million times better already. I still have a long way to go… but I am excited about the CHRISTMAS REVEAL PARTY that we are organising at the end of November in Dublin! If you are a member of our Secret Slimmers community you can find out all the juicy details there!
The next 5 months are going to pass by no matter what you decide to do…
We have an opportunity to really put 100% effort into changing every area of our lives IF we choose to. Our weight and health is central to everything we do, it IMPACTS every area of our life…
- Energy levels
- General health
- Our ability to move
- Confidence levels
- Our face
- Our body shape
- What clothes we wear
- The first impression that some people form of us when they meet us
- What we do at the weekends
- What we do on holiday
- Our career or business
- Our love life
- Our family life
- And much more!
Changing your WEIGHT changes EVERYTHING.
We only get ONE SHORT LIFE…. and we do not want to spend it, wishing it away, wishing we were not restricted by all the things our weight stops us from going out and doing.
1 month on total food replacement can change so much.
But 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months… well that is COMPLETELY LIFE CHANGING.
I am determined to rock up to our Christmas Party at my healthy BMI. Are you?
This journey can seem overwhelming, but we all need to take it day at a time, week at a time, and month by month we will get to where we want to be. Here at the new you plan we are committed to helping you every single day! Keep checking in with our blog posts and you will feel inspired daily.
The JULY 2014 PLANNER is available for you to download for free. Print it off and fill it in and get super clear on what you want to achieve in the next 31 days. Take this journey one month at a time, one jean size at a time…
There are 5 months to the New You Christmas Party…
Take this journey one size at a time and look what you can achieve in 5 months.
- Size 20 becomes Size 18
- Size 18 becomes Size 16
- Size 16 becomes Size 14
- Size 14 becomes Size 12
- Size 12 becomes Size 10
I compared my June measurements, from 1st June until now and I have lost 31 cms, and 21.5 pounds. That FEELS awesome! I am focused on getting started with exercise this month. It was last July 2013, that I fell when I was pregnant and badly broke my ankle. I have had a hard year, and I really feel that now that my baby is 4 months old and I have started losing the weight I gained during this time, that I more able to get moving again, I know by Christmas time my life will be totally different, and who knows! I may even be able to wear high heels!! (Fingers crossed as I am only a 5ft nothing so heels are kinda needed ha ha!) The next 6 months I am going to give everything my all…. 2014 is going to be great year for me, and I am determined to finish it strong, and looking and feeling healthy!
Today I want you to write our YOUR VISION FOR CHRISTMAS 2014
Something like this example I have created to help spark your imagination for you!
[quote]It is Christmas Eve, and I am wearing a lovely size 10 dress from Monsoon, I am checking out all the fab photos on Facebook of me at the new you Christmas Party, we had such a ball, it was the best night EVER! I felt like a million dollars, and it was amazing to meet all my “friends” who have shared this journey with me. I feel so proud of what I have achieved, and excited for what 2015 has in store for the new slimmer me! I have been to several Christmas parties and the looks on people’s faces when they seen the new smaller me has been priceless, I wish I had a photo, but I will remember their jaws dropping forever, it was the best feeling ever. I am a new person inside and out, I feel confident for the first time in my life that I am and will always a slim and healthy person. Life is so good right now, this feeling is better than any Christmas Present. 2015 I am coming to get ya!! 2014… thank you for being the most transformational year of my life, I will always remember this year as the life my health and outlook changed to support a happier more confident and adventurous new me![/quote]
As I want you to write this and really get emotional and honest with yourself, please spend some time to write it out in a way that resonates with you. You do not have to share it in the comments below if it is too personal, but if you can leave a comment about how it makes you feel when you read your Christmas 2014 vision.
[box type=”note” size=”large”]If you can read this vision every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up…. your chances of making this your reality are so amazingly good!! Trust me!! So please do this, and let’s finish 2014 strong![/box]
R[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]EMEMBER ALL COMMENTS TODAY WILL HAVE A CHANCE OF WINNING THE IPAD IN TOMORROW’S PRIZE DRAW[/box]
We had so many emails on Sunday from people asking us to make this offer available for 1 more day, so we have decided to keep the 48% discount until Midnight. From 1st July the price of the 6 week summer slim down bundle will be going up to £225. Get yours today for only £199.
This is a hard task for me because I have always found it very difficult to imagine myself as a slim person, because I never before was…even as a child. Anyway, I will give it my best shot.
On Christmas eve, I am going to my aunts house for our annual Christmas eve bash. I will stand infornt of my wardrobe, look in and see a completely different choice of clothing in there than what is currently in there. Everything in there is a size 10, but my sister has such lovely dresses, maybe I can borrow one of hers…but she is a size 8. I will go into my sisters room and have a rumage.
