From Rock Bottom To Radiant: Lynda Lost 3st 9lbs

Lynda’s confidence was at an all-time low. Following hip replacement surgery, her weight increased further, she had no energy and she wasn’t sleeping well because of the pain. With her daughter’s wedding and her granddaughter’s first holiday approaching, Lynda was determined to do something about it. She had tried several diets in the past but nothing worked. Thankfully, she decided

Lucy Has Lost Over 6 Stone & Feels Happier & Healthier

Embarking on a weight loss journey is often a daunting prospect, especially when it feels like a familiar cycle of gaining and losing pounds. For Lucy, it wasn’t until the realisation dawned while chasing after her youngest child that she knew something had to change. Struggling with exhaustion and the restrictions her weight caused, she decided to take a leap

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