74 daily blog posts in a row
Im going to keep it short and sweet tonight. My 74th blog post in a row! I committed to writing a blog post every day in 2020 and started on 27th Dec 2019.

I had to get out of bed tonight to write this blog post.
I have done that a few times, went to bed and then realised that I haven’t written my blog post yet, so I have to get up and write it.
I don’t mind, I am always glad that I remembered on time. I want to do this, and I enjoy it.
The self discipline is good, the public accountability is good.
Being self disciplined with this is helping me to hold myself to a higher standard in other areas of my life too.
My self discipline is growing in all areas of my life and the more it grows the more my self esteem and self confidence grows. It is a good feeling. Im feeling healthier, stronger, happier and more in control in all areas of my life.
Self Discipline = Freedom!

When you keep your word to yourself, you feel good. Pick something, and do it everyday, and see how things change for you.
Julz xox
PS. If you want to get self disciplined and stick to plan then check out our special offers page and come and join me and 8000 others in our community, as we all strive to create our new you in 2020.x