I will see it, a slinkly black number Im sure. I will try it on, go to my full length mirror and see how my bottom looks nice and slim, I won’t have to wear leggings or tights to hide my legs, I will just be able to slap on a little tan and show those babies off. I will even wear heels, I couldnt wear heels before because I felt like an eleohant on stilettos, but I will wear stilettos and feel sexy.
When I get there, people will be astonished by my appearance because it is not often that the whole family meet. The last time we met would have been in June. Their faces are in complete shock, some arent even sure if it is me!
I then will take lots of photos with my family. I will put these up on Facebook and wait for the comments to come flooding in! I will change my hair, I will grow it long and by Christmas I will make it lighter in colour, I will also do some training so that my arms are nice and toned. I might be clod but the slinky black number will show off my arms, which before I would always have covered. I will look and feel fantastic!
I love this game! Honestly, I could never imagine this before, I was told to stnad in front of the mirror without clothes and imagine a slimmer body and I just couldnt do it…maybe because I didnt believe or maybe because Im not an imaginative person, but this task really helped. Thanks New You, I will read this ALL the time! <3
I hope to reach my goal soon…and maintain it! Not till end of yhis year but forever..and im very confident that with help of new you i will be able to!♡♡♡
It’s NEW YEARS EVE, and i’m excited – i’m going to a party !!!! never been to a new years eve party before . i’ve got my goal dress on and its a little lose woohoo .I look amazing – slim , confident and happy . when i woke this morning , my dream had become a reality – i stepped on the scales and i woke up 10st 2 and a size 12 .my new haircut is still good and my make up is perfect ………
wow , it was a good night , even had a glass of bubbly at midnight . I had my own little moment just after midnight when i said a final goodbye to the ”old ” me . was kinda sad in a way as i knew i’d never look in the mirror and see that person again and i’d known her for a very long time .but then i look at me now and am thrilled , proud and still a little bit scared as its a whole new start, new year and a new me .
i start up my computer and my friends have already started posting pics from last night and oh my !! there i am right at the front ( no more hiding at the back ) smiling and dancing and slim and look really happy ( must remember to get new mascara – panda eyes in some pics, from all the laughing . lol )
2014 was a tough year , but i’ve made so many friends through ss and NEW YOU , will always have great memories of the party in Dublin , looking forward to meeting up this year to see how we’ve all got on .
bring on 2015 because I DID IT !!!!!! 😉
It is November 2014 and I am getting ready for the New You Christmas Party in Dublin. I am so close to goal I can feel it. I am loving my new dress and cant wait to meet all other Secret Slimmers. Oh and photos – I am up the front with a big beaming smile – not my usual self of my head only and my body hidden behind everyone else. I love the new found confidence has given me and the spring in my step. 2014 was the year that I changed my life and when I sit on 31st December 2014 at goal I know that this year meant something – I overcame my demons and instead of food controlling me – I control my own life and destination. Bring it on xx
picture this its november 2014 and it will be a year since i atarted the new you plan,i am getting ready to go to the most important party i have been to in a long time,i am going to finally meet the people who gave me my life back the new you team and my friends in ss,to say i am excited doesnt come close,i am here looking in the mirror looking at myself at size 10(hopefully) wearing a dress that i have picked out specially for the night it shows off all the hard work i have put in over the past year and i look fabulous i will be in all the photos no more hiding behind people i will be at the front and proud,christmas day will be day spent with family who are beyond proud of me and delighted to have me looking so happy and healthy.move forward to new years eve as i prepare to say goodbye to the best year in a long time i say a silent thank you to all the people who have changed my life for the better and i go into 2015 with a new mindset and a new body and i know that i will never feel useless or unworthy again thank you NEW YOU XX pauline
I want to be able to wear a bikini by Xmas…. Strange I know for December! But planning to get away somewhere hot for my birthday at the beginning of January I’ve not been in a bikini since my honeymoon in 2005, 9 years is waaaay to long to not be looking after myself. A new me for me this Xmas
It’s New Year’s eve and I have been on the New You Plan for 6 and a half months and I am a whopping 7 stone DOWN! I have felt for so long that I am not good enough for that job, for that friend, for that relationship but New You has completely changed my life. Today 31-Dec-2014 is my beautiful sister’s wedding and I am one of her bridesmaid. The dress was ordered at that beginning of June in a size 20 and was too tight. But now here I stand beside my family in a size 12 dress and for the first time ever I am really looking forward to what the next year has in store for me. <3 #findyourreason
It’s New Year’s eve and I have been on the New You Plan for 6 and a half months and I am a whopping 7 stone DOWN! I have felt for so long that I am not good enough for that job, for that friend, for that relationship but New You has completely changed my life. Today 31-Dec-2014 is my beautiful sister’s wedding and I am one of her bridesmaid. The dress was ordered at that beginning of June in a size 20 and was too tight. But now here I stand beside my family in a size 12 dress and for the first time ever I am really looking forward to what the next year has in store for me. <3 #feelinglikeasupermodel
I’m horrible at explaining things, lol! but here goes!!!
