Don’t Judge Me
Everyone hates to be judged, don’t they!
A lot of people who are overweight feel that they are judged by other people.
Sometimes this is true, sometimes it is more in “our heads”, and sometimes we judge ourselves harder than other people do.
In this quote “Don’t judge people for where they are if you do not know where they are going” we are reminded that where we are TODAY, does not matter as much as where we are going.
So whether you are 10 stone overweight or 1 stone overweight, if you are moving in the direction that is taking you closer to your goal, then think of yourself in a high regard.
Don’t judge yourself for being overweight.
Judge yourself on your actions and choices today.
- Are you moving closer to your healthier weight?
- Are you changing your mindset?
- Are you forming healthier habits?
- Are you moving more and living a more active lifestyle?
If you are answering YES to these questions then you are winning 🙂
But what if you have a “blip?”
Don’t beat yourself up if you have a blip. The last thing you want to do is make yourself feel bad and guilty, and judge yourself too harshly.
Instead after a blip, be kind to yourself (and not with a piece of cake) be kind to yourself, by forgiving yourself, and by learning from the experience. Be kind to yourself by talking to yourself in a positive non-judgmental way. If you are always down on yourself and, judging yourself in a negative way, you will never feel empowered. If you don’t feel empowered you won’t have the drive and willpower to succeed.
A New You, means that you have to let go of OLD behaviours, habits, thoughts, self talk, lifestyle, rewards, and stress relief, and find NEW empowering positive replacements.
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded”]3 months on total food replacement can give you the time to make a dramatic transformation to your weight, you can go from OBESE to HEALTHY, you can break old habits, change your mindset, and learn how to deal with stress without turning to food and drink.[/box]
If you think people are judging you for being overweight, then take control of your weight issues, and just be determined to SHOW THEM. 2013 is the year to stop talking about losing weight, and start showing people!
This month is LOVE YOUR BODY month at the new you plan, and you can still join our February weight loss challenge and take control of your weight and form some healthy habits. There’s still time to drop a jean/dress/jacket size this month, so don’t put off starting anymore! Give yourself the best VALENTINE’S GIFT OF ALL – a slimmer healthier new you!
Start today, by stopping Judging yourself, and starting to talk to yourself in an empowering way that will help you to move closer to a healthy body. lifestyle and mindset.
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[button link=”http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/sign-up-love-your-body-february-jean-size-challenge/” size=”xl” color=”pink”]SIGN UP FOR LOVE YOUR BODY CHALLENGE[/button]