I want to finish 2014 happy with myself and not sabotaging myself anymore.
I never struggled much wit my weight like i have in the last 4-5 years. I lost my mam to start it off and my comfort eating started there. But not to the extent of when i had my little girl nearly 3 years ago…. I’m a lone parent through out it all and the stress was unbelievable. Plus i got Postnatal depression. I’m now only getting joy back into my life since i dropped my weight last year on the new you. I’m here to blitz the stone i want to shift now and keep it off forever. I’m now at a point in my life that i’m not gonna look back, cry, wish, or hope things turned out different. I’m looking forward to the new me thanks to THE NEW YOU!! Plus what i wasn’t letting myself see is my little girl is the sunshine in my life on those dark days. I’m doing this for her. So her mammy is happy and healthy! I have to say the SS page is my therapy, the support is amazing and i wouldn’t have gotten this far without you all. THANK YOU ALL!!!! 🙂
At christmas I will maintaining from gaining my goal weight of 11stone in july-augus, I have achieved so much already since I started in January this year, I have lost 4 stone, and I have only 12 pounds to go then i will maintain from that moment on. I don’t want to go back to what I have been for so many years, over weight, i will by christmas have no more size 20 clothes in the wardrobe ( currently in process of sorting them into sell and charity) I will be looking at all my size 12-14’s instead. Without going into too much detail I have struggled with a bad relationship, moved house and moved area to get away from it, this was a stepping stone for me to take back control of mine and my daughters life, as is having had the confidence and will power to do the new you plan! I am healthy, happier, confident and strong and long may that continue into the future, love my new body and lifestyle change !!
Its Christmas day and I have just woken up and am getting ready to hit the beach! After years of dreaming of warm weather on Christmas day, we finally did it and booked a Holiday! I am deciding which bikini to wear and laugh to myself as I have never worn a bikini in my life! I never had the figure for it and could never imagine i’d be spending Christmas day on the beach in a bikini!! But the reality is I am now slim enough and can wear whatever I want including a bikini! The old me hated swimming and being out in public but the new me loves showing off my slim figure and being able to buy normal size clothes in any shop I go into! I cant wait to show my fiends and family at home what Christmas day on the beach looks like!!!
This Christmas i will have reached my ultimate goal weight and maintain it for the rest of my life. I will encorporate exercise into my everyday life and be toned, healthy and able to wear whatever I like.
Christmas for me is notoriously difficult. It’s the only time of the year that I travel back to Nashville and have to deal with my worst critic… my own mother! It would be really nice to be able to go back this year without having to deal with her negative criticism, jokes, and snide comments about my weight. Every year I come back to Dublin at least 10lbs heavier… this year I’d love to come back confident and proud that I finally proved her wrong.
This Christmas eve I will be at goal and maintaining we will do our usual visiting of the family members and I will be slim & confident & wear a dress ! Then we will do our usual visiting of all our elderly neighbours, I bake them things take them flowers, a bottle of wine or a tin of biscuits something to brighten their day. At each house we stay for 30min-1 hour and my husband gets pickled !! as they insist we have drink with them I use the excuse I am driving ! Visiting the elderly always makes me feel good at Christmas one of our neighbours always cries when she seems me on xmas eve she always says oh your a lovely girl ! bless ! but this year I will feel like a lovely girl I will look lovely my clothes will fit, I will be dressed nicely & have pride in my appearance and my husband will fancy the pants off me ! ha ha But this year I WILL NOT put on weight, I will not eat like a pig. I will approach Christmas with caution its not just an excuse to eat & drink !!
I am looking forward to Christmas this year. Having had my hip operation and now being able to walk properly without a stick & without limping. I feel great and really healthy as I am now a slim size 12 . I thought I would just get to a size 14 then I would be fine with that, but I ended up losing that bit more so am now a size 12 and feeling fine. I am just about to get changed in to my dress for the party this evening. I have a lovely Phase Eight figure hugging red & black dress to wear, that shows off my slim figure to perfection. I can now also wear high heels after my operation. I have a gorgeous pair of black sparkly platforms, 4 inch heel, platform & ankle strap. I don’t need any hold me in spanx either, looking good as I am 🙂 I feel so much more confident now after losing over 8 stone in weight, looking forward to the new slimmer me in 2015 🙂
This has been the biggest journey I have taken… I have lived the last 14 years feeling inadequate and different. Like there was something wrong with me because I wasn’t like all my friends, judged and made to feel disgusting by my family… And destroyed by an ex. My confidence at rock bottom I have hidden myself from finding someone as can’t imagine anyone wanting to be stuck with a body like mine and the insecurities I have.
So 2014 is going to be my year…
I have made a decision to go travelling the world to find myself and the happiness I deserve. I don’t want my weight and appearance to stop me from meeting people and taking up opportunities I have infront of me like swimming in a waterfall or trekking through the rainforest.
So I am doing this to help me in every way. Mind, body and spirit.
I want to end 2014 a size 12, a happy 29 year old in Sydney watching the fireworks and excited for the life ahead of me.
I need to learn to love myself and then someone else will.
I want to be happy’!!
Becks xx
Oh thinking about this makes me giddy with excitement, it’s my favourite time of the year. Every year I have 3 big occasions around Christmas, they are:
1. Work Christmas party
2. Friends Christmas party
3. My whole family – aunts, uncles, cousins and any straggler you can think of!
I will roll the two Christmas parties into one, every year I wear black! Without exception! My one provision to the season being red lipstick and maybe a pair of Christmas tree earrings. NOT THIS YEAR – I am not doing it again, sitting in the corner all in black hoping to blend into the wallpaper. This year I WILL wear a red sparkly dress with sky high shoes and I WILL look sexy, I WILL feel sexy. I WILL I WILL I WILL!!!
Then there’s Christmas Day, every year I am the one cooking, every year I am the one who hasn’t even got time to brush my hair because I’m up to my tonsils while the rest of them all step out in their “Christmas outfit” this year it’s not going to happen, if they want to eat they can cook their own, because I will be too busy getting ready for the requisite present giving out pictures, I won’t be the fat lump hiding my belly on the sofa any longer!!!
I know all of this sounds very selfish but I’ve decided it’s time to be selfish for once in my life 🙂
Hi 🙂
Christmas is my favourite time of year, i lOOOOVVVEEE it……But this year will be different!!
i will be a sexy christmas cracker, and i will be standing alongside the man of my dreams (hes already in my life, but he doesnt know how i feel about him), the main reason for this is my weight!!
so by christmas i will have the confidence to move this relationship on to something i have always dreamed of…..i will be glowing from the inside out, along with my big sparkly diamond engagement ring!!!…….Watch this space Ladies and gentlemen!!!!! <3 <3 🙂 🙂
Well I know exactly how I felt at Christmas time last year after my super weight loss during the year.
It was a pleasure to get ready to go out and instead of rooting through the mountains of black and more black clothes, ones that served a purpose to cover the size 18/20, my biggest decision was deciding which dress to choose out of the many I had bought myself along the way as treats and incentives to reach my mini goals..well let me tell you I felt fantastic, MasterCard couldn’t buy that feeling.
This Christmas I will be at my goal having reached it in plenty of time for my wedding in September, I will choose what I WANT to wear to the New You bash and not what I HAVE to wear.
Keep going no matter how slow your journey is because there is no rush and you can adapt the plan to work around you , I did and am still getting there… Xx
This Christmas am am going to give myself the presents I want most. I want to finally be there. I want to step into Christmas with success seen allover me, with a beautiful Christmas party frock glitzy, glamorous,feel like a starlet. Not worried about bumps or bulges, eat and be merry. Go shop the sales and all the small sizes on sale will fit lol for a change. See the new year in in another slimfitting outfit, dance and enjoy myself no worrying how I look. Cos I feel great, thanks New You.
Its the end of the year, and I’m well chuffed, because I’m at the hotel where everything significant has happened…. we got engaged here, we had our wedding reception here, and we come to big balls here, anyway, we’ve had the tickets to this ball since the summer, Ive been looking forward to this, and I’m wear a slinky dress to die for, because I stuck to the plan, and I did the very best thing for me.
friends we meet up with just for this ball see me and are gob-smacked and say how great I’m looking, and I smile because I know it!!!
I’m the first and last on the dance floor, because I’m not afraid to put myself out there, and as we sing in the New Year, I know i’m my New Me , and I’m loving life!!
Its Christmas 2014 and im heading out for a well deserved night out with my hubby, im wearing a figure hugging sparkly dress and some sexy high heels, I feel confident, sexy, slim and proud of my maintained figure. Myself and hubby are heading for dinner and drinks with his friends and for the first time in a very long time I dont feel self conscious around them. My hubby is drooling at me all dolled up and loving my confidence 😉 im going to have as healthy a meal as I can have cause I dont want a swelly belly in this little dress after dinner – or ever again for that matter 🙂 Christmas is always my favourite time of year but this Christmas is gonna be one of the best yet 🙂 thanks New You forgiving me my confidence and my figure back xxx
Every year I decline invites, avoid socialising, let my other half down by refusing to go to his Christmas party. I sit at home miserable gorging on junk. Feeling worse. I don’t ever recall getting dressed up in a nice outfit Christmas Day, mostly it’s trackie bottoms or whatever I can last the day in.
This year I will be a month into maintenance. I will have self control around all the festive good, eat a little but not eat my emotions in mince pies. I will happily go partying and see friends I have avoided for so long. I will treat myself to a lovely outfit for Christmas Day and not be skinning around to fat and uncomfortable to last too long in fitted clothes.
I believe it will be my most enjoyable festive season in years, maybe ever!
I’m back on the plan 4 days now and my plan is to stick wit it. I’ve had a really bad start to the yr I lost my dad suddenly at just aged 44. And only 8 weeks later my cousin I grew up wit and Wud of classed as nearly a brother died suddenly also. Of course me been me I turned to food so now I’m taking control and I’ve set myself a goal. New Year’s Eve 2014 I get to marry my childhood sweetheart after 13 yrs together and 3 kids later. I have waited so long for this day and I intend to look and feel amazing and thanx to new you diet and it’s fab surport group I know I’ll make my goal. The new you diet has taught me that I don’t need to take comfort in food wen I’m down. Instead I have a nice wafer and coffee and I know I won’t feel depressed after haven it coz no clothes fit me anymore. So sorry for the ramble basicly I love the new you diet it’s the only diet that has worked for me it’s goin to help me be the happiest bride on earth on New Year’s Eve.
It’s almost time for happy new year but all I can think off is happy new me because new you gave me my life back again. Looking in the mirror is like rewinding 20 years. My husband stands behind me fastening my necklace and I feel somewhat like Julia Roberts in pretty woman! My tight figure hugging dress sits perfect with no a lumps bumps or wrinkles insight and I can breathe easily as I am not bound up in tight Bridget Jones knickers! I’m not worried about sitting down either as I know that there will be no belly roll. As I look myself up and down in the mirror I feel proud that I have come so far and reached my target weight when all the feeders and disbelievers doubted me. It’s only a fad they said, sure a wee bit won’t do you any harm they said, sure you’ve always been a big girl! Well no more my friends this big girl just got a skinny ass and is ready to dance the night away. So happy new year one and all and welcome to the new me!
My vision is arriving in Mexico on Christmas Day with a suitcase full of clothes no designed to hide my body and help me blend into the background.. Instead there will be a suitcase full of clothes designed to flatter my figure and bought because i like them and not just because they fit..I am 100% committed to being in bikinis all holiday which will be the first time in my adult life i have worn one.. I had a bit of a lightbulb moment when choosing the hotel.. I was actually more interested in the sports and activities on offer and not the types of restaurants or bars they have.. This is a life changing choice for me.. I am going to be fit healthy and slim by the time i turn 40.. I have a couple of years.. But I want to be there and maintaining for some time.. I will not fail..
I more than want this journey to be a success, I’ll be getting Married not long after xmas and hope to be pregnant soon after that. I have had a very long and troubling time,! in the last year in particular so I need to do this so that I can allow myself and my fiance the future we deserve…By christmas I would like to be fitting into a size 12-14,This is difficult for me to share but if it helps even one person it will be worth it, In the last year alone I have suffered three miscarriages. But the positive side is that is that if it were not for The tremendous weight loss and support gained from the New You group and Secret Slimmers…those pregnancies would not have been possible!! In fact after a stillbirth in 2007 I seriously thought I was never going to get pregnant again, but after joining New you my life completely changed….So just a little bit more weight down and I should be able sustain a full term pregnancy!…Thank you new You for giving me the belief, the hope and the courage to achieve my goals…lots of love to u all..xx
Well thanks to new you I am on the perfect course to make the end of 2014 in a much healthier place than when I started it. It’s been a hard year so far for our family, god willing things will improve . The progress I have made since January both in body and spirit makes me believe that my goals are possible and I can’t wait to get there and be happy to see my reflection or have a family photo instead of avoiding the camera and the mirror in the hallway.